
The love in the movie "Spy League" is the cinnabar mole in people's hearts

author:Golden beauty is the most beautiful

For a long time, I have not been moved to tears by the movie, and the director of this "Spy League" did not use a gorgeous technique, but quietly told a story of anger and intestines with a calm tone, which became a cinnabar mole in the hearts of the audience and the male protagonist that can never be dissipated.

The love in the movie "Spy League" is the cinnabar mole in people's hearts

There are two memorable sentences in the movie, "War marriage is the most unreliable" is not true. In Zhang Ailing's "Love in the Fallen City", Bai Liusu and Fan Liuyuan still have pure love in the turbulent years, and the war does not separate the two but regards them as treasures. Love is like a tornado, rushing people without a trace of defense, and war marriage can be very moving. "Tomorrow, we forget about the war and spend a good day with our children." It is very touching and tear-inducing, after today tomorrow is buried for the unknown crisis, but still have to live out that sincerity in the only day.

Death and life are broad, and they are pleasing to the Son;

Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son.

The love in the movie "Spy League" is the cinnabar mole in people's hearts

In love, the heroine Marianne is the winner, she guards the love of the two people, holds the beautiful castle of the two, and her sacrifice is predictable. The living can die, the dead can live; the living can not be with death, and the dead cannot be revived from death. Only her death can be exchanged for the so-called peace, and it also makes people see a sad love story.

War, love, is worth pondering. War brings disaster to people, and human nature brings people to think. Is Marianne wrong? Is Max wrong? In my opinion, no one is wrong, Marianne because she cares about the safety of her family, and Max cares about his wife's innocence. It is precisely because of the care that Marx betrayed the motherland, Marianne fulfilled everything! Can't help but make people reflect on what is right? What's wrong? And is there pure right and wrong?

The love in the movie "Spy League" is the cinnabar mole in people's hearts

The director's handling method is very clever, the simpler the more moving, Marianne's suicide has no atmospheric touching music, no slow motion, no rendering, and it moves people. The simple technique throws tears, and the audience accepts to pay for it. brilliant! Max was helpless when answering the phone, struggling, pretending to be indifferent and not knowing how many times he had died, and his heart had collapsed and his wife was obsessed with him, this kind of counter-stimulation made people feel sad. Only endure the pain, what is the saddest thing? It is obvious that he is tearing his heart and lungs but still pretending to be happy, and he deeply praises Pete's performance!

The love in the movie "Spy League" is the cinnabar mole in people's hearts

Born like the splendor of summer flowers, dead like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves. I want to praise Marianne with this sentence! The most mother, saving the family she is good, as a wife, for love to preserve feelings and dignity, is even better!

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