
"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

Attention groups! Attention groups! From now on! You're fighting your own battles! Shoot a shot for a place! fire! fire! fire!

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

This familiar line, from 1965's Tunnel Warfare, is a childhood memory of many people.

"Tunnel Warfare" and "Mine Warfare" and "Raid Warfare" are known as the trilogy of military teaching films, of which "Tunnel Warfare" has the greatest influence, and many people have seen it several times or even more than a dozen times.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

According to statistics, over the past few decades, the number of moviegoers of "Tunnel War" has reached 3 billion times (as of 2012), which is the record for the number of moviegoers in the history of world cinema, and the number of moviegoers of "Wolf Warrior 2" is only 160 million.

01, historical archetypal figures

Many people on the Internet sprayed that "Tunnel Warfare" is an anti-Japanese drama and a science fiction film, picking out various faults, not in line with logic, and spitting out the uselessness of the film.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Personally, I can only say that hehe, the older generation of film creators will never make a car behind closed doors, most of them have experienced that era, interviewed archetypal characters, even if some exaggerated treatment, it is also a film technique.

Moreover, before the start of filming, the old artists will go to the countryside to experience life, eat and live with the villagers and work;

During the day, they help the villagers do farm work, and at night, they will interview the militia heroes of the year, in order to get themselves into the role;

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

There are two actors with exceptions, Namely Wang Xiaozhong, who plays Captain Yamada, and Liu Jiang, who plays Tang Binghui, the commander of the traitorous puppet army, who are villains and live in the home of the original old landlord.

After more than 3 months of in-depth experience of life, the actors have found the ideal state and jointly created this classic work.

In contrast, the plot of the grenade that is now full of screen tearing up the crotch of the devil's pants, the actors dressed in bright and oily faces, the awkward acting skills, and the scenes with exquisite but distorted pictures, "Tunnel War" does not know how advanced.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

In 1963, the leaders asked bayi factory to shoot the teaching film "Tunnel Warfare", with the purpose of allowing ordinary people to learn some basic military knowledge.

Although it is a military teaching film, it is easier to make a feature film, so it is easier to attract people, so the burden falls on director Ren Xudong, who is good at making feature films.

The most important thing in the script was that the crew spent several months looking for materials in more than 20 villages in different cities, and finally determined Gaoping Village, the "anti-Japanese pioneer village" in Zhengding County, Hebei Province.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Gaoping Village is the prototype village in the movie, but because the tunnel of Gaoping Village was damaged by floods, there was no suitable shooting scene, and finally the director chose to combine the well-preserved Ranzhuang, Tangzhuang and Lizhuang into one and became the film location shooting site.

Lao Zhong, who died by ringing the bell to the villagers and Gao Chuanbao, who was brave and resourceful, the prototype of the two of them was Liu Fool of Gaoping Village, who was once rated as a special combat hero.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

As the captain, Liu Fool led more than 200 households in the village, fought with the enemy more than 50 times, suffered more than 120 casualties from the enemy, and defeated the enemy's brilliant record of attacking hundreds to thousands of people.

Regrettably, in history, Liu Fool died in 1945, and the director named the male protagonist Gao Chuanbao, hoping that the revolutionary tradition could be passed down from generation to generation like a baby.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

02. How to shoot the intricate tunnels?

The wisdom of the people is infinite, at first the tunnel was only a hiding place, after several battles, the entrance and exit of the tunnel became more and more secret, such as the donkey slot, the pot stove mouth, etc.;

There are also more and more functions, which can be waterproof and anti-poison, and at the same time, they can rely on their advantages to destroy the enemy's living forces and turn defense into attack.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

So how does the authentic scale and battle scenes in the film unfold on the big screen?

At first, director Ren Xudong wanted to dig a tunnel section in a vacant lot, but finally gave up because the cost was too high and the time consuming was too long.

After consultation, the director and the crew's art and set up department decided to shoot at the Bayi Film Studio.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

The film's crisscrossing authentic scenes are made in collaboration with the director and other departments, cleverly using camera footage and varied editing, to show a magnificent battle net in front of everyone.

In that era when there were no special effects, film creators put a lot of effort into the set, editing and filming, and created immortal classics with their hearts.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

"You go into the village quietly, don't shoot the gun"; "High, really high"; "Shoot a shot, change a place, don't let the gun empty"; "Water is precious... Smoke is poisonous..."; these lines in the movie, which were the most popular words of the year, are still impressive today.

In addition to the lines, the theme song of the same name in the movie, "Tunnel War", is also engraved in the mind, and now I think I will hum two sentences: "Tunnel War Hey Tunnel War, Bury Millions of Divine Soldiers".

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

At the end of the film, accompanied by a passionate melody, countless people, flipping the baffle from the vegetable field, appeared in front of the enemy, feeling shocked when they were young, and they could not forget it for a long time.

03, the current situation of the actor

Gao Chuanbao played by Zhu Longguang, who is 82 years old this year, was favored by the director because of his "handsome, mighty, and good play", because of the popularity of "Tunnel War", walking on the street, people call him old high, old high, he can only explain to people, his name is Zhu Longguang.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Later, he was selected by the "Journey to the West" crew, playing the role of The Buddha, with both form and god, and he has always been the image of the Buddha in the minds of the people, and like Zuo Dayue's Guanyin and Zheng Rong's old master Taishang Laojun, they are irreplaceable.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Many years later, he appeared in the crew of "Wulin Waichuan", playing Tong Xiangyu's father, who was full of laughter as soon as he appeared, and was completely unthinkable with Rulai Buddha and Gao Chuanbao, which is a good actor.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Longguang's wife Wu Huifang also starred in "Tunnel Warfare" as a female militiaman, and the two have been in love with each other since they got married in the late 60s, and have been working together for more than 50 years.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Daniel Zhang hand, who played Zhao Pingyuan, was already a star at the time, and geng Hao, who had portrayed "Hero Tiger Guts", Fang Yong in "Surprise Attack", and Shao Jianbo in "Lin Hai Xueyuan".

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

After "Tunnel Warfare", he starred in "Southern Expedition and Northern War", "Ah! Films such as "Cradle" and "Born in the Sky", superb and simple acting skills are commendable.

At the same time, as a director, he has also directed films such as "Echoes of Qilian Mountain" and "Silent Iceberg", and the old man is 87 years old this year and wishes good health.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

"High, really high", Liu Jiang's classic lines are too many, such as "I Hu Hansan is back!" in "Shining Red Star"! ”

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

After the 1980s, he also participated in films such as "Tan Si Tong", "Kyoto Ball Man", "Filial Piety And Grandson Waiting", which is both good and evil, and each role can penetrate the hearts of the people.

The most enjoyable is also a role, that is, the King of Yama in "Journey to the West", but unfortunately in 2020, the old man left us forever at the age of 95.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Another big villain, Yamada's actor Wang Xiaozhong, is also gone, and he has been stereotyped by the villain since the first movie "Growing up in battle";

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

For example, Nakamura in "The Eternal Airwave", Bai Shouren in "Huimin Detachment", "Battle shanghai", "Surprise Attack", "Breakthrough in Wujiang", "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City", etc., all of them are villains.

Villain roles are sometimes more difficult than decent, Wang Xiaozhong often thinks hard and strives to create a different villain role, but unfortunately such a good actor died in 2016 at the age of 88.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

In addition, There is Lin Xia's actor Liu Xiujie, who died in 2020 at the age of 87;

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Cui Lianchang played by Zhu Qi, who died in 2007;

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Sun Jincai, played by Xie Wanhe, died in 1986 at the age of 58;

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

Lao Zhongshu played by Wang Bingyu died in 1982 at the age of 47.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

The actors of "Tunnel Warfare", except for a few of them from bayi Factory, are basically actors of the drama team of the Engineering Corps Cultural and Labor Troupe, such as Gao Xuezhi, a puppet soldier traitor, a Japanese Hyoda Haiquan who eats chicken, Han Dong, played by Dakang, Hu Zihe, played by Niuwa, and Yuan Gendi, played by Mao Ni.

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

56 years later, look at the black and white film "Tunnel War", its shooting methods, soundtrack, and actors' performances are also worth studying, and in comparison, it is much better than the so-called blockbusters now.

There is a color version of "Tunnel Warfare" repaired by AI on the Internet, but I personally prefer the black and white version because it is a good childhood memory exclusive to us. (Author: 11)

"Tunnel War" 56 years: The male protagonist has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", and the female protagonist has died

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