
Confidence, Ambition, Determination: A Note on the Closing of the 11th Party Congress in Anhui Province

author:Zhongan Online

  Jianghuai dadi unfolded its grand plan and took advantage of the momentum to open a new situation.

  On the afternoon of October 31, the sky was clear and the autumn sun was just right. More than 700 provincial party representatives, their faces full of joy, their eyes revealed firmness, and they walked into the Anhui Grand Theater with sonorous steps.

  At 2:30 p.m., the closing session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress officially began.

  A new provincial party committee and a provincial discipline inspection commission were elected, and the report of the tenth provincial party committee and the work report of the provincial discipline inspection commission were adopted... At about 5:45 p.m., the conference successfully completed its agenda and closed triumphantly in the exciting and majestic "Internationale".

  The conference has always been filled with an atmosphere of unity and progress, embodies the spirit of pragmatism and innovation, and is full of confidence in the victory of the cause.

  Over the past few days, party deputies from all parts of the province and on all fronts have, with full political enthusiasm and a highly responsible attitude, conscientiously performed their duties, correctly exercised their democratic rights, deliberated reports, spoken freely, pooled their wisdom, and gathered consensus. The deputies said that the congress has boosted confidence in continuing to forge ahead, stimulated the ambition to constantly strive to be stronger, and strengthened the determination to serve as officers, and will certainly greatly encourage the vast number of cadres and masses in the province to ride on the momentum, advance with victory, ride the wind and waves, and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui.

  Spring and autumn, bucket turn stars shift. The change of energy level is unprecedented, the change of position is unprecedented, the change of innovation is unprecedented, the change of ethos is unprecedented, and the 4 "unprecedented" have calibrated the new historical orientation of Anhui today. Today's image of Anhui is more glorious, and today's Anhui people are more confident. "From the total economic volume to the well-being of the people, from industrial development to ecological protection, today's extraordinary achievements in Anhui are reflected in all aspects." Wang Shaoqin, a party representative from Chizhou, told reporters that this meeting made everyone more confident in the future and had a stronger motivation to move forward.

  If you move the mountain, the mountain will move, and the ambition of reclamation will be peaceful. To accelerate the construction of an economically strong and innovative Anhui, a new pattern of common progress in Anhui, a beautiful Anhui with a good environment, a vibrant and open Anhui, and a happy Anhui with rich people, the provincial party congress has established the goal of struggle for the next five years and depicted a grand blueprint for the future development of Anhui. "Constantly striving for the leading position and creating a new development situation requires us to dare to compete with the advanced and dare to live with ourselves." Yang Kunshan, a party representative from Fuyang, said that by maintaining the pursuit of a career of striving to be the first, more unprecedented achievements can be achieved.

  Struggle to create history, hard work to achieve the future. Walking out of the venue, the party deputies said one after another that they should take the lead in responding to the call of the provincial party committee, taking the lead in implementing the deployment of the provincial party committee, and promoting the spirit of the congress to take root and blossom.

  Anhui "started" by reform, "big package of dry", rural tax and fee reform pilot, Xin'an River Basin ecological compensation mechanism pilot, forest chief system, river and lake chief system, field chief system... A series of reform initiatives have demonstrated the reform spirit of Anhui daring to break through and dare to do. "Only by continuously deepening reform can we activate the source of development power and build a modern and beautiful Anhui, and we must continue to make good use of the 'key move' of reform and opening up." Deputy Bu Xianyong from Xiaogang Village, the birthplace of China's rural reform, said that it is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation and dare to be the first, reorganize and start again, and contribute to building a new highland of reform and opening up with important influence.

  Unswervingly implementing major national strategies, deeply integrating into the Yangtze River Delta, and achieving higher quality integration are opportunities for Anhui and more importantly, Anhui's responsibility. "The conference proposed to promote the breakthrough results in the construction of new functional zones in interprovincial adjacent areas, which is the task we must implement next." Deputy Yang Wenping from Chuzhou said that one point of deployment, nine points of implementation. It is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the conference, based on the advantages of location, take the initiative to lean on and actively integrate into it, and fully implement the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta.

  "Back to work, I will study and implement the spirit of the conference in a timely and accurate manner, perform my duties, and serve the people." Zhang Xuemei, a representative from Lu'an, is a procurator, and she said that she will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thinking, conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial party congress, perform the duties of party representatives and procurators, treat every case seriously, and make unremitting efforts to build a higher level of rule of law in Anhui and safe Anhui.

  To strike iron, we must harden ourselves, and the key to handling Anhui's affairs well lies in the party. "We must bear in mind the identity of the party representative, always practice the mass line, bring convenience to the masses, and keep the trouble to ourselves." Deputy Chen Guoyan from Huainan, a community worker, told reporters that when returning to her post, we must actively give play to the exemplary role of party members as vanguards, do a good job in handling key and small things that the people feel every day, and extensively gather strength for building a modern and beautiful Anhui.

  The road is obstructed and long, and the line is coming. The future can be expected. Party deputies said one after another that they should not forget their original intentions, keep their mission firmly in mind, be loyal and conscientious in their duties, strive to be the first, do everything exquisitely and to the extreme, make every work brilliant, and strive to create brand-new achievements worthy of the times, the people, and history in their respective posts. (Anhui Daily reporter Fan Xiaodong, Zhu Shengli, Li Hao)

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