
Tell heroic stories with sincerity

Recently, the TV series "Meritorious Service" has aroused heated discussion among the audience and is considered to be a work that sings the spirit of heroism.

"Meritorious Service" draws on the creative methods of the movies "My Motherland and Me", "My Hometown and Me", and "My Father and Me" from the structure, and is an "collective" film and television work with one theme, multiple stories and multiple characters. I would like to share some personal views on one of the units, "Noh Wen Neng Wu Li Yannian".

What deserves the most affirmation of "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" is that the work vividly reflects the typical style of our army's political work cadres.

"Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" reflects the special role of company instructors in the building of grass-roots combat strength through the role of Li Yannian. A company is a grass-roots combat unit, and the combat effectiveness of a unit often depends on whether the grass-roots unit is solid or not. On the battlefield, a company can sometimes even decide the outcome of the entire battle.

The story of "Nobun Nengwu Li Yannian" is dated in 1950. At that time, many "liberation fighters" in our army were added to the army. How can they be quickly transformed into Communist-led PLA fighters? This is the content that "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" spends a lot of time to show.

Half of the soldiers in this company led by Li Yannian were "liberation fighters." When the war began, they had to face the arduous test of "a handful of fried noodles and a handful of snow" and the temptation of shouting in front of the Kuomintang secret agents to promise a high-ranking official Houlu. But under the leadership of Li Yannian, after a short period of transformation, they became heroes who died in battle and never retreated. After reading the story, we will immediately understand how our army's powerful combat effectiveness in Shangganling and At Changjin Lake came from -- the party's political work is combat effectiveness and an important support for defeating the enemy and winning victory.

To depict war, it is not that the louder the guns and cannons, the better, but the key is to show the rules and regulations of war and highlight the art of command of war. "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" attaches great importance to the excavation of this aspect. How can a combat company, a light infantry of more than a hundred and ten people, exert super combat effectiveness? One depends on the bravery of the soldiers, and the other relies on the exquisite command of the commander. The company led by Li Yannian, the "Millet Plus Rifle," faced the enemy with artillery attacks in turn, tanks opening the way, and heavily armed infantry rushing in like a tidal wave.

In this situation of great disparity in power, how to hold out for a few days and nights on a bare mountain? It depends on the wisdom of the commander. The work depicts Li Yannian's command in great detail. For example, how he rationally arranged his troops, how he exquisitely arranged the defensive line, and how he skillfully used firepower, all have detailed details. After the battle began, the work depicted how Li Yannian adjusted his deployment according to the changes in the battlefield situation. This kind of plot that uses the art of war command in an exquisite and flexible way is like a wonderful interpretation of the art of war.

The strategic position of the 346.6 heights that Li Yannian and his comrades-in-arms held was very important. Their opponent was a battalion of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division, tasked with recapturing the three hills ahead. The enemy launched a round of artillery attack every 3 minutes. Li Yannian figured out this law, led the soldiers to take advantage of the 3-minute gap, touched the 346.6 heights little by little, and finally used 3 hours to conquer 3 hills in a row.

"Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" only accounts for 6 episodes in the whole series, but it vividly shows the heroic spirit of the volunteer soldiers who generously died. Where did their strong will to see death come from? This unit drama is clear because our army knows who to fight for: to fight for our country, our nation, and our justice.

At present, the audience's appreciation level is constantly rising, and it also promotes the production team to strive for excellence in creation. The reason why "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" can impress the audience is that the production team has made great efforts in controlling the subject matter, and they have created and expressed Li Yannian with sincerity. Therefore, the Li Yannian shown in the play is not only touching, but also full of the charm of that era. Although "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" is an integral part of a "collective" work, it has an independent character. Writing about war and heroes in this way provides many references for the creation of film and television works of similar themes.

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