
Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

author:China Youth Network
Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

We put Chen Yannian "please come back"

He came to Shanghai in 2021

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror
Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Through the Mirror of Time

Chen Yannian and contemporary youth

High-five dialogue

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

By the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

China Youth Daily

Co-sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League

Zhihu participated as a strategic partner

"Through a hundred years, ask the original heart"

"Mirror of Time" is an immersive interactive experience activity for the centenary of the founding of the Party

Launched this afternoon

In the place where the original intention of the Chinese Communists was conceived

Shanghai Yuyangli

Revolutionary martyr Chen Yannian and others were "invited back"

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

In the Mirror of Time

Chen Yannian "said" to contemporary youth


I'm Chen Yannian, and you probably haven't heard of me. I have a famous father, his name is Chen Duxiu.

There's one more thing you don't necessarily know. 96 years ago, I personally put a red scarf on a middle school student, which was the first red scarf in China.

I'll tell you, the red scarf is really blood-stained red. 94 years ago, Chiang Kai-shek launched a massacre of the Communist Party. At the execution ground not far from here, I said goodbye to the world.

The executioner forced me to kneel with a knife, and I was going to die standing. I said to them, "Revolutionaries will never kneel, they can only stand and die!" "They had no choice but to hack me to death with a knife."

What's so scary? We have all embraced the conviction that we must die. When my father was arrested, I was also asked if I was afraid. If you do it, you are not afraid, and if you are afraid, you will not do it. What we want to do has never been meaningful in eternity, and having such an opportunity to make a glorious sacrifice is unattainable, and what a horror to speak of!

Today, there may not be many people who can recognize me. I've only left two photos.

At that time, I did not take pictures, did not talk about love, did not want a family, pursued the "six noes", and devoted myself to the revolution. There are great powers outside, warlords are in turmoil, some places are causing famine, some people are selling their children, the nation is crumbling, the country is sinking, the country is dying, how can it be home? I can't do both, I can only dedicate myself, no remorse!

For me, the feat of youth is to dedicate myself to this country. What we want is a free new world, a happy new nation. Many people say that socialism and communism are too far away and may take hundreds of years to achieve.

But for the sake of my goals, I could go to work during the day, sleep on the floor of the library at night, nibble on a few pieces of bread every day, and drink some tap water when I choked.

My second brother died in the same execution ground as me. He said, "Let our children and grandchildren enjoy the happiness of those who came before us!" ”

Are you happy today?

What's the desperate move you've done so far?

Will you give up your current certain happiness for a goal that seems far away?

I'm leaving and I'll be back. Let's clap our hands together: Meet at the time of China's revival. Good bye!

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Except for Chen Yannian

There are also Deng Enming, Qu Qiubai, Fang Zhimin, and Xiang Jingyu

Also "Please come back"

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Two generations engage in an interactive dialogue

At the event site

To the police to the martyr's granddaughter Cai Yu

Interact with grandmas such as "Xiang Jingyu" and "Fang Zhimin"

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Cai Yu, the granddaughter of the martyr Xiang Police, interacts with "Fang Zhimin" through the "Mirror of Time".

Cai Yu said:

This interactive experience is novel

Seeing the picture of Grandma moved

She was very surprised and very touched

"In this form, I brought my grandmother closer,

It's special, and the characters come alive.

Grandma is a relative who has never met,

This way made me feel like I had met My Grandmother.

If I saw Grandma, I would say to her,

I miss you. ”

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Visitors travel through time and space through the "Mirror of Time" and "High-five to the Police".

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Visitors "dialogue" with "Qu Qiubai" through the "Mirror of Time".

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Elementary school students compete to experience the "Mirror of Time".

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

Elementary school students waiting to experience the "Mirror of Time" are printed with the words of revolutionary youth on the display board behind them.

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

On April 30, in Shanghai's Yuyangli Square, the scene of the "Mirror of Time" immersive interactive experience activity for the centenary of the founding of the Party, tourists took pictures on the spot, and the large screen of the building behind them displayed the event poster with the faces of revolutionary martyrs.

The mirror of time opens from Shanghai

In the future, it will also travel to many parts of the country

Start a two-generational conversation

Live footage! Today, Chen Yannian came to Shanghai in 2021 through the mirror

"If you remember, I will live!"

Source: China Youth Daily

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