
"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong


#Under what circumstances can people realize it##人生在世, what truth do you realize##What is the most important thing in people-to-people interactions.##有什么社会潜规则 #


Many people cried foul for Zhou Tienan. After all, it is human nature to be afraid of death. Not to mention, the situation in that situation was far beyond his ability, and there was not so strong a need to sacrifice his life.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

Indeed, he has the courage of Sun Wukong, but he does not have the ability of Sun Wukong, and he does not have the background of Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong has to go through a series of very difficult tribulations in the future. Not to mention, in the later days, Sun Wukong did not have the fierceness of the Previous Heavenly Palace, or showed some encouragement at some times. Not to mention, Zhou Tienan was in a situation where it was difficult to clap his hands at that time. Therefore, laughing at his fear of death is really too harsh.

From another point of view, he is another Zhang Yiman who dares to rush to the front for the collective interest. It's just that the way he rushed ahead is more easily accepted by the public.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

Zhang Yiman's approach is not accepted by the public, but her decision on herself is indeed extremely firm.

Moreover, the bullet that did not hit Zhou Tienan's head eventually hit Zhang Yiman's head.

It can be said that a very echoing cycle has been completed: in terms of sleeping coppersmiths, Zhang Yiman is active, and letting the bullet hit his head, Zhang Yiman is still active.

This is also a very important place where this woman is impressive.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

However, according to the traditional cognitive system of Chinese, the acceptable women are often passive. If you really want to take the initiative, you can often accept death, not sex.

It can be said that in the end, Zhang Yiman found the real position of women in that era.

And, it's really very dark.


Wu Fei, author of "Taking Righteousness from Floating Life: A Cultural Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Suicide in a County in North China", mentioned that "sacrificing life for righteousness" is often used to praise loyal and righteous people who commit suicide, but this does not mean that only "sacrificing life" can "take righteousness". After all, there are very few occasions when you need to give up your life, but "righteousness" is something that everyone should value in terms of daily use in life and between giving in and out.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

Zhang Yiman let us see Shesheng, but we can't see where that righteousness is.

That's where it makes the audience feel very screwed. Paying so much, not only is there no gain, but even a huge loss.

If it's a comedy, righteousness is the worthy thing that's been torn apart;

If it is a tragedy, righteousness is still the worthless thing that has been torn apart.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

Is righteousness a valuable or worthless thing? After all, this is something that involves everyone's daily life.

Then we have to return to a very important question: Is there any meaning in human life?

And this is also a very acute and important problem that has recurred in that era.

However, many people don't have an answer.


Whether it is Zhang Ailing's "Golden Lock" that seems to be a tragic history of women's counterattack success, or Yu Hua's "Alive", which is torn apart by death and tears the warmth of life to pieces, Su Tong's "Rice", which exudes the intertwining of deep desires of human nature, some are only the destruction of the flesh, but do not make people feel firm righteousness.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

This makes people have to think: Is Zhou Tienan really right? Is Pei Kuishan really wrong? Is Zhang Yiman a slut or a good woman?

And, apart from confusing people, these problems are hardly achieved.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in the real world. To put it simply, it can be described in one word: the place of right and wrong, and it can also be understood as a situation in which people are not people inside and outside, and they are in a dilemma.

And, the simplest way to deal with it on a daily basis is not to let yourself get stuck in this kind of place in the first place, or if you don't feel right, and leave quickly.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

If you really want to judge Zhou Tienan, Pei Kuishan, and Zhang Yiman, you have to change a standard: the bottom line. That is, the degree to which it falls.

In this case, although Zhou Tienan also showed the appearance of greed for life and fear of death, he did not hurt others. However, Pei Kuishan and Zhang Yiman were involved. It's just that Pei Kuishan hurt Zhang Yiman, and Zhang Yiman hurt the coppersmith family, but Zhang Yiman also paid a very big price for it, so it will make people feel that Pei Kuishan is annoying, and Zhang Yiman is sorry.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

And the whole of the movie "Donkey Got Water" is about one thing - when the individual will infringes on the interests of the collective will, the collective will can easily crush the individual will.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

This is what we need to pay more attention to when watching this film.


So how do you avoid being caught in a dilemma in an overly complex environment?

First of all, we need to keep a low profile, first see the preferences and taboos of the environment, and then, in a moderately high profile, and maintain enough distance from the people around us and the right to leave.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

We need to know that the first relationship between these teachers is not a lover, let alone a family, but just a colleague. Moreover, the environment in which they live is not a battlefield directly facing the enemy, but a complex field in which many complex relationships are entangled and no one is good to offend. Therefore, it is more appropriate to know the relevant rules and taboos, and to maintain the necessary distance and freedom to leave. When these conditions are in place, they can strive for the benefits they want while ensuring that the risks are controllable.

And this is the original reason why the entire teaching team is put at risk.

"Donkey Got Water" Zhou Tienan: The courage of the piaf makes him fall into the land of right and wrong

Of course, if you can really do this, there will be no such a story. However, life does not necessarily need so many ups and downs. The key is to first figure out what you want and what you can want.

Sometimes, it's better to have no wonderful story than to get caught up in right and wrong. These are some of the trade-offs that need to be made in the adult field.

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