
Zhao Lifan's "poems" "Dotted Lips • Autumn Dew" Autumn color Cloud Element, the ancient road west wind and cold dew

author:Baijiang Culture and Art

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Zhao Lifan's "poems" "Dotted Lips • Autumn Dew" Autumn color Cloud Element, the ancient road west wind and cold dew

"Dotted Lips • Autumn Dew"

Zhao Lifan

Autumn color cloud, ancient road west wind and cold dew.

Jingran Qiong tree, Hongyan flying south.

Lantai Qingxi, the quiet flowers have been sparse.

Looking back in shock, the spring color is far away, and the cold is coming again.


Zhao Lifan, a native of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, was the former deputy editor-in-chief of CCTV, a senior journalist, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the former president of the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the former general consultant of CCTV, and an advisor of the Chinese Poetry Society.

@ 100 will culture and art @ reading to light up a better life

Editor: Xinhong, Baijiang Culture and Arts Center

Zhao Lifan's "poems" "Dotted Lips • Autumn Dew" Autumn color Cloud Element, the ancient road west wind and cold dew

The plaque is a unique folk culture of the Chinese national tradition. It is a sign hanging in the halls, pavilions, courtyards, gardens, hotels, hotels, shops and other units. The plaque is an indispensable part of all kinds of buildings, its meaning is equivalent to the eye of the building, it is to inform the name and purpose of the building, and it is also a business card for publicity. Shusheng Wang Xizhi is China's most famous and accomplished calligrapher, and a general. The brush used today was pioneered by the general Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty who supervised the construction of the Great Wall. The Hundred Generals Center can invite general calligraphers and celebrity calligraphers to jointly inscription poem inscription plaques and PEN exhibitions. Invite military professors and celebrities to give lectures.

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