
Why did Kuroda officers and soldiers carry the "black cauldron" for so long? It originally began with the Sekigahara Battle

author:On the Spring and Autumn of History

Toyotomi Hideyoshi's defense of Kuroda's officers and soldiers is obvious. In fact, not only Kuroda's officers and soldiers, but also the rest of the military generals who fought with Toyotomi Hideyoshi were guarded, so there was a competition between the civilian faction and the military attaché faction.

Officers and soldiers are concerned about these things, but it is also a miserable thing to serve Hideyoshi in his early years and be snubbed in his later years. And not only Hideyoshi guarded the officers and soldiers, but even Tokugawa Ieyasu guarded the officers and soldiers.

After the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu began to compete for the toyotomi family. Kuroda Nagamasa Masamune, the sister-in-law of the Officer-Soldier Guard, was the daughter of Koroku Bee-suka and the adopted daughter of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He married into the Kuroda family at the age of ten, and the relationship between the husband and wife was very good. At the outbreak of the Sekigahara War, Koroku Bee-suga had long since passed away. In order to prevent the Kuroda family from falling to the Western Army, Ieyasu forced Kuroda Nagamasa to give up his beloved wife, and ordered Ieyasu's adopted daughter to be married to the main chamber. On the tenth day after Kuroda's marriage, he led an army to join the Tokugawa army on the expedition to Aizu.

Why did Kuroda officers and soldiers carry the "black cauldron" for so long? It originally began with the Sekigahara Battle

While the officers and soldiers were in Nakatsu Castle, Ishida Sansei tried to win over the officers and soldiers. However, during the Toyotomi Hideyoshi era, Ishida Sansei had too many political enemies, and the officers and soldiers were one of them. The officers and soldiers wei certainly did not agree to 30%, but the reply was also very euphemistic: "Since it is the zhibu shaofu who asks for each other, the old man is naturally willing to fight for this old life." However, the reward after the fact must be the Seven Kingdoms of Kyushu. ”

Officers and soldiers certainly had no intention of joining the Western Army, but simply wrote a blank cheque to Sancheng. However, the officers and soldiers were worried that the Western Army would preemptively launch an attack on Kyushu Island. The main eastern army on Kyushu Island was only Kato Kiyomasa. In the entire island of Kyushu, except for Kato Kiyomasa's army, there were only Kuroda officers and soldiers who had no troops, and the rest were all Western troops.

However, Although Kato Kiyomasa sided with the Western Army, he favored Toyotomi Hideyoshi, as can be seen from his reply to the officers and soldiers during this period. Before the outbreak of the war, the officers and men wrote a letter to Kato Kiyomasa, asking him not to move closer to the Western Army. Kiyomasa Kato replied:

In Shimo-ed Taikaku (Toyotomi Hideyoshi), you are much older than you.

The distance between your old age and your lower is much closer than the distance between your lower and the minor.

In the next will not be close to the ryobu Shōsuke, but I hope to maintain a friendship with you.

Whether this friendship lasts depends entirely on how you always think of Lord Xiulai.

Why did Kuroda officers and soldiers carry the "black cauldron" for so long? It originally began with the Sekigahara Battle

These four points are the focus of Kato Kiyomasa's reply, to put it bluntly, is that Ishida Misumasa will not join the Western Army in his absence. Although the relationship with the Kuroda family is average, it is definitely better than Ishida Sansei, and the relationship between the two families in the future depends on the loyalty of the Kuroda family to Hideyoshi.

Before the outbreak of the war, Kato Kiyomasa's family members escaped from Osaka Castle and made a deliberate detour to land on Nakatsu, the domain of the officers and soldiers. From the point of view that the officers and soldiers also sent maids to send clothes to the Kato family, although Kato Kiyomasa had a general relationship with the officers and soldiers, he still trusted the character of the officers and soldiers.

Since the army in Nakatsu Castle was taken away by Nagamasa, in order to protect Kyushu Island, the officers and soldiers could only open the vaults in the city, gather the people in the territory, and temporarily train a 9,000-strong accelerated army. There are many books describing Kuroda's officers and men's preparations for using this army to plot the world, which is actually completely impossible.

Why did Kuroda officers and soldiers carry the "black cauldron" for so long? It originally began with the Sekigahara Battle

How can an army that has not undergone rigorous training face an army that has been tempered by years of war, let alone carry out siege warfare. Moreover, there is also a Kato Kiyomasa, how do the officers and soldiers plan the world? With your lips? In fact, it is still the words of later novelists, probably because posterity hopes to see history rewritten and subconsciously hopes so. And the officers and soldiers were very unlucky to carry this "black cauldron." If the officers and men know under Wei Jiuquan, they don't know whether the "coffin board" can still be suppressed?

Kuroda Nagamasa, who participated in the Battle of Sekigahara, also made a lot of contributions, and it was he who came forward to persuade the main force of the Western Army, Kohayakawa Hideaki, to turn against him, and established a solid foundation for the victory of this battle. Even Tokugawa Ieyasu was amazed.

At this point, while the Kuroda family saved themselves in the Sekigahara Battle, they were also sealed. Although the "black cauldron" of officers and soldiers has not been lifted until now, it has at least gained hundreds of years of wealth and status for their own family.

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