
The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

author:Shuxiang small fruit

Planting fruit trees is a desirable job, every day you can see the growth of fruit trees managed by their own hands, from planting seedlings to bearing fruit, this mood still makes people have a very sense of achievement, and the rural air is also quite good, it can be said that killing two birds with one stone.

But many people can see only the surface, in fact, planting fruit trees every day there are still a lot of things to do, including fertilizer management, pruning, pest control, etc., such as pear tree pest prevention in all seasons must be done thoroughly, in order to completely protect pear trees from pests.

Today, let's take a closer look at the fruit tree, which is also known as the swing caterpillar, apple poison moth, persimmon caterpillar, etc., which belongs to the lepidoptera poisonous moth family pests. Fruit grower friends know that the leaves are essential places for fruit trees to photosynthesis, if they are eaten by pests, it will cause photosynthesis to not be carried out normally, which means that the tree has no nutrient supply, and the impact is considerable.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

Dancing poison moth larvae

Therefore, in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, we must not be soft-hearted, and we must do a good job of prevention in advance in order to protect the fruit trees in an all-round way. First of all, we need to understand the distribution area of this pest, and we should strengthen the control in the areas where the fruit is more serious. It is distributed in Japan, North Korea, Europe and the Americas, while it is widely distributed in China, but it is mainly distributed in latitudes 20° to 58°N.

The feeding habit of the poisonous moth is wide, the amount of food is large, the host plant is more than 500 kinds, and the fruit trees that are harmed are apples, pears, persimmons, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, hawthorns, citrus, etc., and even endanger a variety of forest leaves, which occupy a certain degree of harm in agricultural production. The larval stage is mainly harmful to fruit trees and forest leaves; in severe cases, the whole leaf can be eaten and then eaten, and the fruit is generally more seriously affected by orchards near the mountainous area.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

It is a larvae of the dancing poison moth that harms the leaves of fruit trees

What does the Dancing Poison Moth look like? Or introduce itself: the male adult is 20 mm long, the forewings are brown, there are 4 to 5 wavy transverse bands, the outer edge is dark bands, and there is a small black spot in the center of the middle chamber; the female adult is 25 mm long, the forewings are grayish white, there is a black-brown spot between each two veins, there is a yellow-brown hair bush at the end of the abdomen, the ovoid is slightly flattened, the diameter is 1.3 mm, the initial birth is apricot yellow, hundreds to thousands of grains are laid together into egg blocks, which are covered with thick yellow-brown hairs; the larvae are 50 to 70 mm long when they are mature, and the head is yellowish brown." Eight" black stripes, the hairs of the second segment from the anterior chest to the abdomen are blue, and the 7 pairs of hairs in the 3 to 9 segments of the abdomen are red.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

Dancing poison moths are of various stages of body size

Yes, its appearance is like this picture below, and children who grew up in the countryside should still remember this appearance of the pest, and should not be less tortured by it. Then we know what it looks like, and then we have to understand its work and rest time, and then we can effectively prevent it.

The poison moth generally occurs in one generation per year, overwintering as an egg in a crevice in a rock or a crack in the back of a tree trunk, and the overwintering eggs begin to hatch in May of the following year. The hatching larvae have a habit of clustering and dispersing into pests as they grow up, until early to mid-July. Mature larvae pupate in cocoons at cracked branches, branches, dead leaves, etc. Mid-July is the adult stage, the male moth is good at flying, often in groups during the day in a rotational dance, eggs in the tree more than the shade of the branches, each female moth lays 1 to 2 eggs, hundreds of grains per piece, covered with yellow-brown scales at the end of the female moth's abdomen.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

Fluff-wrapped egg of a dancing poison moth

That's the focus of this article! After a detailed understanding of the poison moth, it is necessary to come up with corresponding control methods to protect the normal growth of the fruit trees we have worked hard to plant and manage. The control of the dancing poison moth can be carried out from the following three aspects.

1. Artificial control In the year when the dance poison moth occurs seriously, the overwintering egg blocks in the gap between the stone block and the trunk are found in January to March, and the insect source is eliminated before hatching; the initial hatching larvae have cluster hazard habits, and the larvae are not dispersed in time.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

Destroy the eggs that overwinter in the crevices

2, pharmaceutical control according to the particularity of each region to take different control methods, if the artificial control effect is not obvious, you can choose to spray 25% urea, 2.5% cypermethrin and other permethrin insecticides for chemical control.

3. Biological control In recent years, the use of nucleotype polyhedral disease, Bt insecticide and sex attractant in the prevention and control of poison moth has been continuously applied.

The pest dancing moth, which mainly harms the leaves of fruit trees, can be controlled from three aspects

Sexual attractants trap the dancing poison moth

In fact, in general, the basic cause of diseases and insect pests is because the work of clearing the garden in winter is not in place, resulting in the remnants of overwintering insect eggs, which also increases the source of diseases and insects in the park in the coming year. Therefore, when the park is cleared in winter, it should be carefully and carefully controlled, not letting go of any corner, and cleaning up in place, so that it will also prevent the occurrence of other diseases and insect pests from the source.

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