
Prince Harry, after experiencing his grandmother's hospitalization, decided to return to England over Christmas

author:Global GoldenEye
{"info":{"title":{"content":"哈里王子经历祖母住院后,决定在圣诞节期间返回英国","en":"Prince Harry, after experiencing his grandmother's hospitalization, decided to return to England over Christmas"},"description":{"content":"近期女王的一系列消息引发了公众对她健康问题的担忧,面对这位备受爱戴的老人,公众尚且无比关心,那么她的家人就更是倍感忧虑了...","en":"A recent series of news from the Queen has raised public concerns about her health, and in the face of this beloved old man, the public is still extremely concerned, and her family is even more worried..."}},"items":[]}

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