
The president of Peking University sent a message to the undergraduate graduates: I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Cheng Ting

The president of Peking University sent a message to the undergraduate graduates: I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed

Warm-up activities before the graduation ceremony begins. The Surging News reporter Cheng Ting figure

"Four years ago, holding the red admission letter in hand, leaving the first figure in Yanyuan, at that time, we were all chasing the light. Today, wearing a solemn bachelor's uniform, I came here again to draw a perfect rest for my undergraduate career..." On the morning of July 13, the 2021 undergraduate graduation ceremony of Peking University was held in the Qiu Deba Sports Academy. The graduation commemorative film played on the big screen of the gymnasium, as well as four youth songs such as "Whether", "Into the Sea" (Peking University's original version), "Let Me Stay with You", "Cheers", etc., took the graduates to look back on the four years of college and look forward to the future journey.

The Paper learned from the scene that more than 3,000 undergraduate students in Peking University have obtained bachelor's degrees this year, of which 580 have been awarded the title of outstanding undergraduate graduates of Peking University in 2021 and 177 have been awarded the title of outstanding graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in Beijing in 2021.

The president of Peking University sent a message to the undergraduate graduates: I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed

Cheng Heping, cell biology and biophysicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor of the School of Future Technology of Peking University. Photo courtesy of Peking University

At the graduation ceremony, Cheng Heping, a cell biology and biophysicist, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a professor at the School of Future Technology of Peking University, sent his message and blessings to all the graduates as a teacher representative. He said, "The human body is too wonderful, the world is too big, the universe is too infinite, and the topics left for us to explore as human beings are endless, calling for countless young people to work hard, devote themselves to it, and dedicate themselves to it." Someone said, 'The world is so big, I want to see it.' I want Peking University graduates to say, 'The world is so big, I want to explore.' We have to be curious about the world at all times. ”

The president of Peking University sent a message to the undergraduate graduates: I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed

Leader of the archaeological excavation team at the Sanxingdui site and Peking University alumni Thunderstorm. Photo courtesy of Peking University

As an alumni representative, Lei Yu, the director of the Sanxingdui Site Workstation of the Sichuan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the leader of the archaeological excavation team of the Sanxingdui Site, and the 1980-class alumnus of the Archaeology Major of the Department of History of Peking University, encouraged the graduates at the graduation ceremony to always maintain a pioneering mind and an open mind, always maintain curiosity and imagination, and always maintain the spirit of perseverance. He said that the success of any thing is not achieved overnight, any achievement is not overnight, I hope that all graduates no matter where they go, do not forget that they are a Peking University person, maintain the spirit and disposition of Peking University people, never fade.

The president of Peking University sent a message to the undergraduate graduates: I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed

President Hao Ping of Peking University. Photo courtesy of Peking University

Hao Ping, president of Peking University, sent a message to the graduates to live up to the times and forge ahead.

"You are walking in the same direction as the great times, born at the right time, shouldering heavy responsibilities, and are the strategic force for achieving the second centenary goal." You carry the deepest expectations of the nation and the country. Hao Ping said.

He also put forward four hopes for the graduates: "I hope that you will build a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs in the new era; I hope that you will take root among the people like a seed; I hope that you will meet and overcome various challenges with indomitable courage; and I hope that you will always maintain your enthusiasm for learning and the spirit of innovation!" ”

"By the time the second centenary goal is achieved in 2049, most of you will be about fifty years old, and it will be in the prime of your life. In the great journey of national rejuvenation, you are all witnesses of history and creators, pioneers and strivers of the great era. Hao Ping encouraged the graduates: "You will certainly be able to live up to the times, to live up to Shaohua, to live up to the ardent expectations of the party and the people, to make due contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and to bloom brilliant flowers and bear fruitful fruits on the land of China and in the hot land of the people!" ”

Editor-in-Charge: Yuhao Zhong

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