
Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

author:Kitchen seat

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

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New Year's Day, Chinese New Year's Eve every dish on the rice must have a beautiful meaning, today we will make a smooth, smooth, rich fish ball soup. The tender and fragrant fish meat is seasoned into a Q-bomb refreshing fish ball, and drink it with a light soup until the stomach, which represents a smooth and smooth new year.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

【Dish name】:Black pepper fish ball soup

【Required ingredients】: 1 small spoon of lemon juice, a few pickled peppers, a spoonful of vinegar, a suitable amount of salt, a suitable amount of water, a bara fish, a suitable amount of pea sprouts, a few millet peppers, a few cloves of garlic, a suitable amount of black pepper, a spoonful of oil, and an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds.

【Cooking steps】:

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

1, to make fish balls to choose less thorny fish meat, here directly use the prepared bara fish fillet, because the prepared bara fish fillet itself has less spines, tender meat, after buying back from the supermarket can be used directly, reducing a lot of processing time hungry, but also can make the entry threshold for novices smaller. Of course, you can also use other fillets that remove the spines, but it is relatively more complicated.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

2: Wash the fillet with water first, carefully remove the surface impurities, and then cut into small pieces, which is more convenient for the later blender to crush.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

3, then prepare the right amount of lemon juice, although it is not too much, but it itself is used to increase the flavor of the fragrance, it is best not to be less, if there is no then do not use vinegar to replace, the taste of the production is not the same.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

4, fish meat pieces with a blender to break, it is best to beat several times, so that the fish puree taste is delicate, the taste is good, and because the fish itself is very delicate, so even if there is no blender is not too difficult, but cut a little trouble.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

5, the prepared fish puree inside add a spoonful of lemon juice to increase the flavor, add the appropriate amount of salt to taste, add the right amount of starch, so that the meat puree ball is more compact, a spoonful of pepper to increase the flavor, stir evenly after you can. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add fish balls to cook in the pot when it is about to boil but does not boil.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

6: After the fish balls are cooked, fish out and set aside. Add the right amount of oil to the pot, when the oil is 40% hot, add the prepared onion, ginger and garlic, stir-fry the pepper in the pan, stir-fry the aroma,

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

7: Then add the right amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper and salt to taste.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

8, wait for the water in the pot to boil after adding prepared fish and vegetables such as vegetables under the pot garnish, this side dish according to their own preferences, spinach, oil wheat vegetables, lettuce, coriander can be, and finally add the main seasoning, cumin powder a spoonful, mix all the spices evenly on it.

Chinese New Year's Eve rice can not lack soup, Q fish ball soup, meaning smooth and smooth, every year to restore fish

9, finally sprinkle with an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds for garnish, so that a simple and convenient fish ball soup will be ready, full of umami, Q bounce smooth.

【Cooking Summary】:

When making fish balls, you can also add an egg to it, and there is a cliché problem, that is, when stirring, you must follow one direction.

The size of the fish balls is smaller, because the fish balls will swell after they are cooked, and if they are too large, they will not taste good.

It is best to apply a thin layer of oil to the top of the small spoon, so that the meat puree is not easy to stick to the spoon.

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