
Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

author:Make a solid point of view

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Chanel, a world-famous fashion brand, is a favorite of many fashion ladies. And gabriel Chanel, the founder of this century-old brand, has many legendary experiences.

Abandoned, betrayed, and "betrayed" her time, interpreting the legendary life of this strong woman.

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo


Chanel had a very unpleasant childhood. Born in 1883 in a poor mountain village in France, her father was a peddler of groceries, her mother was a village woman, chanel was born, her parents were not officially married, she was always worried about the fact that she was an illegitimate daughter, and even until her death, she tried to hide and refuse to mention, so that her life was confused.

Chanel's suffering was only the beginning. When she was 6 years old, her mother died, and her father left their five siblings and has since disappeared. This cruel fact made her always try her best to hide her tragic childhood life in the days to come. After that, she spent a dim girl's time in the monastery's shelter.

The father's parting was chanel's first betrayal.

After leaving the monastery at the age of 18, she tried all kinds of humble jobs, experienced the cold and warm worldliness of the world, and had the experience of singing in the brother hall and café in the past.

Chanel never married, she was harsh and never easily trusted, which may be related to her experience of being abandoned by her father when she was a child. She liked to be free and maverick, but Chanel was never short of men around her. And the appearance of each man brings her the release of passion and inspiration.

In the process of selling vocals, she met her first lover in her life, Basang, which turned her fate around.

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

Bassan was a descendant of an aristocrat who fell for chanel, but due to the social environment at that time, the two could not be formally married. This was the second betrayal that Chanel suffered.

It may be that Bassan is intolerant, or it may be that he is eager to throw the pot, and after Bassan's introduction, Chanel meets the most important man in her life, Arthur Capel.

Capel (Capel) is a small and accomplished entrepreneur in the United Kingdom, although he has a sincere heart for Chanel, but he also feels that he must marry a famous girl because he dislikes Chanel's humble life. So he abandoned Chanel and returned to England to marry a jazzman. In order to compensate for Chanel's guilt, in 1909, Capel funded her to open a women's hat shop in Paris, which was the beginning of Chanel's career.

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

Chanel headquarters

Capel's resolute departure was the third and final betrayal that Chanel had suffered. Never again! Because Chanel is about to become strong!

And Chanel's way of becoming powerful is to declare war on the world, reflecting anti-traditional and distinctive in her products.

"Can I still move with a huge hat?" This is Chanel's anti-traditional advertisement for her hat shop, simple and small shapes have attracted women's pursuit as soon as they are listed, and the speed ended the era of European high-society women wearing huge women's hats, and the simple women's hats she designed became a fashion trend.

The success of the hat shop gave Chanel the first pot of gold. In 1911, she opened 2 more clothing stores in the bustling Cummin neighborhood, taking an important step in Chanel's career development.

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

Chanel has a sentence that can kill a woman's weakness: "I can't understand why a woman can't just dress up for the sake of being polite and dressing up before going out, and who knows if every day will be a big day of fate!"

Chanel knows women better than anyone, yes, where are women who don't love beauty?

Chanel continued to challenge tradition, she pioneered the mixed wear of men and women, turned casual clothes into fashion, and perfectly combined shoulder-to-shoulder leather bags with suits, she not only liberated women, but also ushered in the advent of the era of women's fashion.

In 1914, Chanel's transformation into high-end custom clothing also marked the official birth of the chanel brand.

Chanel brand LoGo consists of two back-to-back C crosses, taken from her name Chanel and the first capital letter C of her most important man, Capel, who, although they can only do back to back, have melted love into each other!

Chanel brand LoGo, interprets love so perfectly, love, not possession! Not asking! It's a deep embrace, a faint thought, and an eternal blessing!

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

Chanel LoGo

Chanel's most representative fashion is the small black dress that has been popular to modern times, which not only broke the rule that black clothes can only be used as mourning clothes, but also created an era of her own!

Since then, Chanel has expanded into the brand boutique, and in 1921, the first mixed perfume No.5 perfume that swept the world was born.

By the age of 40, Chanel had become the richest woman in France. But who would have thought that Chanel, who was in the ascendant, would resolutely close her shop after the outbreak of The Second World War, but follow her Nazi officer lover to live in Germany.

If Chanel had spent the rest of her life like this, she would not have been Chanel!

Chanel, from an orphan to the queen of the world fashion industry, LoGo is a touching and bloody love legend behind LoGo

In 1954, the 71-year-old Chanel returned to France, made a comeback, and quickly re-emerged a number of Parisian ladies with the usual simple and natural women's style, and a fashion era belonging to Chanel once again led the world.

After Chanel's death in 1971, the famous German designer Carl Lagerfeld became artistic director. No matter how times change, the value of Chanel's minimalist fashion trends has not changed.

Chanel never married in her life, she created a great fashion empire, while pursuing the life she wanted, which is itself the best model of female autonomy, and it is also the new era fashion standard that knows the fun of feelings the most.

As Chanel famously said, "May my legend remain in the hearts of the world forever, forever as bright as new." ”

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