
Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

author:Seedling Pass
Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!
Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

Hibiscus, also known as hedge flower, red hibiscus, hibiscus, kapok, and asahi blooming, is a garden plant of the hibiscus genus in the family Mallow family. Hibiscus blooms in summer and autumn, and the flowers are colorful. Although it blooms at dusk, it has a continuous flowering period from June to September, and is a famous flowering tree species in China and the national flower of South Korea. Due to the strong adaptability of hibiscus, the cultivation management is easier, the cold is more hardy, the tillering force is strong, the pruning resistance is resistant, and the smoke and dust resistance is strong. Therefore, it has become the most commonly used summer and autumn flowering garden plant in the landscaping of saline-alkali land in North China Petroleum Mining Area, and its application is becoming more and more extensive, playing a pivotal role in greening and beautification.

Horned spotted ancient poison moth

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

Horned spotted ancient poison moth, also known as horn spotted poison moth, Yang bai striated poison moth, walnut ancient poison moth and so on. It is mainly distributed in northeast China, north China, Henan, Gansu and Jiangsu.

In addition to harming hibiscus, the horned spotted ancient poison moth also harms begonias, purple-leaved plums, moonflowers, roses, elm-leaf plums, peach and other garden plants. The larvae eat the buds and leaves of the plant, and the hatching larvae cluster the leaf back to eat the leaf flesh and leave the upper epidermis; the 2nd instar begins to disperse the activity as a pest, and the buds are mothed from the base of the buds into holes, causing the buds to die; the young leaves are often eaten light, leaving only the petiole; the leaves are eaten into missing and holes, leaving only thick veins when severe.

Prevention and control methods

(1) Artificial egg collection and removal;

(2) Using the phototropism of male adults, light trap male adults, reduce the chance of male and female tailing, and reduce the hatching rate of larvae;

(3) Young larval stage shakes, vibrates and falls larvae to kill;

(4) Initial spraying of 20% insecticidal urea suspension 5000 to 8000 times liquid, or 20% rice full emulsion 1500 to 2000 times liquid, or 50% octyl thiophosphate emulsion 1500 to 2000 times liquid, or 20% chrysanthemum emulsion 2000 times liquid control;

(5) Protect and utilize natural enemies such as chasing flies, small bees, small cocoon bees, and bees.

Cotton aphids

It belongs to the order Homoptera, Aphids. It is distributed throughout the country, in addition to harming hibiscus, it also harms garden plants such as pomegranates, bauhinias, begonias, purple leaf plums, chrysanthemums, and peppercorns. In the spring and autumn, the hazards are serious, adult aphids, if aphids cluster on young shoots, young leaves and flower buds, suck sap, causing malnutrition, resulting in reverse rolling or irregular curling of leaves, and when severe, it causes leaf shedding, affecting the growth and development of branches and leaves. At the same time, it also secretes a large amount of honeydew, inducing coal pollution disease and reducing ornamental value. Cotton aphids are also important virus transmitters, and the harm is very serious.

(1) During the peak period of wintering egg hatching and the harm in May to June, spraying prevention and control can spray 6% imidacloprid emulsion 3000 to 4000 times liquid, or 5% acetamidine emulsion 5000 to 10000 times liquid, or 1.2% bitter smoking emulsion 800 to 1000 times liquid, or 50% octyl thiophosphate emulsion 800 to 1000 times liquid.

(2) Yellow adhesive board can be used to induce winged aphids.

(3) 100 grams of 3% furandan granules per square meter, directly applied to the root of the hibiscus can control both aphids and other sucking pests such as aphids.

(4) Pay attention to the protection and use of natural enemies, such as grasshoppers, ladybirds, aphid-eating flies, etc.

Dancing poison moth

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

Dancing poison moth, alias persimmon caterpillar, swing caterpillar, etc., is mainly distributed in the northeast, northwest, north China, East China, in addition to harming hibiscus, but also endangers poplar, willow, elm, apple, locust, plane, begonia, wisteria, hawthorn, persimmon, apricot and other garden plants.

The larvae feed on the leaves, the feeding habit is mixed, and the leaves can be eaten during the large occurrence, causing tree death in severe cases. Warm, dry, sparse pure forests occur in large quantities.

(1) The egg period of the dancing poison moth is very long, and it is one of the commonly used measures to scrape the egg blocks in autumn and winter.

(2) Light booby trap. Using the phototropism of adult insects, set up black light lamps to trap and kill insects.

(3) During the larval occurrence period, using its diurnal and nocturnal tree habits, apply a 1:20 avermectin machine oil ring at the height of the trunk chest, the ring width is slightly less than the diameter, or tie a permethrin poison rope.

(4) Before the 3rd instar, the larvae are sprayed with 1.8% avermectin 4000 times liquid or 1.2% bitter smoke emulsion 3000 times liquid, which has a good control effect.

(5) There are many natural predators of the dancing poison moth, and it is very effective to protect and utilize natural enemies.

Pear-crowned reticulated bugs

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

It is distributed in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Sichuan and other places in China, and is also distributed in Japan and Korea. In addition to harming hibiscus, it also harms garden plants such as pears, begonias, apples, wisteria, peaches, hawthorns, and apricots.

Adult and nymph clusters of the leaf dorsal, near the main vein, with a stinging mouthpiece as a pest, the front of the affected leaf appears yellow-white green spots, and in severe cases, it is pale. Fecal excrement and secretions from the insect body on the back of the leaf make the entire leaf back appear brown spots and fly-like black spots left during egg laying, making the entire leaf back appear rusty yellow, often causing coal pollution. When the damage is severe, the leaves fall off early, hindering the tree momentum and reducing the ornamental value.

(1) The key control period should be placed in the wintering generation to the first generation of nymphs.

(2) Removing leaves and weeds in green areas in winter and spring, and scraping off old warp skin, have a significant effect on reducing the source of overwintering insects.

(3) Before the adults overwinter in the autumn, bundle the grass on the trunk to lure the overwintering adults, and then burn the grass in the winter.

(4) Wintering adults on the tree to the first generation of nymph incubation period, when the nymphs are found to have white adults, the adults have not yet laid eggs, this stage occurs more concentrated, the insect state is more consistent, this period of spraying, insecticidal effect is the best.

(5) Strengthen the management of care, improve the resistance and compensation ability of the host, and inhibit the occurrence of pests.

(6) Paint the trunk white in winter to reduce overwintering adults.

(7) Protect and utilize natural enemies, such as grasshoppers and spiders.

Hibiscus nocturnal moth

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

Hibiscus nocturnal moth is also known as the hair-winged nocturnal moth, the wood nocturnal moth, and the red-skirted nocturnal moth. It is mainly distributed in northeast, north China, southwest China and central China.

The larvae eat hibiscus leaves, causing missing carvings and holes. In the Renqiu region of Hebei Province, two generations occur a year, with old mature larvae pupating in the dead leaves on the soil surface for the winter. Overwintering pupae feather in adults from April to May, and two larval stages occur in June and August. The larvae mostly feed at night, roost on the branches during the day, and the body is close to the branches, which is not easy to find. Mature suffixes are connected to 2 to 3 leaves, and the inner knots are thin and reticulated cocoon pupae, and the number of adults is large from July to August, and adults can still be seen until autumn.

(1) Remove surrounding weeds;

(2) Set up insecticidal lamps to trap adult insects;

(3) Pollution-free control, young larval stage, the selection of biological or biomimetic pesticides, such as Bt wettable powder with a content of 16000 IU / Mg can be administered 500 to 700 times liquid, or 1.2% bitter smoke emulsion 800 to 1000 times liquid, or 25% urea suspension 1500 to 2000 times liquid, or 20% rice full suspension 1500 to 2000 times liquid and other one of the control.

(4) Chemical control, larvae occur in a large area, can be sprayed with 20% rapid killing of 2000 to 3000 times liquid, or 2.5% enemy killing 1500 to 2000 times liquid, or 50% octyl thiophosphate emulsion 1000 to 1500 times liquid, or 20% chrysanthemum emulsion 1000 to 1500 times liquid and other agents for prevention and control.

Cotton macrophyllum moth

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

The larvae are harmful to hibiscus leaves, and in severe cases, only the stems and branches are left, or even the whole plant dies. In the Renqiu region of Hebei Province, 3 to 4 generations a year, old mature larvae overwinter in the cracks in the old bark layer of stems, deciduous leaves, weeds and hibiscus. The overwintering larvae feather into adults in May of the following year, hide during the day in dense foliage or weeds, and come out at night to intercourse. At high population density, there may be several larvae in a roll of leaves. The larvae have a habit of transferring to feed, and a curly leaf is not eaten, and often moves to its leaves to continue to be curled as a pest. After all the leaves are eaten, they can also eat the flower buds and buds of hibiscus. The larvae are 5 years old. The old mature larvae stick the tail end to the leaf with a spit silk and pupate inside the curly leaf.

The second generation of adults appears in late July, the third generation of adults occurs from the end of August to early September, and the larvae pupate overwinter in November.

(1) Eliminate the source of overwintering insects, such as cleaning up dead branches and leaves and weeds in autumn and burning them.

(2) Install insecticidal lamps to trap adult insects.

(3) When the larvae are infested, the buds can be artificially pinched to kill the insects and remove the curly leaves that have fallen to the ground.

(4) Pollution-free control, larvae at a young age, the use of biological or biomimetic pesticides.

Spotless arc-less golden turtle

Plant Doctor: Hibiscus Horn Spotted Ancient Poison Moth, Dancing Poison Moth and other insect pest control!

Widely distributed in China. In addition to harming hibiscus, it also harms many garden plants such as moon season, purple weed, national locust, hollyhock and so on. for harm

Adult insects eat the corolla and leaves, appear holes or missing carvings, and in severe cases, the entire petals are eaten up, reducing or even losing their ornamental value.

(1) Artificially catch adult insects in flower bushes during the day.

(2) Use insecticidal lamps to trap adult insects.

(3) When the amount of occurrence is large, the density of the worm mouth is high, and the 50% octylthion emulsion 2000 times liquid, or 3.5% cypermethrin 3500~4000 times liquid is sprayed.

(4) Do not apply uncorried manure and garbage in the garden.

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