
Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

author:Asher's Essays
Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

This is a book that has been written for more than half a year. In March, it was notified that from this year onwards, those over the age of 50 could no longer be assigned to work at the local level. When I received the notification, I was suddenly confused. For decades, listening to organizational arrangements and working for organizations has become a dependence and consciousness in the bones. Not being able to change jobs into the organization's system means that no one cares about themselves or what to do. Losing his organization and dependence, he had nightmares all night and night, often falling into a black vortex. More than half a year has passed, and at this moment, I only have articles in my heart, and I have a book manuscript written with my heart, and my life is calm and my heart is very stable. In this sense, it was amateur writing that took me out of the vortex of life.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

Since childhood, I have had the habit of writing alone on paper when I can't think of anything. Writing it out will feel better, and writing it will also clear up your thinking and let yourself come out of unhappiness. Within a week of receiving the notice, he had been writing his thoughts in the book, calming down the initial consternation, sorting out the disorderly worries, and thinking a little about the days to come. After that, he was invited to Hanzhong to see the rape flowers. Go out as usual with a book, read during the day, write at night, try to write only about the beauty in front of you, not mention the anxiety in your heart. When I came back, I sorted out a landscape travelogue with vitality, and with the support of the teachers of Shaanxi Bao, I published it. This is his first official essay. It is like a clear spring, flowing with its own joy and washing away the unhappiness in its heart. Then to Ningshan, to Baishui, to Maoming, to Wuhan, to Tongguan, and throughout April it has been running non-stop. During this period, the article written for Baishui was suddenly hired by the overseas edition of the People's Daily. In the excitement, I felt that life had opened another window for me, and there was a seductive light inside.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

In May, there were two consecutive trips to the far door. During the May Day holiday, I went to Dongtou Island in Wenzhou with my family. I like the sea, I have been to many places along the coast, and I have been to many small islands. However, when the five small islands in the center of the East China Sea appeared in his eyes one after another and saw a dreamlike sea city, he was deeply shocked. After leaving the island, following the traces of Yongjia culture, I entered Yandang Mountain and saw one exquisite small village after another in the corner of the mountain. Decades of barracks life have made me accustomed to simplicity, my cognition has tended to be flat, and I never thought that there would be such a rich and beautiful place in the folded corners of nature. In the past, I used to say that I wanted to open myself, and I often read books and watched the news to broaden myself, but now I find that where my footsteps can't reach, it is difficult for my heart to be truly opened. After returning for a three-day rest, he went to Guizhou with his friends for a big circle, and the two articles he wrote were published in the Journal of Chinese Culture and the Journal of the China Essay Society.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

In June and July, while staying at home, I wrote a landscape travel record while trying to write about my life experience. In the process of writing, I am very sober, knowing that in the trend of popular writing, everyone can pick up a pen, and they are on this road to make a scene. The river of life has met a turn in middle age, and amateur writing can let yourself pass these days and spend time better. As long as some are busy and some are happy, that's enough. During this period, articles that paid attention to the development and changes of the hometown, "Watching the Wheat Field" and "Nanshan Is Near", articles recalling the life of the military camp, "Looking up to the stickers" and "The Cobblestone of the Years", were all well received. After writing to stabilize God, I still wanted to go out and do something. After carefully weighing, charity work was chosen. Charity comes from the heart, and morality spreads throughout the world. Modern philanthropy brings together a large number of enthusiastic and outstanding people, and I am willing to join them in this enthusiastic cause. In early August, he went to Yulin with his wife, and then went to work at the Charity Association to learn more about society. In October, he went to Yulin again for charity. The vast majesty of the Loess Plateau made him run wild with passion and wrote many poems that were permeated with sunshine.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

As articles continued to be published, I began to think seriously about my own writing. For more than ten years, I have been calling my own compositions essays, writing anywhere, writing by pens, and not paying much attention. When I published my first collection of essays at the beginning of the year, I tried to talk about my own writing experience, that is, I tried to put some family and country feelings in my pocket under the beautiful cloak of words. As an amateur writer, the packaging of these ideas is still naïve and crude. Fortunately, I have decades of experience in political work, and I have been paying attention to society, which has invisibly improved my position of looking at the world. I have been looking at things positively, speaking positively, and there is a very natural positive energy flowing in my bones. This background restricts itself and perfects itself, and several articles that reflect the times and praise the advanced have been successful. The times always need works that reflect big themes and emit positive energy, and this is the direction I try to pursue. After September, I tried to broaden my thinking and wrote a few characters, reviews, and pyrotechnic articles. In terms of specific writing, the red child teacher has always advocated a breakthrough and cannot be the same. After the second view of the White Clouds, I tried to write an atypical travelogue. After writing it, I sent it to him nervously, and I got his special affirmation.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

With the help of enthusiastic people and the self-encouragement of constant publications, my life was slowly occupied by specialized amateur writing. What I write, how I write it, and how I write it dominates my day and my emotions. Autumn has arrived, the branches of nature are full of harvest fruits, and I have a heavy book manuscript on hand. It is mainly based on travelogues, including those written now and now, including home memories, and also sitting in front of the door and watching with hot eyes. There is also a section dedicated to retiring and transforming life, in a sense, they are also a kind of travelogue of the heart. Prose is always about my life, at least what I see, think, and feel. Good prose, though written about my world, resonates with people in the larger world. There are about three kinds of resonance, one is the resonance of life in front of you, such as what you said, I happen to know, completely like a family, lively and lovely. The second is the spiritual resonance above your head, for example, when you say something that others have thought about but have not understood, you are suddenly enlightened. The third is the soul resonance of the heart, such as others reading in your words like the feeling of the depths of the starry sky, and they are in awe. I have lived my life spontaneously, rarely thinking deeply and persistently about what I have planned, going with the flow, taking it for granted, and then happily accepting all the results. Such a life experience has made me rarely have profound insights, and the words I write are all shallow feelings in life. In the case of paper books getting colder, the effort to present these articles is more of a display of life conditions for themselves, as if they are handing in papers. In the past year of self-transit, to their own lives, but also to the friends who care about themselves. My heart journey is in it, my travel footprints are in it, my writing ideas are in it, and my growing heart and soul are also in it. So, if the friends I read can smile, I am already very satisfied.

Three Golden Leaves in Life: An Afterword to the Essay Collection "Riding the Wind and Carrying Songs"

Middle-aged life needs to be simplified. At present, my life is guaranteed, and I can often go out to see the vast and boundless world, write articles from the heart, and make sincere and interesting friends, which is really lucky. I often tell my friends that writing, traveling, and making friends are the three golden leaves in my life, and I live happily by them and for them. Travel allows life to collide in new environments, with new discoveries and experiences. Looking at the mountains and the water to see the characters, in fact, they are all looking at themselves as a mirror. For five or six years in the past, the title of my last life essay every year was, "Go out, look in." Now I understand that as a living body, trying to make myself better is the most basic life issue. Therefore, we have to constantly look at ourselves, look at our own shortcomings, and look at our own progress. Writing allows life to be deepened and enhanced. People who write with their hearts can sensitively and accurately capture and describe certain feelings in life, and let them condense into words for them to often reminisce. Writing can promote the reconstruction of inner order, not only making the existing more orderly, but also guiding the search for more meaningful unknowns. Writing is also a particularly knowledge-intensive and cognitive thing. In order to write a good article, you have to understand the relevant background, you have to play with the experience in your heart, and you even have to identify the color of a certain leaf and distinguish the use of some words. In such a process, I realized that life is not easy, writing is difficult, and people slowly become more humble. Behind everything is people, and in the most of the half year of writing and traveling, I have received help from friends around me and met many new friends. Without the company of friends, I would not run outside so happily. Without the guidance and encouragement of friends, it is difficult to stick to your own writing. Without the support of friends, articles that are not mature enough will not be published so smoothly. One of the charms of travel is that there is more clarity in the section of the world and culture, and the year of retirement and transformation is also a section of life, which can also reflect many things. Fortunately, this year, I have more friends and have received support, communication and companionship from everyone.

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