
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

author:Wuhan is a big deal

——Wuhan Economic Development Zone No. 1 Middle School and Senior High School Second Semester Mid-term Examination Commendation and Parent Conference

At about 3 p.m. on May 15, 2021, the sun was shining and Vientiane was renewed. In order to boost morale and continue the glory, all the teachers, students and parents of the second grade of the First Middle School of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone came to the school's Fire of Life Square to participate in the mid-term examination commendation and parent conference. The conference was presided over by Jia Xinli, deputy director of the second year of high school.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

In the first item of the conference, Xu Chuanzheng, the grade director, shared the results of the midterm exam with all the teachers, students and parents attending the meeting.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Next, Principal Ding Zhenwei read out the list of students who won the title of "Learning Pacesetter" and the special prize, and presented the awards.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Vice President Ran Hong read out the list of students who won the second prize.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Grade Director Xu Chuanzheng read out the list of students who won the third prize in the physics category.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Wang Guomin, deputy director of the grade, read out the list of students who won the third prize in the history category.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Jia Xinli, deputy director of the grade, read out the list of students who won the outstanding group, excellent cadres, hard work awards, and leap awards.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

In the solemn square, Yang Junwen, a senior second (12) class who won the championship in the consortium with a high score of 685, shared her valuable learning experience for all the students. In the view of Yang Junwen, it is very important to closely follow the teacher, consolidate the foundation of the discipline, distinguish the priority and secondary, correct the learning attitude, manage the time well, improve the utilization efficiency, and balance the study and strive for all-round development. I also hope that all students can find the most suitable learning method and pursue their dreams with all their might.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Next, the parents of the second (3) class Tang Haobo shared their parenting experience. Tang Mother first thanked all the teachers who worked hard to cultivate children, and secondly, she believed that at this stage, parents must pay attention to their children's physical and mental health, do a good job in children's logistical support and psychological counseling; communicate with children on an equal footing, understand and respect their unique personalities; pay attention to observing children's emotions, manage children's mobile phones and other electronic products, and finally she called on all parents to closely cooperate with school work and be the strongest backing for children's growth.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

Finally, President Ding made a speech for all the second-grade students and parents of the high school entitled "Learning hard without hesitation, riding the wind and waves to cast brilliance". In his speech, President Ding praised all the students who have been working hard without regrets, self-transcendence, and achieved excellent results, and then sent a sincere message to all the students, in the darkest, most intense, most difficult and deepest parts of the high school stage, must have a firm belief, a clear goal, clench their teeth, and make the most desperate efforts at the most beautiful age to create the most brilliant miracles.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

After the meeting, the parents moved to each classroom to listen to the detailed analysis of the class teacher on the situation of the class and consult with the class teacher on the best way to cultivate their children.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

At the same time, the Banko Contact Meeting is also in full swing. Teachers gathered together to talk about the growth footprints of students and discuss the development plan of the class.

Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance
Only by working hard and having more ambitions, riding the wind and waves to create brilliance

The blueprint has been drawn, and the time has come to fight. I believe that with the precise deployment of school leaders, the fine management of grade leaders, and the careful cultivation of all teachers, high school sophomores will be able to go all out to ride the wind and waves and cast a new glory in 2021.

Written by: Zou Jiaman

Courtesy photo: Jia Xinli, Zou Jiaman, Jing Mengxi, Wei Jiao

【Source: Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone No.1 Senior High School】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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