
Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

author:Half five nearly three
Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

Because of Yuwen Yun's early death, Yuwen Xian was in the year of Young Chong, coupled with the fact that in the hands of Yuwen Yun, he killed Yuwen Xian, the most powerful figure of the Yuwen Family, and drove all his younger brothers out of the imperial city, resulting in the hollowing out of the central power of the Yuwen Family, and it was precisely because the Yuwen Family's infighting was too much attrition, so Yang Jian was able to respond in one fell swoop and succeed in one fell swoop. Of course, Yang Jian's success is inseparable from his warlord background.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

Because Yang Jian's daughter Yang Lihua was Yuwen Yun's Empress Tianyuan, Yuwen Xian also honored Yang Lihua as his mother-in-law, so it was equivalent to Yang Jian taking away the throne of his nephew, and this behavior of bullying his mother and children has been criticized in history. Fang Xuanling commented on it as follows: The Lord has no merit in order to deceive the world.

Yuwen Yan was also a poor child, ascending the throne at the age of 6, forced to abdicate at the age of 8, and poisoned by Yang Jian at the age of 9. After Yang Jian ascended the throne, he began a great purge of the Yuwen family. The Yuwen family was destroyed.

37 years later, Li Yuan gained the throne and also began a purge of the Yang family, and the 15-year-old emperor Yang You, yang Jian's grandson, was killed. It's a report. Of course, this is a later story.

Whatever else, today we will only talk about Yang Jian, the Emperor of Sui Wen.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

The Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian lied to the Northern Zhou and Western Wei dynasties, and founded the Sui Dynasty, which can be described as a lifetime through three dynasties, from the anti-Western Wei to the Northern Zhou, and the anti-Northern Zhou to the Sui Dynasty, which was also a twist and turn. However, it also just shows Yang Jian Hong Fu Qi Tian, because if these three important stages are slightly wrong, Yang Jian may be finished. It also explains a truth, life lies in tossing, Yang Jian is from a second generation of the army, and finally tossed to become the founding emperor.

It is worth noting that Yang Jian, Li Yuan, and Yuwen Yun all have some Xianbei ancestry on them. It is also because of the blood of this ethnic minority that the three dynasties of the Northern Zhou, Sui, and Tang Dynasties were more enlightened in the relationship between men and women, and had a higher tolerance for women to interfere in politics, so they had the reputation of Dugu Jialuo and Yang Jian and called the second saint. It is also derived from the Xianbei blood of the Tang Dynasty, so Wu Zetian has the innate soil to become an emperor, if it is placed in a dynasty dominated by Han culture, it is unimaginable for women to do such a thing.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

The Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty also have one thing in common, that is, there are records of sons marrying their fathers' concubines, such as Li Zhizhi to Wu Zetian, Yang Guang to Lady Xuanhua and Lady Ronghua. On the one hand, later generations criticized Yang Guang's concubines for marrying his father, believing that this was something that violated human morality and was inferior to animals. However, on the other hand, they turned a blind eye to Li Zhina Wu Zetian and Li Longjina Yang Guifei and ignored them, and it was inevitable that they would be a little narrow-minded. It may also be because of the neglect of the Xianbei blood of the rulers of the Tang and Sui dynasties.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

After Emperor Yang Jian of sui won the world, he did do a lot of big things, objectively laying the foundation for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. The first is the Battle of Pingchen, which brought China back to reunification. It became a unified multi-ethnic state. The second is to revise the law, abolish the corporal punishment of mutilated human bodies, and use methods such as rods and migrations instead, retaining the labor attributes of criminals. Third, the power to appoint and dismiss officials is transferred to the central authorities, and local officials are appointed and dismissed by the central authorities, and the selection of officials is held at the beginning of the examination, and inspections are carried out once a year. To a certain extent, it has consolidated its ruling position, struck a blow to the power of door valves, mobilized the enthusiasm of cold door students to a certain extent, and promoted the construction of a clean government. The fourth is to use diplomatic means to resolve contradictions. We used means such as differentiation and pacification to maintain good relations with ethnic minorities such as the Turks. This means was brought to the extreme in the hands of Li Shimin. Truce, the country was rested. Fifth, reduce taxes and labor to benefit the people. This is the most famous point for Emperor Wen of Sui. Emperor Wen of Sui was not frugal in rewarding, such as rewarding his subjects with three million pieces of silk at a time. He also often rewarded the soldiers, and the cost was enormous.

Emperor Wen of Sui rewarded the money like flowing water, but the result was that the people paid too much grain, and the grain stock built by the imperial court could not be lowered, and could only be placed in the corridor.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

Therefore, they had to continue to reduce the people's taxes and continue to benefit the people. As a result, the world's population has grown dramatically, all the way to more than 49 million, nearly doubling. The grain in the government's inventory during Yang Jian's period was not all used up until the 11th year of Li Shimin's Zhenguan.

The legal system, the imperial examination system, and the diplomatic strategy founded by the Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian were almost completely learned by Li Shimin and carried forward in the hands of Li Shimin. With the foundation laid by the Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin opened the rule of Zhenguan and pushed the rule of the feudal dynasty to another peak.

In this regard, the title of Emperor Wen of Sui is worthy of the name.

Why is It said that Emperor Yang Jian of Sui is the true Emperor of the Ages?

In recent years, more and more scholars have compared the Sui Dynasty with the Qin Dynasty, and the Qin and Sui Dynasties do have a lot in common, such as creating a situation of great unification, which is a short-lived dynasty that died in the second dynasty, and those who are interested can learn more about it.

Although Emperor Wen of Sui made a good start for the Sui Dynasty, it also led to the decline of the Sui Dynasty because of the dispute over the heirs and a series of actions that hurt the people and money after Yang Guang ascended to the throne.

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