
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

author:Fashion Design Encyclopedia

For small apartments, the bathroom is the "golden space" of every family, but due to space limitations, it often seems "crowded". At the same time, there are many small problems, such as the mirror is too small, the storage space is insufficient, and the user experience is poor. If you want to maximize the "amplification" of the experience in a limited space, you must clearly understand the design points, so that the bathroom is no longer limited by space.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Small bathroom

Common "Troubleshooting"

Q1: How to plan the storage space if the space is small?

Small bathrooms often lack enough storage space and need to find ways to create extra storage. Using the space on the walls of the bathroom, install hooks or hangers where towels or toiletries can be hung.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

In addition, bathroom furniture with storage functions, such as bathroom cabinets with cabinets or drawers, increases storage space. Another option is to use a foldable storage box that can be placed in the corner or bottom of the bathroom.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Q2: How do you balance comfort and functionality?

Choose bathroom equipment with a small design, such as a small-sized toilet, a cabinetless integrated basin, and no shower room, etc., to save space.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

In addition, bright lighting and large mirrors can add to the visual spaciousness. Keeping the space as simple as possible can also help reduce the cramped feeling by reducing the number of items and decorations on the outside.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Q3: How to solve the ventilation problem of the dark guard?

When decorating, try to choose building materials with better moisture-proof performance, such as tiles and absorbent bathroom mats, to reduce the possibility of water accumulation as much as possible. At the same time, choose exhaust air and bath bombs with strong deodorization and drying functions, which not only effectively exhaust the humid air, but also may be relatively energy-saving.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

4 tricks to help the bathroom "look bigger"


Mirror size

Don't be limited by the washbasin

Mirrors or mirror cabinets in ordinary bathrooms usually correspond to the size of the bathroom cabinets. The size of the mirror limits the possibility of magnifying the view of the bathroom.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

For small areas or bathrooms that seem to expand vision, you may wish to enlarge the mirror size, without being limited by the width of the sink, and the toilet on one side can be extended to the top of the toilet, or even across multiple walls to open the field of view infinitely.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Even if the dry area is not on the same side as the toilet, it can be extended to the boundary position to the maximum extent. After all, the larger the mirror, the greater the visual transparency.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?


Bathroom cabinet storage

Choose a hollow + suspended design

If you want to complete the visual and functional enlargement at the same time, it is recommended to use a hollow or non-floor-to-ceiling bathroom cabinet storage design, which helps to maintain the dryness of the bathroom floor and can also provide more diversified storage designs.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Just like the @K pocket of a friend, the basin is hollowed out, and a large dirty clothes basket is placed at the bottom, which is reasonable for storage and does not occupy other spaces, and the cotton and linen bag is taken out and poured directly into the washing machine. Add a small trolley next to it, skin care products and stockpiling can also be stored, which is more cost-effective than adding additional cabinets, and it is more convenient to find them at ordinary times.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?


Horizontal niche design

Expand storage and extend space

The alcove is actually a very practical design concept, different from the conventional vertical niche, the horizontal approach not only expands the storage space, the access surface is larger, and the neat wall can leave more white space, extending the visual effect is better.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Like the home of the decoration friend @ Marymarry, the washing area is moved outward, the toilet area and the shower area are in the same room, and the alcove left blank for the wall-hung toilet extends to the shower area, and the alcove that runs across the two areas can not only become a decoration highlight, but also complete the storage and decoration functions.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?


Diversified storage

Maximize space utilization

The space for opening and closing the doors of many friends is often wasted, which is even worse for the already small bathroom space.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Sliding doors are used in small bathrooms instead of traditional swing doors to save space and expand the visual experience. The space behind the hinged door can be used to place changing baskets, hangers, etc., to maximize the effect of the bathroom space.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

An electric towel rack can be arranged above the toilet in the bathroom or on the side of the sink to dehumidify, which has the function of storing towels and keeping them dry. In addition, the back and above of the toilet area can also be used as a storage space, and these design concepts or the choice of accessories are all added to the multi-function and convenience of an item while maintaining visual simplicity.

Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?
Four ways to "enlarge" the bathroom of a small apartment, the first step is to change the mirror?

Although the bathroom is small, it still needs to be planned and designed, and I hope that the decoration tips shared today can give some inspiration to the friends who are decorating or preparing to decorate. If you are not sure how to design your own small bathroom, you may wish to come to me, the gold medal design of the quality decoration enterprise is customized for you, and there is always a suitable one for your home!

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