
Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

author:Sima Nan

On the morning of October 28, CNN broadcast an exclusive interview with Tsai Ing-wen, the head of Taiwan's current armed separatist regime. What does this reveal? The biggest focus of Tsai Ing-wen's interview is to emphasize that if the mainland moves against Taiwan, the United States and the international community will help Taiwan.

Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

What has been highlighted by the mainland media is that Tsai Ing-wen recognizes the presence of the US military in Taiwan. Note that the presence of the US military in Taiwan, the presence of the US Puppy Unit in Taiwan, and the training of the Taiwanese Army by the US Puppy Unit in Taiwan have been discussed a lot.

In the past, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense was ashamed to admit it, but now Taiwan's female leader, Tsai Ing-wen, actually admitted to the international media and CNN that the US military does exist in her capacity as the leader of the Taiwan region. This time public opinion fried the pot.

CNN's original article did not go into detail on what Tsai Ing-wen said, nor did it specifically report how Tsai Ing-wen acknowledged it. It is only stated that Tsai Ing-wen is the first Taiwan leader in Taiwan to recognize the existence of U.S. troops in Taiwan.

Did Tsai Ing-wen specifically say how many U.S. troops there were? No. What kind of state does the U.S. military exist? Didn't say. But it gives the impression that Tsai Ing-wen used her mouth to repeat the rumors reported some time ago. Although it was confirmed that the US military did exist in Taiwan, it assisted Taiwan in training strawberry soldiers.

The existence of U.S. troops in Taiwan has been ambiguous in the past. The two sides of the strait are special, and the US military helps Taiwan to train, because the US military sells its weapons and then teaches you how to use the weapons. It sounds like it can be understood that way. But the problem is that Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense has never responded positively.

Taiwan itself is still good to call that Ministry of National Defense, the pseudo-Ministry of Defense. It is even more rare for Taiwanese executives to admit this kind of thing, so this time Tsai Ing-wen can be called "breaking the window paper." That would be good if it was broken. Isn't it a boil? One knife down should bleed pus out.

So now there is a statement that I strongly agree with: The Washington authorities are forcing the Chinese government to choose a situation that Washington does not want to see, and you are forcing the mainland to use force. When to use force, not to move, how to move? Now that the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, I have the initiative, but it depends on your performance.

Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

At that time, Ma Ying-jeou was less likely to use force. Tsai Ing-wen is now acting perversely, the United States is perverse, Blinken is talking nonsense, and even US President Joe Biden has been questioned by reporters twice in the past two days, and he is saying that he is defending Taiwan. With both hands, the old man defended Taiwan.

When Chen Shui-bian was in that year, the DPP vigorously clamored for and pushed for Taiwan's accession to the United Nations referendum. At that time, the relevant departments in the United States did not support it. A very important reason for Chen Shui-bian's subsequent downfall was to say that he was a troublemaker. At that time, they didn't want to see such a thing happen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so the Americans gave him down, not only did they put him down, but the people in Taiwan couldn't figure out why Ah Bian's deposit in a Swiss bank suddenly broke out.

Who is the person who broke out? Then we later we learned it was the CIA. The US CIA firmly defended US interests, and at that time Chen Shui-bian pushed for a cross-strait referendum, and the Americans hoped to maintain the status quo. Because the Taiwan referendum will lead to a sharp change in the cross-strait situation, only taiwan is the most useful place for the Americans not to be independent or reunified.

Therefore, when Ah Bian did this thing and pushed for a referendum to join the United Nations, it was the US White House that directly stated: Taiwan or the Republic of China, you are not a country in the international community. At that time, the US statement made Chen Shui-bian mad, and you were angry that the Americans also expressed their position, and the Americans were your masters.

At that time, the US deputy secretary of state said: The referendum on joining the United Nations is wrong, you are suspected of Taiwan independence, and we in the United States do not advocate that either side change the status quo. Therefore, Chen Shui-bian not only wants to step down, but also goes to prison and exposes scandals. It can be seen that in today's world, the United States is in control of all kinds of things, I can push you up, I can throw you out, I can also slap you, I let you scandal, this is what the CIA can do.

But now times have changed. Today, the United States referendum on Taiwan, and the attitude of the Americans has changed. The reason for the change is not in Taiwan, Taiwan has not changed much, it is still like that. It is Chinese mainland has changed, China has developed, the momentum of the rise of the Chinese nation is very strong, and it is endless, americans are jealous, Americans are afraid, Americans are jealous.

Therefore, when it was broadcast live a few days ago, as to whether the United States will assist in defending Taiwan in the so-called Taiwan Strait War, President Biden of the United States came out and said yes. Just after speaking, the US White House officials came out to extinguish the fire, saying that the US strategy toward Taiwan has not changed. Now that Tsai Ing-wen's interview has come out, the US president has been forced by the media to ask: If the mainland is reunified by force, will the United States help Taiwan in the end?

Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

The president of the United States is Biden, who is the commander-in-chief of the army, navy and air force, the most powerful person in the United States. Biden finished yees. Assist in defending Taiwan and defending Taiwan. Every time he finished speaking, immediately some US officials came out to refute rumors that the US Government's policy toward Taiwan had not changed, that the US Government's attitude toward the two sides of the Taiwan Strait had not changed, that the US Government's one-China principle had not changed, that the US established policy had not changed, and so on.

My question is, who has the final say in the United States? Biden is supposed to be the most authoritative, how can your subordinate officials correct the president's mistakes? Your press secretary, White House spokesman Psaki, why did you correct the president, and why did your Pentagon spokesman correct the president?

From this I also think of another question, you remember that when Biden was qualified for the election, President Trump did not want to come down. President Biden rushed in, so the two old men competed for who the owner of the White House really was, and there were all kinds of moths at that time. So at the time there were predictions that Trump might take some extreme approach to putting the United States into a state of war, and of course the president thought it was manageable. But in fact, once the war starts, it is very difficult to control, how can you control it?

So the U.S. side is very nervous. The vice chairman of the United States General Staffs told the Chinese military: Even if the president orders us to fight, we will not fight, we will not fight, we hope that the Chinese People's Liberation Army will know about this matter. Didn't this become an uproar in the United States? Some people say leaks, some people say collaborators with the enemy. Then Trump did not spare and held accountable. But Trump was eventually expelled. Biden expressed to the media that trump's loyalty to the country is very positive.

From biden saying to defend Taiwan, then the U.S. government came out to refute the rumor twice. Going back in time, President Trump said it was possible to launch a military campaign against China to allow himself to continue to sit in the White House as the boss, and the U.S. military informed the Chinese People's Liberation Army that it would not carry out the president's orders.

These two things make people think: Who has the final say in the United States? How much power does the president have? Who did that junior officer carry out the order to come out and make such an opinion? Apparently not the president's order, because his statement is the complete opposite. What is the intrinsic dynamic mechanism of this pie-turning? Who is actually controlling the Americans?

President Trump himself has said that there is a deep shadow government that actually controls the United States. The instruction is transmitted from the top to the bottom, then now there is a change in the upper level, and the lower layer in turn gives a recoil, and this thing is not limited to the system, but leaks this information to the world. Isn't it strange that everyone in the United States thinks it's strange?

Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

Deriving from these two events, we have to ponder a question: What is the internal force of American society that maintains peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait today and the stability of Sino-US relations? I once consulted a few experts familiar with the United States, and they didn't say it clearly for half a day, and the various explanations didn't seem to be very appropriate.

Well, I'll ask everyone who reads the article, and you will guide me on this question: Who is teaching the president of the United States to speak? Who is regulating the actions of the President of the United States? Some people say that the fourth right is, so what is the fourth right? Senate and House, and then what? The United States of America is divided into three powers, and then there is a fourth right is the media? It seems that this matter is not the media. How do you know it's the media?

The media report is not false, but is it the American media who called the Chinese military? The people who came out to speak, the power represented by Psaki and the spokesman of the US military, did they represent the media? No way. Therefore, the so-called fourth power restricts the highest executive power in the United States, which obviously does not make sense. Who's that?

You take this latest incident, Tsai Ing-wen was interviewed by CNN and admitted that the US military exists in Taiwan, and this kind of thing cannot be unaware of today's US-Taiwan relations. So why did the United States let Tsai Ing-wen stand up and admit it? What does it mean for the United States to let Tsai Ing-wen loose?

Does the United States think that recognizing the US military in Taiwan is to increase the weight in future negotiations with China, or is it openly risking the world to overthrow the three Sino-US communique principles? It should be known that an important principle for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States is to withdraw troops and completely withdraw all troops in Taiwan. Not long ago, the United States also asked The Chinese side to review the three Sino-US joint communiques? You have always violated the three joint communiques, and now you are kicking your nose in the face and openly asking Tsai Ing-wen to admit this, what does this mean for the United States?

I see some people in Taiwan commenting on this matter and saying: Don't think about it so complicated, for Tsai Ing-wen, the purpose of acknowledging this matter is very simple, that is, two words, votes.

Sima Nan: Weird! Who exactly represents the person who corrected Biden's "Pledge to Defend Taiwan"?

Tsai Ing-wen used this incident to prove that Taiwan is threatened, and then the so-called reunification of the Chinese Communist Party is imminent, and the arrow is on the string. Personally, this approach can stir up a mood among Taiwanese islanders with Taiwan independence tendencies and then get votes.

But some people have said that Tsai Ing-wen is unlikely to be re-elected, is it so important for her to vote at this time? Is there a longer-term, deeper consideration?

When you say something like mass genocide in Xinjiang, the Americans themselves don't believe it. But he drove enough horsepower, and the loudspeaker shouted every day, which is not lethal in China, because you are too exaggerated. In other things, in the South China Sea, you exerted your strength, your acting skills are not good, and your own submarine has crashed. Americans are increasingly finding that things in Taiwan can add to trouble, that they can't do anything but can throw the pot, that they can continue to make a fuss, at least to make you upset.

I think one person said something interesting. He said: "Tsai Ing-wen may not think as much as you guys, she thought of one thing, and she was angry Chinese mainland." "Chinese mainland it's really not something you can get angry with with this little trick." In fact, I think it is important not to Chinese mainland, but to tell the people of Taiwan: I am sincere in my resistance to China and Taiwan, and I called my father here. I can't fight you, I told my dad, my dad came out.

Oh, this is a very simple weak psychology. This is after causing trouble, holding a thick leg and asking others to support it, which is nothing more than such a simple thinking.

Tsai Ing-wen is not old and confused now, it has always been very clear, has always been sinister, and has always had far-reaching intentions. She wants to go farther and farther down the road of Taiwan independence and split China.

But what about Biden? 80-year-old man, there are some elderly people who are dull. As a grandfather appears this kind of thinking unresponsive, the appearance of some physiological phenomena can be understood. But as the supreme ruler of the United States, it is of course a political issue to speak like this on the issue of defending Taiwan. This cannot be understood by an old man who is old, has a poor memory, and has a wrong brain. As a veteran U.S. diplomat, Mr. Biden certainly understands the special sensitivity of the Taiwan issue.

The United States has deliberately maintained strategic ambiguity in its Taiwan policy, and has always been careful in its choice of words and sentences. Every step Americans break through in this place is the result of careful selection. And Biden has been on the stage twice since he took office, not like a slip of the tongue. In particular, in the past, he once accused Bush Jr. in the Senate of saying: On the Taiwan issue, your statement is inaccurate.

So we can't simply explain Biden's statement by using the physiological errors of an elderly president. Perhaps the Americans have a deeper meaning on this issue, and we can't interpret it for the time being.

But fortunately, even if Biden wants to come sideways and hard with China, from the follow-up speech of the current US State Department spokesperson and the words of the Pentagon spokesman: The possibility of the United States really moving with China in Taiwan at present is not too big.

What's the point? After the fight, can this situation be endured? The United States can't stand it. Therefore, as far as the Taiwan issue is concerned, the will of the Chinese people to the reunification of the motherland is as unshakable as a mountain. Whether Taiwan is a core interest for the United States, even if you describe it as a core interest, how much sacrifice you are determined to make to defend this interest. These are all questions worth considering.

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