
Sichuan authentic husband and wife lung tablets practice, welcome to collect praise and attention

author:The sun is like fire 9T1A

Husband and wife lung slices are made of beef scalp, beef heart, beef tongue, tripe, beef tendon meat, there are large and thin slices, soft and sticky flavor, spicy and fragrant, delicate slag characteristics. There are three key points in the production of husband and wife lung slices, one is to boil brine, the second is the processing method of raw materials, and the third is to master the proportion of seasonings. Let's first share with you the brine recipe of the husband and wife lung slices: the production method of the couple lung slice brine (a pot of standard 12.5 kg of brine): 1. Put the chicken skeleton 3500 grams, the pig tube bone 1500 grams (broken) into the cold water pot, boil on high heat, skim off the blood foam, wash it with clean water, re-add 20 kg of water, put ginger (beat up) 500 grams, green onion (left root full length) 300 grams, boil and slowly boil over low heat to form a brine soup. 2. 250 grams of rock sugar is first processed into a fine powder; 100 grams of salad oil are put in the pot, and the rock sugar powder is fried to make sugar color. 3. Spices (100 grams of fragrant leaves, 80 grams of cinnamon, 60 grams of vanilla, orange peel, thyme, mountain parsley 30 grams each, star anise, cumin 20 grams each, cloves 10 grams, white cardamom, white root, grass fruit, cucumber, row grass, dried pepper 50 grams each, lemongrass 40 grams) beat or change the knife (do not make into a fine powder), wrap it in a spice bag, boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, fish out and put it into the brine soup, add 300 grams of Sichuan salt, 100 grams of cooking wine, boiled sugar, chicken essence and MSG 100 grams each, Cook over medium-low heat to create a brine. Raw material processing: 1. 5 large pieces of beef tendon meat washed with blood water, cut into 250 grams of large pieces, marinated with nitrate water (concentration 0.5%) 100 ml, salt 100 grams, pepper powder 50 grams, star anise 10 grams, cinnamon 15 grams into the taste. 2. Wash 2 beef tongues, boil in boiling water for a while and scrape off the outer coarse skin. 3. 1 calf scalp, add boiling water and blanch for 10 minutes, scoop up and scrape off the outer cuticle. 4. Rinse off the impurities with water, add lime water (250 grams of quicklime plus 500 ml of water to dissolve) and rub, soak for 20 minutes, blanch in boiling water and tear off the film. 5. Cut 1 cow heart with a knife and rinse with water to clean the blood. 6. Put all the raw materials into the brine of the husband and wife lung slices until they are cooked, take it out and let it cool, cut into thin slices. Make the sauce: 50 grams of red oil, 50 grams of oil pepper, 100 grams of brine for husband and wife lung slices, 20 grams of sesame oil and coriander minced vegetables, 2 grams of sugar, 5 grams of peppercorn powder, monosodium glutamate, cooked white sesame seeds, soy sauce, garlic paste, and green onion each 10 grams.

Sichuan authentic husband and wife lung tablets practice, welcome to collect praise and attention

Couple lung tablets

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