
The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

author:Elegant wind chime SR
The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

Hello, hello dear ones, I am my own editor to make food, and love to go to the kitchen, love to make food after the 50s old lady, wind and rain rainbow. Cornmeal is not liked by many people, especially young people and children nowadays. Cornmeal is indeed rough in taste, but cornmeal is still of great help to the human body. Cornmeal can make a lot of food, although it is a coarse grain, but it can be coarse grain fine, because when making cornmeal, you can add some white noodles or put some vegetables to make buns, and the vegetable dumplings are more delicious. The corn flour I made today is very delicious, although the corn flour is a coarse grain, we can finely process and add some accessories, so that the rough taste of cornmeal is gone. I will make a cornmeal noodle cake today, without a drop of water, without a drop of oil, add some milk, sugar and eggs, and add a part of white noodles, so that today's cornmeal noodle cake, light milk flavor, egg flavor, sweet. It is not rough at all, and it is particularly delicious, so I will introduce my ingredients and preparation methods below.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

Production materials:

150 g cornmeal, 250 g regular flour, 4 g yeast, 1 egg, 15 g sugar, 200 ml milk.


1, first of all, let's prepare a large bowl, put in 150 grams of cornmeal, boil part of the milk, blanch the cornmeal, so that the cornmeal taste is more delicate. Beat 1 egg again, stir well with chopsticks, the egg just took out of the refrigerator is relatively cool, cornmeal is hot, beat an egg just at the right temperature, and then add yeast, stir the yeast until melted.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

2, finally add 250 grams of ordinary flour, the ratio of cornmeal and white noodles, you can according to your own taste to admire. Like to eat more coarse grains, put a little less white noodles, like to eat a little more delicate white noodles. With a part of warm milk and noodles, we make noodle cakes today without a drop of water, only milk and noodles, so that the noodle cakes taste a faint milk aroma. When adding milk, stir with milk and stir into a large flocculent. Then knead into a slightly softer, smoother dough. Cover the lid or plastic wrap and spread to twice as large, about an hour or so. The honeycomb tissue of the noodles is particularly rich, and it does not rebound when pressed by hand.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

3: Then place the noodles on the panel and sprinkle dry flour on the panel. Knead the dough to drain the air, knead it for a while, and drain the air clean. The dough cake is baked without bubbles, then kneaded into long strips, cut into equal pieces, and then kneaded into rounds.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

4, do not use the rolling pin to roll, use your hands directly to flatten, press about 3 cm thin and thick round cake. Press the round cake and cover it with plastic wrap for a second time, so that the raw blank becomes fluffy and twice as large. It takes about 20 minutes to make a very soft and fluffy dough cake. The secondary dough becomes very fluffy and looks very fluffy. You can cook the flaky cakes.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

5, the pot is hot, the baking bread should be slowly burned on a low heat and can not be urgent. Add the cake blank, cover the pot and simmer for two minutes, so that the raw blank is slowly heated.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

6: Burn one side until it is slightly yellowish, turn the noodles once, then cover the pot and continue simmering for 2 minutes. Generally, the noodle cakes are relatively thick, and it is necessary to turn the noodles several times and turn the noodles frequently. Both sides are burned to a golden brown, and the cake is all bulging, which means that the inside has been evenly cooked.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

7, you can put the plate out of the pot, today's corn flour noodle cake is ready. Very soft and soft, eat a bite without the rough feeling of cornmeal, sweet and fragrant. There is also a faint smell of milk and egg. It's even better than the noodle cake made with pure white noodles, and I like my method, so I can try to make it according to my method.

The creamy tortilla is simple, sweet and soft, and it's delicious to take a bite

Cornmeal Bread Tips:

1, cornmeal is best to blanch, so that the taste is more delicate after cooking.

2, the good raw blank must be fed twice, in order to bake a more delicate and soft hair cake.

Today's food practice is here, thank you for reading, like to make food pro, welcome to pay attention to the wind and rain rainbow home cooking, a daily home-cooked food for your reference. At the same time, I also hope that all of you will put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions, and we will study and produce together and make progress together. In addition, the original is not easy, the old lady I am 69 this year, learning to do self-media is really not easy, shooting, editing what is in the learning and groping stage, I hope that relatives more support, a little attention to it, thank you.

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