
In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

author:Shukuri Musume

Hello everyone, I am a show kitchen lady, a girl who likes to stay in the kitchen to study food, every day to share with you a nutritious and delicious home cooking method, if you also like to make food, welcome to pay attention, we can share with each other in the experience of making food, learn from each other, for family and friends to make more nutritious and healthy food!

Introduction: In summer, eat less pork and eat more of it, the nutrition is extremely high, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious!

As the saying goes, "One into three volts is as deep as the sea". Three volt days can be regarded as the hottest period of the year. The hot and humid weather makes the consumption of the human body increase and the physique deteriorate. Therefore, in the daily diet, in addition to drinking more water and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, we should also pay attention to protein supplementation.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

However, the hot weather has caused many people to have a great loss of appetite, and they are too lazy to move chopsticks when they see big fish and big meat. So, is there an ingredient that can supplement protein without being too greasy? The answer is yes, the chef's recommendation to everyone is: "Squid".

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Squid is a seafood product we often eat, and although it is called "fish", it is not a fish, but a mollusk. Squid has a high nutritional value and is rich in protein, vitamin B, amino acids, taurine, fatty acids, omega-3, polypeptides, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, iodine and other trace elements. Eating squid regularly can not only supplement protein and prevent anemia, but also relieve fatigue, restore vision, inhibit cholesterol, improve liver function, and promote bone development.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

The market encountered it, I was allowed to buy a few pounds, low fat and high protein, add garlic sauce to fry, appetizing and unsatisfied! At the same time, squid has a much lower fat content than other meat foods. For people who are afraid of fat and middle-aged and elderly people, it is a very healthy food. Eating more squid in summer not only does not have to worry about long meat, but also has therapeutic effects such as replenishing deficiency and nourishing qi, nourishing yin and nourishing the face, regulating blood pressure, delaying aging, and preventing Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, in coastal cities, the price of squid is also very cheap, generally as long as 10 yuan 1 catty, which is much more cost-effective than eating pork and beef and mutton!

【Sauce fried squid】

Ingredients: squid, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cumin powder, cumin grains, cooking wine, sugar, cooking oil, white sesame seeds.

Here's how:

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Step 1: After the squid is cleaned, cut into long strips, put into a basin, add the right amount of salt and water, soak for 10 minutes, scrub clean, drain, plate and set aside.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Step 2: Take a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of minced garlic sauce, add a spoonful of soy sauce, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, add a spoonful of cumin powder, add a spoonful of cumin grains, add the right amount of cooking wine, add the right amount of sugar to freshen, stir well, and mix into a sauce for later.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Step 3: Add more oil to the hot pot, after the oil is hot, put in the squid strips, stir-fry, the squid strips will come out of the water after the pot, we have to keep stir-frying, the water is all fried dry.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Step 4: After the water is fried dry, put in the prepared sauce, stir-fry evenly, sprinkle in the right amount of cumin grains, stir-fry the aroma, sprinkle with the right amount of white sesame seeds, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

In summer, don't miss when you encounter squid, it is extremely nutritious, stronger than eating beef and mutton, and the sauce is really delicious

Do you like to eat squid? What's your favorite? If you have other delicious recipes for squid! Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share! Share it here today, happy to share to make our lives colorful. If you like the sharing of the kitchen lady, just forward + favorite + like to support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitchen lady to continue to work hard, thanks for the support, grateful for the company!

This article was originally created by Xiu Kitchen Lady, and plagiarism must be investigated! Welcome to follow and take you along with long knowledge!

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