
What love can't transcend — The Silence of the Sea book review

author:Speech sucking

The world often says, "Love can transcend age, borders, skin color, and faith, and be invincible!" "Yes, many literary works have given us such a belief through love stories that touch the world, and there is no shortage of powerful examples in reality, such as the love affair between French President Macron and Brigitte, the age gap has been comparable to mother and son; the love of Prince Maximia of Liechtenstein and Angela, a black girl 11 years older than him, not only transcends age, borders and skin color, while people of different faiths love and marry, and in real life, the love of Prince Maximiliana, who is 11 years older than him, not only transcends age, borders but also transcends skin color, and people of different faiths fall in love and marry, and in real life, they are everywhere. Does it seem that love is so powerful that it can be invincible in the world, is it really so?

In the poet Petofi's pen, "If it is for the sake of freedom, both can be thrown away!" We have seen the weakness of love in the face of "freedom."

In the pen of the French writer Virgo, love also failed.

What love can't transcend — The Silence of the Sea book review

The versian name Jean-Bülle, known as the "French war novelist", his life spanned two world wars, and he was a pacifist until 1938, but the war changed his worldview, he joined the Resistance and began publishing war novels.

What is the irresistible charm of the French novel? It is naturally deep and flexible. Vergo's work also has this fine quality of the French novel. He is good at cutting in from a small perspective and writing stories against the background of war, using a few characters to spread out the storyline that expresses the needs of the theme. His novel "The Silence of the Sea" takes the German invasion of France in World War II as the historical background, and through a period of stoic and restrained emotions, takes the surface of the wind and waves calm, while the undercurrents below the surging and whirlpool of the sea as a metaphor, expounds a theme: love cannot survive without the feelings of nationality, class consciousness and homeland.

This sounds cruel, indeed, compared to the battlefield full of gunfire, the seemingly silent but passionate love in the novel is more difficult to grasp, because war can be won by force, and love stems from the spirit that can attract each other, and it can nourish the resonance of the soul, which is not appearance, knowledge, experience, but the cognition, dignity and values related to the nation, class consciousness and homeland obtained from the environment in which people grew up.

Love cannot overcome the nation

In "The Silence of the Sea", the German officer Wiener von Ebolenak, who was the aggressor, lives in the house of a Frenchman and his niece, whose words and deeds appear to be very polite and cultivated, and the French niece attracts him and gives him a great shock, he "half opens his mouth ... A sparkling tooth is revealed. Therefore, they felt that their house had become more beautiful than a beautiful castle, but in fact, it was an ordinary, low old house, and it was love that filled his eyes with wonderful beauty.

His greetings to them were considerate and warm, but the Niece of the Frenchman was always cold and indifferent, for she could not forget his aggressor identity—the brutal occupation of France by the German nation, the "dignity" of the aggressor stopped at noble spiritual resistance, and she did not speak to him, not even a kind look to him. And the German officer who likes the French girl, the heart is also worried about the history of Germany's defeat, this war is more like to recover the debt of the "defeated battle", in the face of two opposing peoples, love is like a whirlpool at the bottom of the sea, appearing weak and fragile.

Love cannot overcome class consciousness

Initially, the atmosphere in which the French and his niece got along with Ebolnack was silent, and Ebolnack entered their lives as a future ruling class, and although the daily lives of the French were not restricted, any act that was detrimental to German rule was punishable. The stalemate between them was not a personal contest, especially the Niece of the French, who was silent with a rational, polite, and uncompromising insistence.

Ebolenak tried to impress her with the love of their father and son for France, believing that a cruel breakthrough could infuse German love for France into France, and that love carried the majesty of the savior, the inviolability of the conqueror, "You do not go to France unless you enter with full arms", his father once warned him, why does France belong to Germany in order to make this "love" blossom with light? Why did Germany use force to break through the gates of France, and was it afraid that its barbarism would be "swallowed up" by the elegant France?

Weiner von Ebolenak's love and yearning for this family, but also with the heart of the ruling class, he borrowed his father's words to express his feelings for France and his vision of the future: "France will be united with us, like a husband and wife", and France will be like a conformist who follows the wife to the German flag, he believes that one day "the sun will shine on Europe", but this sunshine comes from the German spirit, he points out the shortcomings of French society, so as to convince the French and his niece, Only by resolutely helping France to remove the cancer of capital control can Germany liberate France's beautiful and deep heritage to fully unfold, and thus occupy the greatest love for France.

In the face of Ebolenak pouring out, the Niece of the Frenchman is like a statue, her arrogance and silent self-preservation, greatly mocking the aggressor class represented by Wiener von Ebolenak, no matter how idealized he interprets the meaning of the German occupation of France, it is like a wishful confession, the silence of the French niece is a process of constantly asserting her position, but also a sonorous indictment of the bad deeds of German aggression, and beautiful love collapses in the face of war and aggression, Its destruction reflects the cruelty of war and the vileness of aggression.

The same theme is also shown in the novel "Forty-first" by Soviet writer Lavrenyov, the story takes place during the Soviet Civil War, the male protagonist is in the White Army and the Red Army camp, which is a hostile relationship, the male White Army as a prisoner is to be escorted by the female Red Army to the main camp of the Red Army, on the road the two people experienced a lot of storms, to an isolated island, support each other, and sparked love.

Yet when it comes to how love is brought to life, irreconcilable contradictions arise, and classes with their stubborn ideologies dominate their destiny. When the male white army saw the ship from its camp, it ran desperately, and the female Red Army painfully but firmly raised her gun to kill him. That island seems to be their love, when the class consciousness can not be touched temporarily, they can enjoy the sweetness of love, but when love wants to survive in reality, Dokdo can not give them a future, they want to survive to get out of the island, but once they want to go out, the first thing to break through is each other's class antagonism, the result is that both sides have not been able to escape from the class to which they belong.

What love can't transcend — The Silence of the Sea book review

Therefore, both kinds of love have lost their lives in front of class consciousness, love must exist only in the heart, there is no need to ask for the soil of reality, but to take root in reality, we must be like-minded, and does not this ambition and road include class consciousness? Isn't what our chinese people say about being right at home, and isn't it also based on the environment of growth, class identity, and home culture?

Love cannot transcend the feelings of home and country

What love can't transcend — The Silence of the Sea book review

Marx once said, "The conqueror is always conquered by the culture of the conquered." The silence of the Frenchman's niece in The Silence of the Sea deeply shook Weiner von Ebolenak, because she, he fell in love with their house, "Why do I love this house so much?" "It's not particularly pretty, and it doesn't hide rare treasures," but this room has a soul, and the whole house has a soul. ”

Isn't this soul the precious spirit of the French, especially her niece? She was enraged by the occupation of her homeland and the invasion of her homeland, stubbornly did not speak to him, and could not look him directly at her love for the German officer, and her deep grace and restraint concealed infinite tenderness, goodness and unyielding. Even if they had a shared love of music, it couldn't change her extraordinary silence, what was behind that silence? It is the feeling of home and country that love cannot surpass, the national spirit and dignity full of justice and independence, a noble struggle, and it shows the rudeness of Germany's invasion of France.

Ebolenak used the beauty and the beast in "Beauty and the Beast" to allude to his relationship with the Niece of the Frenchman, he needed her to feel his desire for goodness, to accept his longing for affection, so that the confrontation between them would become a happy union, which is also like the relationship between France and Germany, but he did not realize that he came here, not with love, but with guns, Germany's "love" for France is also bombing and armed, once occupied to rule for life, that "love" It can only be obtained from Germany after France accepts German rule.

In this way, one has to take a road that is incompatible with human beings, and the other has to take a road to freedom and independence. The two souls are so close, but when the soul of the motherland is about to be destroyed, love, although with a strong personal will, has not been able to transcend the home country on which the individual is backed, just like a sad and heavy undercurrent, which is pressed below the surface of the sea by stronger feelings.

Thinking about human beings, which one does not have its national, class consciousness and homeland feelings? This is the need for survival, but also the belief in life, human beings need this spiritual refuge and residence, personal will and love can only rely on these to survive, can only be in the secret of not being known, or do not touch the interests of the class family and the country freely displayed, so we see a lot of involuntary joys and sorrows in the world, are due to the inability of the individual to surpass, just like in "The Silence of the Sea", the seemingly calm sea, containing a lot of undercurrents, although often turbulent, even if it is set off a local wild wave, In the end, it can't shake its silent normality and demeanor.

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