
What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

author:Field Shepherd Honey Friend Home

There is such a honey that makes people "psychedelic" when eaten!

There is such a honey that collection requires "risking your life"!

There is also such a kind of honey, bees face the mountain flowers but it is difficult to "brew"!


The world is big, there are no surprises!

A bottle of honey not only contains the fragrance of flowers, but also condenses the customs and customs of a place, regional characteristics, climate characteristics and so on.

Take stock of some of the world's rarest and most precious honeys:


"Tuarang Tree Honey"

The Tualang tree can grow to an astonishing height of nearly 90 meters and is a behemoth in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. The big bees that collect nectar from the surrounding flowers are usually attached to tall trunks, and if the flowers around the Tuarang tree are strong, there will even be hundreds of hives on a tree.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

The big bees are fierce and aggressive, and it is not easy to collect tuarang tree honey, honey hunters usually choose cloudy days or night to climb to the top of the tree, and use thick smoke to disperse the bees in order to collect the thick yellow sweet honey.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Precious index ★★★★ ☆

Special index ★★★★ ☆


"Crazy Honey"

The world's largest bee, the Himalayan giant bee, which makes its home on a Himalayan cliff.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Honey hunters need to take great risks, climb hundreds of meters of cliffs, hang rickety rope ladders, and collect this honey.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Because it contains a red sweet fruit with a spiritual substance, like a hallucinogen, it is eaten too much and is poisonous! So it's called "Crazy Honey".

It's crazy, but it's expensive, and in the U.S., it can sell for anywhere from $60 to $80 per pound, or 360 to 500 yuan per 0.45 kilograms. It is called "a medicine given by God" by Himalayan practitioners.


"Poisonous Honey"

From Turkey's Anatolian highlands to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, poisonous rhododendrons bloom all over the mountains. After collecting the nectar of the poisonous rhododendron, the bees will brew honey that hides the toxin of "wood quinoa". A small spoonful of orange-red honey is enough to make people spin all day long.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

The ancient Greek historian Xenophon recorded in the Expedition that his army was mad and impatient due to the accidental eating of cuckoo honey cake, and even fell off the horse and groaned, but fortunately the next day they returned to normal.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Despite its dangerous toxicity, it remains a legal commodity in places like Nepal and Turkey. With the popularity of the Internet, crazy honey has many foreign fans who like to hunt for curiosity, ranking among the world's most expensive honeys.

Special indices ★★★★★


"Leather wood honey"

Leather wood is a special plant that can only be found on the Australian island of Tasmania, and usually over 50 years old leather wood has a considerable amount of nectar. Its white flowers have also been named "Flower of Tasmania" by the Plant Society of Australia.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

The purity of leather wood honey is very high, reaching 95-99%, which is much higher than international standards.

This honey has a unique floral fragrance, and the world's honey connoisseurs say that its unique subtle floral fragrance spoils the human sense of taste for honey, and is a "taste heritage" that is at risk of extinction.

Precious Index ★★★★★

Special index ★★★ ☆☆


"Anzel Honey"

500 species of wildflowers bloom in the Mountains of Anzel on the shores of the Black Sea, of which 80 species are endemic to the region. The Summer in the Anzer Highlands is cold and rainy, and most of the time, the little bees of the "Buddha" can only hide in the nest to avoid the rain, looking at the flowers of the mountains and doing nothing, so the honey production is extremely rare, and naturally the price is not cheap.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

The honey has always been a source of pride for the Turks, who see it not only as a delicacy, but also as a "panacea" for all ills.

Because of its excellent quality, there are often bears to steal honey, Turkish beekeeper Sedef came up with an idea to turn the bear into a "honey taster", 4 kinds of honey are laid out on the table, and the bear is always attracted by the taste of Anzer honey.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

In addition, there are many legends and mysteries such as "heather honey" with caramel flavor, "rosemary honey" that is regarded as a treasure by the Greeks, and "raspberry honey" that is excellent for women.

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Heather flowers

What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"


What are the rare honey varieties? 1 minute to see all 5 "rare honey species"

Rosemary flowers

With the wide variety of climate and geographical conditions, coupled with the complexity and variety of honey source plants, bees in different regions have different destinies, which also creates a situation where honey blossoms.

For thousands of years, honey from filling the stomach to fitness to the satisfaction of hunting, whether it is poisonous honey or hard-to-find honey, can not stop people's love for honey fever.

What other rare honey species do you know? Welcome to exchange~

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