
The Lhasa youth delegation embarked on a red tour of Danyang

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News (correspondent Yin Xufei reporter Cao Dewei) "The house next to us is particularly conspicuous next to the teaching building with colored facades. Now we have arrived at the first stop of the 'Red Memory Tour' Youth Learning Club route..." On the morning of October 28, a group of youth delegates from Lhasa received specially customized handbags and guidance manuals for the route, and under the leadership of the young docents, walked into the former site of the first branch of the Communist Party of China in Danyang. It is reported that with the support of the Jiangsu Provincial Forward Command for Aiding Tibet, the Lhasa youth delegation went to Jiangsu from October 25 to November 2 to carry out exchange and joint construction activities.

The Lhasa youth delegation embarked on a red tour of Danyang

On the same day, Tang Dajun, deputy secretary of the Lhasa Youth League Municipal Committee and vice chairman of the Lhasa Youth Federation, led 25 Lhasa youth representatives from all walks of life to Danyang and visited and inspected the "Red Memory Journey" Youth Learning Club route and the "Qingcheng" Youth Learning Club in Danyang City.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, and the Danyang Youth League and Municipal Committee has focused on the theme of "red education", dug deep into the history of revolutionary youth struggles on the land of Danyang, and connected the former site of the first branch of the CPC in Danyang and the memorial hall of the former site of the General Front Committee of the Shanghai Campaign to create a "Red Memory Journey" youth learning club route. During the study of the route, the youth representatives of Lhasa relived the glory days under the leadership of young explainers and explored the "red memory" left by the revolutionary ancestors in the red hot land of Danyang.

In the first station, through the form of on-site teaching, the Lhasa youth representatives learned in detail about the origin, significance and role of the establishment of the Danyang Party Branch of the CPC, and also had a deeper understanding and understanding of the phrase "youth are the vanguard of the times" on the wall. In the following activities, through the learning form of "venue visit + group class sharing + situation experience", the young people successively visited the memorial hall of the former site of the General Front Committee of the Shanghai Campaign, met the living quarters of Chen Yi and Deng Xiaoping, and learned about another "red memory" about Danyang. The big roundabout of answering questions on party history knowledge and the situational experience of "Unicycle Forward" triggered the active participation of young friends, and the friends who participated in the interaction also got specially customized dolls such as "Dandan" and "Yangyang".

The Lhasa youth delegation embarked on a red tour of Danyang

"After listening to the teacher's lesson today, I also have a deeper understanding and understanding of the city of Danyang, and our young generation should draw forward strength from the century-old party history, continue the spiritual bloodline of communists, and assume the responsibility of young pioneers in the new era!" After visiting the "Red Memory Tour" Youth Learning Club route and listening to the micro-party lesson "Danyang Party History and a Hundred Years Leap" brought by Chen Yan, a member of the "Youth Lecturer Group" in Danyang City, a young representative expressed his feelings.

Subsequently, all the delegates came to the "Qingcheng" Youth Learning Club located in Danfeng Experimental Primary School in Danyang City, where a fixed special activity has been formed around the theme of "cultural self-confidence": dragon culture explanation, folk style display, and experience handicraft production. The young representatives of Lhasa who came to visit and inspect were deeply attracted and shocked by the "treasures" in the folk museum, admired the infinite charm of China's excellent traditional culture, and bluntly said that they truly felt the "cultural self-confidence".

This activity further deepened the exchanges, exchanges and integration between young people in Jiangsu and Lhasa, and promoted the majority of young people to forge a solid sense of the Chinese national community. Zhu Mengpan, secretary of the Danyang Youth League Municipal Committee, said that next, the Danyang Youth League Municipal Committee will give full play to the role of the "Youth" name learning position, make every effort to strengthen the ideological and political leadership of young people, continuously enhance the popularity and sense of experience of the "Youth Learning Society", innovate the form of learning, and at the same time actively respond to the requirements of the "double reduction" policy, lead more teenagers into the learning society, and continue to set off a wave of "youth learning".

(Courtesy of the correspondent)

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