
What are the consequences of college students' addiction to social networks

author:Bright Net

For college students, online social networking has become a central part of life. School notices, club activities, and daily communication all rely on social networks, and social networking applications are not required for learning, living, falling in love, and interacting. From the perspective of social development needs, college students who are still in the youth stage are still in a state of ignorance in their minds, thinking and cognitive ability to society, and are in a state of transition from unknown to known. College students crave recognition and connect with the world and others, and the emergence of social media matches their strong need for social interaction.

However, when false beautification, filters run rampant, "posting pictures" become retouching pictures, when sharing becomes a show off, communication becomes catharsis, the virtual "circle of friends" seems to be moving towards distortion, and college students who are addicted to the virtual "circle of friends" are more likely to lose themselves in the torrent of the Internet.

Moreover, online social networking belongs to "virtual social" in the final analysis, and although "virtual social" expands the social circle in form, it actually narrows the "effective communication circle" of college students. Because most of this "virtual social" is "like" or "broadcast" social networking, college students wandering in social networks may enjoy entertainment and hustle and bustle one moment, and put down their mobile phones the next moment but become more lonely and lonely. The design idea of social media makes it easy to "addictive" attributes, and compared to the middle school era, the learning and living environment of the university is relatively relaxed, if the college students themselves lack self-control, so that a variety of social media become a strong party, accelerate the invasion of their own learning life, there is nothing to do with the mobile phone to take out a variety of brushes, compulsive use of the phenomenon intensified, then he has been unconsciously kidnapped by social networks. Behind the addiction is not only the neglect of social skills learning, the estrangement of interpersonal communication in real life, but also interferes with the cognitive and emotional control of college students, resulting in a decrease in the level of social skills in real society, and even causing psychological problems such as depression.

What are the consequences of college students' addiction to social networks

Source: Guangming Daily

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