
A Week of Diplomatic Observation: Wang Yi Clear Warning! If we insist on going our own way on this issue, we will pay our due price

author:Shangguan News

In recent times, some politicians in the United States and Europe have repeatedly provoked China's bottom line on Taiwan-related issues, constantly sent wrong signals to the DPP authorities, and even repeatedly hyped up relevant issues at the United Nations venue.

In this regard, the Chinese side has repeatedly stressed that the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations and a universal consensus of the international community, which is clearly stipulated in the three Sino-US joint communiques and is also a solemn commitment made by the European side. At the same time, "the determination of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving. ”

At this critical moment, Wang Yi began a new round of foreign visits. Visits to Greece, Serbia, Albania and Italy over a three-day period. This is also after a gap of 14 months, Wang Yi visited Europe again.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the people's republic of China to its legitimate seat in the United Nations. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 by an overwhelming majority, deciding to restore China's legitimate seat in the United Nations, which is of great and far-reaching significance to China and the world.

Today, a few "beam-jumping clowns" have tried to undermine key resolutions 50 years ago, and as Wang Yi said, they could not stop the one-China principle 50 years ago, and they are even less likely to succeed in the 21st century today. If you insist on going your own way, you will pay the price you deserve.


Recently, some US politicians have been constantly hyping up the Taiwan issue.

On October 22, local time, the "American Institute in Taiwan" and the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office" held a meeting in an attempt to make Taiwan "meaningfully participate in the United Nations public health, environment and climate change activities."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin refuted the so-called "Taiwan's participation in UN activities": The United Nations is an intergovernmental international organization composed of sovereign states, and The participation of the Taiwan region in the activities of international organizations must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle.

At the same time, he also warned the US side to stop its official contacts with Taiwan, stop making irresponsible remarks, and not send the wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces in any form.

Subsequently, US Secretary of State Blinken issued a so-called statement arguing that Taiwan's meaningful participation in the UN system is a pragmatic issue rather than a political issue, which is in line with the US "one-China" policy.

In this regard, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian stressed China's four basic positions:

First, there is only one China in the world, the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate Government representing all of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. Including the United States, 180 countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of adhering to the one-China principle.

Second, the Taiwan region's participation in the activities of international organizations must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. Any matter involving Taiwan by the United Nations system, the specialized agencies and the United Nations Secretariat should be guided by the one-China principle and General Assembly resolution 2758.

Third, the Taiwan authorities stubbornly adhere to the separatist stand of "Taiwan independence," refuse to recognize the "1992 Consensus," vigorously expand the so-called "international space," and go farther and farther down the road of "Taiwan independence" separatism; this is the greatest real threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and it is also the crux of the crux of Taiwan's repeated encounters in the activities of multilateral institutions such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization in recent years.

Fourth, the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques are the political foundation of Sino-US relations. The so-called "Taiwan Relations Act" and the "Six Guarantees to Taiwan" unilaterally concocted by the US side seriously violate international law and the basic norms governing international relations and violate the one-China principle, and the Chinese side has absolutely never accepted them from the very beginning.

In fact, under the premise of the one-China principle, the Chinese Central Government has made proper arrangements for the Taiwan region's participation in international cooperation in various fields.

A Week of Diplomatic Observation: Wang Yi Clear Warning! If we insist on going our own way on this issue, we will pay our due price

According to Wang Wenbin, in the field of health, the Taiwan region has set up an IHR contact point, and the exchange of information with the World Health Organization and other countries is smooth and the mechanism is perfect. The Taiwan region also regularly sends experts to ATTEND WHO technical meetings and activities. In the field of civil aviation, the Taiwan region has convenient navigation with many cities in the world, and the access to ICAO standards and recommended measures and related materials is also smooth.

In addition, there are U.S. officials who claim that China is "abusing" UN General Assembly Resolution 2758.

In the face of such a distortion of history, Wang Wenbin restored the truth in detail:

50 years ago, before the Ungalactic Assembly considered the "two-Arab proposal," that is, resolution 2758, a small number of countries, such as the United States, put forward the so-called "reverse important issue" and "dual representation" proposals in order to retain the Taiwan authorities' seat in the United Nations. The former demanded that "any proposal for the General Assembly that would result in the disrepresentation of Taiwan at the United Nations requires the approval of a 2/3 majority vote of the General Assembly"; the latter requires "the admission of representatives of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations on the one hand, and confirmation of the continued representation of the Taiwan side" on the other. As a result, the "inverse important issues" proposal was not adopted. With the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 2758, the People's Republic of China has completely restored its legitimate seat in the United Nations, and the "dual representation" proposal put forward by the United States and a few other countries has thus become an abrogated.

It can be seen from this that the one-China principle was universally recognized by the international community as early as half a century ago. The so-called "abuse" of the US side is pure nonsense.


This week, Foreign Minister Wang Yi began a new round of foreign visits: the Middle East and Europe.

Wang Yi was invited to visit Qatar from 25 to 26 October, during which time he met with a delegation of the Afghan Taliban Interim Government. Subsequently, from October 27 to 29, Wang Yi was invited to visit Greece, Serbia, Albania and Italy.

It is worth noting that Wang Yi visited Europe when he resumed offline diplomacy last year. From August 25 to September 1, 2020, Wang Yi visited five European countries: Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France and Germany. After more than a year, Wang Yi visited Europe again, which aroused widespread international attention.

During his visit to Qatar, Wang Yi met with the acting deputy prime minister and acting foreign minister of the Afghan Taliban Interim Government, and talked about China's policy toward Afghanistan: "We are not in favor of blind pressure, and we are even more opposed to the threat of sanctions. At the same time, he also promised that China would never interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs, nor would it seek any selfish interests, and it had no intention of building any sphere of influence in Afghanistan.

A Week of Diplomatic Observation: Wang Yi Clear Warning! If we insist on going our own way on this issue, we will pay our due price

When attending the second meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighbors, Wang Yi also put forward four suggestions: active contact and guidance, expand multilateral coordination, strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation and promote peace and reconstruction. According to the consensus of all parties, the third foreign ministers' meeting will be held in China in 2022.

Immediately after Wang Yi embarked on an intensive tour of Europe, Wang Wenbin introduced that the purpose of this trip is to promote the continuous improvement of bilateral relations and provide greater impetus for China-CEEC cooperation and the development of China-EU relations.

During his visit to Greece, Wang Yi also clearly mentioned that the visit conveyed three clear messages: he hoped to jointly carry forward the Olympic spirit with Europe, hoped to jointly promote connectivity with Europe, and hoped to jointly promote dialogue among civilizations with Europe.

Wang Yi also specifically mentioned that As representatives of eastern and western civilizations, China and the EU should strengthen dialogue and communication, promote understanding and mutual trust, eliminate misunderstandings and doubts, and consolidate the political foundation based on the one-China principle.

When Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis met with Wang Yi, he made it clear that the Greek side attaches great importance to developing relations with China and has never agreed with the anti-China and "China-fear" arguments in the international community. Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Di Maio also said that Italy firmly pursues the one-China policy.

A Week of Diplomatic Observation: Wang Yi Clear Warning! If we insist on going our own way on this issue, we will pay our due price

As we all know, in recent years, some European politicians and groups have repeatedly provoked China's bottom line on Taiwan-related issues, and under the influence of this, China-EU relations have experienced some twists and turns.

On 20 July, the Taiwan authorities, in collusion with the Lithuanian side, publicly announced that they would set up a representative office in Lithuania, named the so-called "Taiwan Representative Office in Lithuania." Last week, the European Parliament passed a resolution on so-called "EU-Taiwan political relations and cooperation", saying that the EU should deepen its partnership with Taiwan. At the same time that Wang Yi was visiting Europe, Wu Zhaoxie was also visiting everywhere.

The Chinese mission to the EU has made it clear that the one-China principle is the political basis for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the EU and the development of bilateral relations, and the European Parliament is an official organ of the European Union, and if a committee under it sends parliamentarians to "visit" Taiwan, it will seriously violate the European side's commitment to pursuing the one-China policy, harm China's core interests, and undermine the healthy development of Sino-European relations. At the same time, Zhao Lijian also stressed that the determination of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving.

"The despicable manipulation of a few Czechs is doomed to fail." Zhao Lijian said that he had made solemn representations to the Czech side and would make a legitimate and necessary response.

During his participation in the G20 summit in Rome, Wang Yi did not forget to "knock" individual European politicians when answering reporters' questions.

"Taiwan's future has no future but to achieve reunification with the mainland." Taiwan has no status under international law other than that of China. Wang Yi pointed out that recently the United States and other countries have tried to make breakthroughs on the Taiwan issue, "they could not stop the one-China principle 50 years ago, and it is even more impossible to succeed today in the 21st century." If you insist on going your own way, you will pay the price you deserve. ”


October 25, 50 years ago, was a day that went down in history.

The Twenty-sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 2758 by an overwhelming majority, in which it decided to restore all the rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and recognized the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations.

A Week of Diplomatic Observation: Wang Yi Clear Warning! If we insist on going our own way on this issue, we will pay our due price

In the decades since the restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations, China has joined the vast majority of intergovernmental international organizations and signed more than 600 international conventions.

Since 1990, the Chinese military has participated in nearly 30 UN peacekeeping operations and dispatched nearly 50,000 peacekeepers, which has also made China the largest peacekeeper among the permanent members of the Security Council.

In the context of the widespread global spread of covid-19, China firmly adheres to the attributes of vaccines as a global public good, providing more than 1.5 billion doses of vaccines to more than 100 countries and international organizations.

China has not only lifted 770 million rural poor out of poverty, but has also ranked first among all countries in contributing to world growth for 15 consecutive years, which is crucial to the achievement of international goals such as global poverty reduction and wealth creation and distribution.

No wonder some media commented that these 50 years have been 50 years of China's practice of multilateralism, 50 years of China's full participation in and support for the cause of the United Nations, and 50 years of China's continuous contributions to world peace and development.

At the 50th anniversary of the restoration of legitimate seats in the United Nations in the People's Republic of China, the word "common" appeared 24 times in President Xi Jinping's approximately 20-minute speech.

Why is the emphasis on "common" repeated on this occasion?

The Xinhua article pointed out that as the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental international organization composed of 193 member states, the United Nations is the core of the international system and an important channel and carrier for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Seeking "common ground" through full consultation in "harmony and difference" and uniting to meet various challenges is the original intention of the establishment of the United Nations and the great significance of its existence.

In his speech, President Xi once again emphasized "true multilateralism". International affairs should be handled by everyone through consultation, the future and destiny of the world should be jointly controlled by all countries, and international rules should be jointly formulated and observed by all people - this is the essence of true multilateralism, and it is also the key to upholding and achieving "common" in "different" and respecting and tolerating "difference" in "common".

Column Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong Text Editor: Zha Rui

Source: Author: Charry

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