
Chicken pride! Hainan Wenchang chicken and Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, how delicious

author:Eating is the happiest

If you come to Qingyuan, Guangdong, you can't help but try the local cuisine, especially the famous Qingyuan chicken. According to legend, Qingyuan chicken is famous for the Qingping chicken launched by the Qingping Hotel in Guangzhou, and the history is quite long. In the 1980s, chefs at The Kiyohei Hotel innovated on the basics of traditional white-cut chicken. Qingyuan chicken is not boiled in water, but soaked in brine, and then supercooled with cool brine, so that the taste of the cool brine can naturally penetrate into the chicken. This brine can be reused, the chicken flavor is also retained part of the umami, so it becomes an old chicken soup, the taste is quite strong, a smell has an appetite, the use of these ingredients to make chicken, must be very delicious.

Chicken pride! Hainan Wenchang chicken and Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, how delicious

The advertising campaign about Qingping chicken is "skin refreshing meat smooth, bone flavor", countless followers come to visit, Qingping Chicken of Qingping Hotel was also rated as the "Top Ten Famous Chickens" in Guangzhou in 1993, only the Qingping chicken made of Qingyuan chicken is authentic enough. Qingyuan chicken, commonly known as Qingyuan Ma Chicken, also known as Qingyuan Chicken, originated from the wild original chicken in Lingnan, with the two banks of the North River as the main production area, and is the only breed that maintains the meat quality and flavor characteristics of wild raw chicken. Since the Song Dynasty, there has been the habit of raising Qingyuan chickens, and nearly a thousand years have passed, and they are still deeply loved by the public.

Chicken pride! Hainan Wenchang chicken and Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, how delicious

In the eyes of Cantonese people, chicken has an important position, so the food produced is also quite good, so that the reputation gradually spreads. When it comes to the New Year's Festival, many families will put a dish made of Qingyuan chicken, and this traditional culture has always been popular. Only after tasting the authentic Qingyuan chicken can you feel the characteristics of very crisp leather, low fat content, chewy meat and ultra-delicate fiber. Whether it's a sip of soup or a bite of meat, it's good. After talking about Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, let's talk about Hainan Wenchang chicken, its reputation is also quite proud.

Chicken pride! Hainan Wenchang chicken and Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, how delicious

Hainan's Wenchang chicken ranks first among the four famous dishes in Hainan, and the locals have a unique affection for chickens, especially Wenchang chicken, whose status is sacred and inviolable, and it is no wonder that it is so prosperous. Wenchang chicken is characterized by smooth and tender meat, thin skin and crispy bone, and strong flavor. As early as the Qing Dynasty more than 400 years ago, some records of Wenchang chicken can be found in the literature. According to legend, there was a Wenchang man who served as an official in the imperial court, and when he returned to Beijing, he brought a few special Wenchang chickens with him, and the emperor tasted this good taste and spread the good name. Nowadays, as the first of the four famous dishes in Hainan, Wenchang chicken has long been fully exerted by the chefs, whether it is salt baked, white chopped, or steamed, fried, in short, the cooking techniques are more and more diverse, the taste is basically not bad, after all, the ingredients are so good.

Chicken pride! Hainan Wenchang chicken and Guangdong Qingyuan chicken, how delicious

Because the geographical location of Hainan and Guangdong is relatively close, there are many customs that are quite similar, such as the importance of chickens. So, have you all tasted their delicacy?

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