
"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Zhang Hui

"The Age of Awakening" has been broadcast for more than two months, and its popularity has not decreased, winning the attention and love of the majority of young people.

Long Pingping, screenwriter of the play, former director of the Third Compilation and Research Department of the Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, and distinguished professor of Tongji University, believes that only by respecting history, revering history, and having a correct view of history can we win the audience and win the youth in the creation. Talking about the scene of Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian martyrs walking to the execution ground in the play, he said: "I have watched this scene at least 20 times, and every time I watch it, I can't help but cry. ”

From April 24 to 25, Long Pingping came to Tongji University to communicate face-to-face with teachers and student representatives, telling the story of the party's original intention, and lecturing party history to "post-00s" students at the Martyrs' Cemetery. In the play, young actors Zhang Wanyi and Ma Qiyue, who played the martyr Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, came to exchange ideas together.

"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

Professor Long Pingping gave a special counseling report on the study and education of party history entitled "Tracing the Origins of the Communist Party of China: The Original Intention and Mission". The pictures in this article are all courtesy of Tongji University

Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian came to the tombstone of the martyr

At noon on April 25, in the Longhua Martyrs' Cemetery, Long Pingping and young actors Zhang Wanyi and Ma Qiyue led 75 student representatives from Tongji University and the member units of the Shanghai University Students Theoretical Propaganda Alliance, holding chrysanthemums, to the tombstones of Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, respectively, to mourn, bow, and offer flowers to express their deep remembrance and reverence to the martyrs.

A realistic immersive theme ideological and political class with the theme of "Looking Back on a Hundred Years, Tracing the Origins of the Original Heart" was held at the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery.

"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

"Just now after sweeping the martyrs' tombs, I saw many revolutionary martyrs lying quietly in the Longhua Martyrs' Cemetery. A hundred years ago, they were all young students like you, rushing to the forefront of patriotism. I would like to tell the students the story of The two brothers, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian. Long Pingping said.

After going to France for work-study, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian chose the ideal of communism, joined the Communist Party of China, and later grew up to become the early leaders of the Communist Party of China. Sadly, the two martyrs were unfortunately arrested and heroically sacrificed. At the time of his death, Chen Yannian was only 29 years old and Chen Qiao was only 26 years old.

"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

Chen Yannian plays Zhang Wanyi

"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

Chen Qiaonian plays Ma Qiyue

Long Pingping specifically mentioned a set of classic shots from The Age of Awakening. On the screen, Chen Duxiu sent his two sons, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, to France for work-study, and the two sunshine teenagers were embracing a new life with great expectations. At this time, the camera flashed and turned to Long Hua, which was the picture of two heroes wearing shackles, stepping on blood, and singing the "Internationale" to the execution ground. "I've watched this scene at least 20 times, and every time I watch it, I can't help but cry." Long Pingping said emotionally.

"When I wrote The Age of Awakening, I wanted my classmates to know them, worship them, not forget them, and take them as models to build our country well and realize the last wishes of these revolutionary martyrs." Long Pingping said that he hoped that the students would draw the strength of truth from the martyrs, infect patriotic enthusiasm, study hard, and contribute their own strength.

"The Age of Awakening" screenwriter: Every time I saw Chen Yannian Chen Qiaonian walk to the execution ground, I cried

In the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery, the crowd expressed their deep remembrance and reverence to the martyrs.

Long Pingping: Two generations of young people have achieved natural communication

"Is there a sequel to The Age of Awakening?" "Your happy life today is the sequel." Long Pingping mentioned that he was very happy to see such a sentence on the Internet.

Long Pingping said: "The drama 'The Age of Awakening' has enabled the youth of that year to achieve natural communication with today's 'post-90s' and 'post-00s', and I feel extremely pleased that young people can have such an understanding of the history of the party through this drama. ”

At the meeting with teachers and students, Long Pingping talked about the original intention of creating this drama. He said: "As a party history worker, I feel that I have the responsibility to introduce these revolutionary youth of a hundred years ago to today's youth, so that everyone can know them, remember them, and use them as models." He said, "Today I am proud to say that through the Age of Awakening, hundreds of millions of young people in China have remembered Chen Yannian and remembered Chen Qiaonian. As a screenwriter, I feel very relieved. ”

"The Age of Awakening" is recognized as a vivid and vivid textbook for the study of party history. Long Pingping said that this drama can help everyone, especially young people, understand the history of the Communist Party of China before the founding of the Party. This period of history is crucial, and the play has played an important role in helping audiences better study party history.

Long Pingping also revealed that he is writing "Tongji Tianxia", "Some people joke that "The Age of Awakening" is a school film of Peking University, so the one I am writing, "Tongji Tianxia" is the real school film of Tongji. ”

It turned out that Long Pingping was working on a new story from Shanghai. Talking about the reason for the creation, Long Pingping said, "Because it is touching. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tongji moved west for six years, not only did not die, but also thrived into a real 'university'. "In addition to the story, Long Pingping also wants to move west, stick to, grow and return to a university to discuss with the audience the significance and value of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the Chinese nation," wrote a small half, if you are fast, you can meet the audience in the past two years. ”

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Hao

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