
Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

author:Ning Wenshan
Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

In 1996, the world's first cloned sheep "Dolly" appeared and caused a sensation in the world. This cloned sheep is the world's first mammal to develop from adult cells.

As early as forty years ago, a scientist in China had already cloned the world's first cloned fish with somatic cells. This scientist is the protagonist of the article , Tong Di Zhou. He is also known as the "Father of Chinese Cloning".

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > a family motto: "Water drops and stones wear" throughout life</h1>

Tong Di Zhou was born in a poor rural family in the last century, his father died very early, leaving seven children who are not yet underage, Tong Di Zhou's father did not leave too many memories for Tong Di Zhou, but his father's sentence "water drops and stones wear" ran through his entire school career.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

At a very young age, he is a very curious child, often asking questions about natural phenomena that ordinary people are accustomed to.

Once, Tong Di Zhou found that there were rows of small holes in the bluestone slab in front of his home, and he was very puzzled, why is there so many small holes in such a hard bluestone slab?

So he pulled his father to ask, and after his father saw it, he smiled and replied that it was made of rain falling down the eaves. And teach the young child the first week, as long as everything insists on perseverance and perseverance, nothing cannot be done, even weak water droplets have the power to penetrate hard rocks.

At this time, the ignorant Tong Di Zhou silently wrote down the four words "water drops and stone wear", and saw the power of persistence for the first time.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

After the death of his father, Tong's family became more and more impoverished, and it was difficult to guarantee even the basic chai rice oil and salt, let alone go to school. Tong, who had reached the age of study, did not have the opportunity to attend school until 1918 for primary education.

Tong's first week was studied in the third grade of the school as a transfer student, and at this time, Tong's first week did not have any cultural foundation, and his entrance result was the first in the class.

However, Tong Di Zhou did not give up on himself, but rose to the challenge, holding up the strange book, he firmly believed in the power of water drops and stones. Even if his foundation is as weak as a drop of water, he believes that he has the power to break through the hard stone.

He firmly believes in the power of knowledge to change fate, so he is not willing to give up this hard-won opportunity to study for me, even if the family is poor and the foundation is weak, he believes that his efforts can definitely change the status quo, and even change the fate of him and his family.

Realizing the reality, the child began to strive for strength in the first week. Even when the students fell asleep peacefully, Tong Di Zhou held the book, ran to the street lamp outside, and read and studied tirelessly through the faint light.

Tong Di Zhou relied on his unremitting efforts, his academic performance caught up little by little, and finally he was even called one of the top two students in the class, and he was admitted to Fudan University.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

In 1980, the 28-year-old Tong Di Zhou was given the opportunity to study in Belgium with his excellent results.

Later, when Tong Di Zhou recalled this experience in high school, he sighed:

The two "firsts" at that time had a great impact on my life. After that incident, I realized that I was no dumber than others. If others can do it, I will be able to do it.

There is no doubt that Tong Di Zhou has a fairly strong learning ability, and under the premise of a weak foundation, he has worked hard step by step with his own efforts and talents.

Tong's high school experience is undoubtedly a true portrayal of "genius is composed of one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat".

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > a fate-changing overseas study experience</h1>

After Tong Di Zhou went to Belgium to study as he wished, he encountered new difficulties.

At this time, China's national strength was weakening, the domestic situation was turbulent, and its international status was also falling again and again. Students who study abroad from China are often looked down upon by foreigners.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

Tong Di Zhou also had to bear financial pressure under the strange eyes of his classmates around him. At this time, Tong Di Zhou's tuition fees were all funded by the state, and as a foreign academic elite of the country, his economic level was not much better than when he was young.

Usually, tong's first week only relies on boiled water and bread to fill his hunger, and he is discriminated against by his classmates who are well-off around him.

However, it was in this environment that Tong Di Zhou, who was silent and taciturn, swallowed all the bitterness silently into his stomach, and he was determined to fight for China in doing academic work.

Opportunities always exist for those who are prepared. Tong Di devoted himself to scientific research day after day on Sunday, carefully studied every experiment, and practiced a pair of skillful hands.

At this time, Tong's first weekly supervisor: Professor Duck encountered a thorny problem, because of the need for scientific research, he needed to peel off a thin film on the outside of the frog egg, and he and his assistants tried many times and failed.

At this time, the silent Tong Di Zhou spoke, and he said that maybe he could try it.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

At that time, Tong Dizhou's classmates around him, even his mentor, were not optimistic about him, so he let Tong Dizhou try it with the mentality of a dead horse as a live horse doctor.

So Tong Di Zhou walked up to the experimental table, skillfully operated the microscope, stabbed the frog egg with a needle, and soon stripped the film on the frog egg.

Tong Di Zhou's operation was smooth and accurate, and it surprised the foreign scholars who had planned to watch the play.

After Tong Di Zhou's supervisor discovered his skillful hands, he recommended him to go to the famous scientific research center, the French Seaside Laboratory.

In this laboratory work, Tong Di Zhou also lived up to expectations to solve the problem that had plagued the researchers who had been working in the laboratory for a long time, that is, to peel off the sea squirt eggs with a diameter of less than one-tenth of a millimeter.

This once again made Tong Di Zhou famous, and after becoming famous, Tong Di Zhou did not take these floating names seriously, but devoted himself to scientific research work in the same state of concentration as usual.

He knew that although these two experiments had made him angry, he still had a long way to go to fight for the country. In 1934, Tong Di Zhou successfully obtained a doctorate in Brussels.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > porridge cold water cold, not changed to the national spirit</h1>

When Tong completed his overseas study abroad mission in the first week, his name was already very loud at home and abroad.

At this time, many foreign scientific research institutions targeted Tong Di Zhou and threw an olive branch to him. And Tong Di Zhou did not accept it, no matter how generous the treatment of these scientific research institutions was, after all, it was not his own motherland!

Tong Di Zhou's ambition to fight for the country has never been diluted by these money and fame, he believes that he has learned something and should return to China to repay the motherland's nurturing grace, he wants to make some achievements in China's scientific research and education, not only to fight for the country, but also to let China's thousands of students who yearn for scientific research fight for the country!

After returning to China, Tong Di Zhou's life once again returned to a state of poverty, at this time the situation was not yet stable, Tong Di Zhou's teaching in China also had to drift around with the school, and even the teaching conditions were very simple.

As a biologist, Tong didn't even have a decent microscope.

Finally, Tong Di Zhou saw a German-made microscope in a thrift store, and he was overjoyed, but at this time, Tong Di Zhou could not afford this microscope with a meager salary, and the price was too expensive, at that time it cost sixty-five thousand yuan.

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

However, Tong Dizhou, with the support of relatives and friends, borrowed money to buy the microscope.

It was in this difficult environment that Tong Di Zhou still made gratifying achievements in scientific research, and when the famous British scholar Needham came to visit Tong Di Zhou, he could not help but be surprised when he found that his laboratory was a ruined temple, and his entire belongings were just a few benches and a microscope bought with borrowed money.

In his later years, tong's first week is most concerned with the relationship between cytoplasm and nucleus in development, which is a mysterious key to opening the cloning.

In 1963, with the unremitting efforts of Tong Di Zhou, China completed the first nuclear transplantation study, and ten percent of the eggs that underwent nuclear transplantation hatched into small fish, and China's cloned fish was officially born.

However, due to the bad environment in China at that time, China's voice in the international scientific research community was very weak, and this experimental result was not valued by many scholars at that time.

It was not until 1972, when Nixon visited China, that the door to Sino-US exchanges was opened. This scientific research achievement, which should have been valued, is known and has been called "a trump card played by China to promote Sino-US academic exchanges after ping-pong diplomacy."

Tong Di Zhou: The penultimate but on Fudan, determined to fight for the country, and finally became the "father of Chinese cloning" a family motto: "water drops and stones wear" throughout a lifetime to change the fate of overseas study experience porridge cold cold, not to change the ambition of the country to compete for qi

Tong Did not recognize his fate in his first life, determined to fight for himself, and when he grew up, he was determined to fight for the country. After achieving certain achievements, it is even more necessary not to change his mind.

From "what others can do, I will certainly be able to do" to "foreign scholars can do, China can also do", among which the perseverance of "water drops and stones to wear" and "sit on the cold bench for ten years" supports Tong Dizhou to be undaunted by environmental hardships, not moved by fame and fortune, and devote his life's efforts to scientific research.

Not only did he fight for Chinese, but his scientific research achievements were a pearl on the peak of human scientific research.

To achieve the pinnacle of one's career, of course, this requires a certain talent and the favor of the goddess of luck.

However, what is more needed is this kind of decades of daily practice and swing as a accumulation, which is enough to make these talents and luck shine. In this impetuous era, all information is at hand, and the material conditions are even more drastically different than in the days when Tong Washu was in.

It is precisely because of these external rich conditions that the flowers are becoming more attractive, and the entertainment and enjoyment are more noticeable than the concentration worn by the water drop stone. People are more willing to believe in the myth of those who have superior intelligence and achieve fame without any effort, but they do not know that behind these fame and fortune is a silent water drop stone wear or a shocking conspiracy.

Myths are myths after all, and predecessors like Tong Di Zhou were not only models of the times at that time, but also put into today's prosperous world, and the sweat behind his fame and fortune should still be the faith of contemporary citizens.

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