
Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia

author:Cloud edge hometown

"When I was a child, nostalgia was a small stamp, I was here, where my mother was... And now, nostalgia is a shallow strait, I am here, the mainland is at that end. "The nostalgia in Yu Guangzhong's pen is a strong affection, gentle and euphemistic, catchy to read, and sincere.

When I was a child, I thought I would stay in my hometown forever, and when I was thirsty, I would go to the well to scoop a bucket of water to drink, and when I was hungry, I would go to the vegetable garden to pick a few tomatoes and let my grandmother make me scrambled eggs with tomatoes to eat. Oh, and the tile house, when it rains, the rainwater flows down the eaves, like a gauze of a rain curtain.

When the rain stopped, the sky showed a colorful arched rainbow bridge, and then ran to the mountains to find it, and moved it home to my grandparents to see. However, no matter how I ran and ran, I could not find the location of the rainbow bridge, so I walked back in frustration, met a water-soaked dragonfly, grabbed it, and put it on the surface of the water, wanting to see it perform the stunt of dragonflies. When I was tired of playing, I went home, and when I came back, my grandmother saw that my whole body was covered with mud, and always scolded me first, and then boiled water for me and bathed me.

By the time of summer, the longan and dates in front of the door are ripe, and it's the season when I'm hungry. I would often take out the long wooden ladder in my house and put it on a date tree, and before it was fully stable, I would eagerly climb up and pick the fruit. However, jujube trees are thorny, and whenever I climb up to pick a basket full of thorns, there are always dozens of thorns on my arm. After carefully descending the ladder, Grandma would help me pick out the jujube thorns one by one.

Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia

Jujube trees and dates from home

Half-cooked and half-raw dates can be used to dry and make tonics, summer is the hot summer period, often just picked dates, a few days of kung fu will be sunburned red. When it comes to the festive stewed pork rib soup, just put five or six sun-dried dates in it, and the whole pot of soup becomes rich and very appetizing.

In addition to the fact that dates are a must-taste fruit in summer, the longan tree has also become a place that I must visit every day, until I eat all the longan of a tree. At that time, I was very naughty, liked to climb trees, saw the lush tall longan tree with a rich longan, very hungry, regardless of whether there was danger, climbed up like a monkey. With his hands propped up and his feet hanging, the whole person's body was in the air, and as soon as his arm was forced, the soles of his feet hooked to the branches above him, and he climbed up. Eating sweet longan and lying on a tree to cool off is actually one of the ways to escape the summer heat. Sometimes it was so hot that I stayed on the longan tree all day, eating the longan and blowing the wind, and at the end of the day, the bottom of the tree was full of thrown away longan shells.

Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia

Longan tree on the eaves

Whenever the jujube and longan trees have knowledge and are singing, I will always run out, try my best to catch them, and then put them in a small iron cage and send them to grandma's room to sing to her grandparents. Grandpa thought it was too noisy, so I went to the road outside to pick a dogtail grass, remove the grass roots, leaving only its furry tail, used to tickle zhizhi, so that it could sing quietly. After a bout of tickling, I understood what I meant, and in the face of my tickling, I had to obediently obey and lower the volume.

At night, my grandparents moved their rocking chairs to the yard, holding a homemade fan in their hands to cool it down hard to remove the summer heat. Grandpa fan tired to change grandma, grandma is also tired, just my turn. I fanned the fan with both hands, trying to drive away the summer heat, but I was always unstable, and within a few minutes, I threw the fan on the ground and ran to the road to catch fireflies.

Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia

Another longan tree

Summer is so beautiful, the stars are shining, the stars are dotted, and there is not a single cloud in the deep night sky. The occasional flash of meteor showers caught people off guard with joy, and then they all made wishes and wanted to pray for a good wish.

On this quiet night, frogs chirp, in the fragrance of rice flowers to say good years, the fireflies in the sky flicker, emitting a faint fluorescent green. I went back to the house and took a bottle and ran around to catch fireflies, and then put all the fireflies I caught into the bottle and made a fluorescent lamp that could be illuminated. With my efforts, it didn't take long to catch all the fireflies that could be seen in the sky into the bottle. The bottle full of fireflies suddenly became unusually bright, and I was so happy that I showed it to my grandmother. Grandma said that if they were all caught, they would die easily, and they would always shine if they were put in the sky and let them fly. I didn't believe Grandma," I thought it would be better to put them in a bottle to make them glow, and to prevent them from escaping, I screwed the lid very tightly so they wouldn't run away. And the next day, sure enough, as Grandma had said, the fireflies were dead, and I was so sad and sad for a few days. Grandma comforted me and told me that everything needs to be free, and people are the same, and that people who are bound will never shine. I looked at my grandmother's kind face and nodded, raised a hand and said loudly, in the future I will fly freely like a firefly and emit my own light.

Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia


Time is like a babbling water, never to return. With the need for further education, I left my hometown to study in the county, and the opportunity to go home was much less, and I could only go back during the festival. In high school, busy preparing for the exam, coupled with the closed management of the school, the opportunity to go home is even rarer. The beauty of once young may only remain in the memory forever, and as I grow older, it is erased by the years little by little, and eventually becomes a bubble.

Until now I went to college, left my hometown where I had lived for 14 years, and came to the far north. There is often a kind of thought, which has been circling and lingering in the mind.

Where should I go in the future? I don't know. The geese can't take away every lovesickness here, but they bring every wanderer's eyes and sorrows, and it is the time when the wanderer is homesick in the late autumn. In autumn, I like to look at the bright moon in the sky, because the moon in my hometown is also the same month, and the bright moon emits an icy glow, and the comfort in my heart is a little more.

Memories: The beautiful summer days of childhood were a kind of nostalgia

Geese fly south

Ancients Yun: "People say that the sunset is the end of the world, and the end of the world will not see home." "It should be the nostalgia of the wanderer in a foreign land, which is true of the ancients and will be the same of today's people."

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