
Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

author:Rain field view of the sea of history

The Battle of Sekigahara can be said to be a firm step taken by Tokugawa Ieyasu to win japan, and in this national war that determined the fate of Japan, the Eastern Army led by Tokugawa Ieyasu was indeed always in a dominant position, and even when Tokugawa Ieyasu's main force went to besiege the Uesugi family and did not arrive at the battlefield in time, the war was already divided within half a day. Many people attribute the greatest victory in the Battle of Sekigahara to Tokugawa Ieyasu's on-the-spot response and the strong strength of the Eastern Army itself, but in fact the Eastern Army's victory was not only factors.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Stills from the movie Sekigahara Battle

Compared with the hard-line Toyotomi arbitrary faction that worked together to gather around Tokugawa Ieyasu, the composition of the combined army on the side of the leader of the Western Army, Ishida Sansei, was somewhat different, and it was the various clumsy performances of these alternative joint forces on the battlefield that buried Ishida Sansei's hope of reviving the Toyotomi family.

Yuda Jun guessed that after the defeat of Ishida Sansei, he should probably shout out: Are you all playing me?

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Sancheng, who was detained at the execution ground, finally understood that everyone was playing him

First of all, let's talk about the camp of the Western Army, with a total of 80,000 people, 16,800 from the Maori family (led by Mori Hidemoto), 15,000 people from the Kohakawa family (the Mori family of the Honka family), 17,200 people from the Ukita Hideya family, 3,000 people from the Yoshikawa Hiroshi family, 6,600 people from Nagamasa Ibu, and 12,000 troops belonging to Ishida Sansei (including Otani troops), so it can be said that including Captain Konishi, the troops that Ishida Sansei can command are only about 16,000 people. The other units did not directly follow the command of Sancheng. Even the commander-in-chief of the Western Army was Maori Huiyuan who stayed in Osaka.

Then let's take a look at the performances of these teammates of Ishida Sansei, and you will know that Ishida Sansei is not wronged.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Looking at the composition of the Western Army, Ishida Misei said that he was helpless

The Maori family has always been adhering to the principle of "ambiguity with everyone" of the male lord Maori Yuan, in fact, Maori Huiyuan did not want to join the infighting of the Toyotomi family, but the Maori family is located in the hinterland of the Western Army, you do not join the Western Army, the Western Army will also find a way to get rid of you first, coupled with the temptation of Ishida Sancheng, the Maori family half pushed and half joined the Western Army, but thought about how to work out.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Maori Huiyuan film and television drama image

So what the Maori family did in the Sekigahara War was to ride the wall.

On the one hand, they acquiesced to the anguishes and Ishida Sansei eyebrows, while on the other hand, they sent the Yoshikawa Hiroyasu family, who had divided their families, to make peace with the Tokugawa Ieyasu of the Eastern Army, and the two sides agreed that the Maori family would not participate in the battle. Therefore, we saw that the Maori family (including the Yoshikawa and Hayakawa families who divided their families) who occupied nearly 40% of the total number of the Western Army were all oblivious in the Battle of Sekigahara, and even there was a funny battle in which the separated Kohayakawa family pursued and killed the Otani troops on the battlefield. If the biggest contributor to the victory of the Eastern Army is not the Maori family, the best of the whole game should be awarded to Hideaki Hayakawa. Later generations referred to the three speakers of the Maori family and the separated family, Maori Keigen, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, and Hideaki Hayakawa, as the three gods of Sekigahara.

Otaku: As the commander-in-chief of the Western Army, Mori Keigen hid in Osaka to "armed defense" Toyotomi Hideyoshi during the battle, so he was known as the "Sekigahara Otaku God" God of Food: Hiroya Yoshikawa, a cousin of Mori Keimoto, deliberately blocked the Mori Hidemotobu of the Western Army supporting the main battlefield of Sekigahara on the grounds that "our army is eating", so he is also known as the "Sekigahara God of Food" God of War: Another cousin of Maori Akira Akira, Akira Hayakawa, whose adoptive father was Mori Keimoto's uncle Hayakawa Keitaka, was the first person to defect to the Maori family, and his troops on Matsuo Hill remained stationary at the beginning of the battle, and when the battle entered a stalemate, the Hayakawa army decisively stepped out and the battle was decided. Known by posterity as the "Sekigahara God of War"
Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Sekigahara God of War Hideaki Kohayakawa

Of course, the undercover of the Western Army is not only the Maori family, the wall-riding faction below sees that the defeat of the Western Army has been decided, and they have joined the team of defectors (the good loyal Warring States). Among them, Otani Yoshiji was the most unlucky, and it was already chaotic enough to be attacked by Kohayakawa, and he did not expect that the Akaza Naoho, Yasuharu Wakasa, Yutaka Ogawa, and Mototsune Uzumaki, who were under his command, were in the battlefield against the water, and the 4,000 men of these four benevolent brothers cooperated with Kohayakawa's army to kill Otani in a big defeat.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Otani troops who were hammered by enemy forces and hammered by friendly forces

If the Maori family still has interests in joining the Western Army, then there are some non-30% concubines and even other daimyo who join the Western Army, which is even more speechless, and these secondary two teammates do not listen to commands in battle.

The Uki family contributed the most troops, but the Ukita Hideya himself did not agree with Ishida Sansei's political philosophy or Mitsunari as a person, and his relationship with Mitsunari was not cold in ordinary days. It can be seen from the fact that he has sent the most troops but cannot enter the inner circle of 30%.

The reason for the Ukita Hideya's military presence is very straightforward, that is, he wants to repay Taikoku's nurturing grace and protect his brother Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in fact, the private relationship between the Ukita Hideya and Kato Kiyomasa and Fukushima Masanori is not the same. In addition to this reason, he and Tokugawa Ieyasu did not deal well, and before the Sekigahara War, the two were still neighbors in Osaka, but Tokugawa Ieyasu instigated a rebellion among the courtiers of the Uki family, and although the rebellion was suppressed, the Uki family was seriously injured, and the direct forces lost 2/5, and the courtiers of these riots ran to the Eastern Army.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

Ukita Hideya in Korean drama (during the attack on Korea)

Therefore, after the start of the Battle of Sekigahara, the troops of the Uki clan fought the fiercest, but this straight-forward combat style did not change the decline of the battlefield, on the contrary, it also broke the deployment of the Western Army, and the most critical of them was actually dragged by fukushima Masanori's 6,000 troops, resulting in a decrease in the main force of the Western Army, and the main responsibility was that the Ukita Hideya was too reckless in combat.

Unlike the Ukita Hideya family, Nagamasa Ibu and Shimazu Hirotoshi are two benevolent brothers.

The two of them themselves wanted to join the Eastern Army, but they were cut off by the Western Army, and even when the Shimazu family went to the Eastern Army garrison to try to enter the city, they were humiliated, and they could only defect to the Western Army, but the Shimazu family, which had only 1,000 soldiers, had no position in the Western Army, so they were also ignored by 30% in the battle, and the angry Shimazu Yoshihiro scolded " Whoever approaches their home front, the enemy and friendly troops will shoot and kill."

Although in the end, the Shimazu family's "explosive seed one hour" in the Western Army overturned the hopeless impact of Ieyasu Honjin, achieved good results, but in the end it was still a cup of water (Sancheng: you are so fierce, what did you go early) Of course, in addition to the above, there is also Tachibana Muneshige who joined the Western Army because of moral problems, although his friend Kato Kiyoshi is in the Eastern Army.

Why did the Sekigahara Combined Forces lose? Look at these teammates, either undercover or middle two infernal road teammates in the second row of teammates Yu Tian Jun said

The Shimazu family troops, the bald head is Shimazu Yoshihiro

Therefore, the rootless Ukita Hideya, the unscrupulous Shimazu Yoshihiro, the Nagamasa Ibu Morikin who was unlucky with whomever was unlucky, and the Tachibana Muneshige, who had no reason to participate in the war, accounted for 40% of the Western Army's army, and blindly fighting on the battlefield also ruined 30% of the hope.

To say that the defeat of the Western Army, Ishida Sansei, who entangled so many generals, was also at fault, he himself had a contradiction with Hideaki Kohayakawa, and actually brought it to his subordinates, while Shimazu Yoshihiro and Nagamasa Ibu Shengqin themselves did not plan to participate, you also forcibly pulled others into the water, as for the Maori family, born to ride the wall can actually be the commander-in-chief of the Western Army, so that the army that is patched together can not be defeated?

Overall, the outcome of the Sekigahara War that broke out after Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death over internal disputes also meant that the Sengoku period could no longer stop Tokugawa Ieyasu from replacing Toyotomi's self-reliance, and it was only a matter of time before Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Japan.

— the end —

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