
Comedy master Stephen Chow why is so old dragon clock, decrypt Zhou Xingchi

author:Huai Yuejun

Comedy master Stephen Chow is a well-deserved idol in the hearts of many people.

Comedy master Stephen Chow why is so old dragon clock, decrypt Zhou Xingchi

His films have brought countless laughter and laughter to the post-8090s, however, his comedy is not only comedy, his films always bring joy to people, but also bring thinking about the meaning of life, with the passage of time, we have grown up after the 8090s.

However, Xingye gave people a sense of old age beyond age, and the undisguised gray hair withered and drooping skin, so fans began to speculate on why he was so young and full of white hair, one of the reasons was inherited.

Comedy master Stephen Chow why is so old dragon clock, decrypt Zhou Xingchi

Zhou Xingchi once revealed in an interview that he had white hair when he was a child, and he also specifically asked his family, the reason for the reply was genetic reasons, second, donating blood and donating bone marrow A well-known cannon mouth said that although people in the Hong Kong entertainment industry have excluded Zhou Xingchi, saying that he has a bad temper and is difficult to cooperate, but Zhou Xingchi's character is not something that ordinary people can surpass, she has donated bone marrow many times over the years, resulting in white hair, almost no media exposure.

Comedy master Stephen Chow why is so old dragon clock, decrypt Zhou Xingchi

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