
"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

author:Seven Acre Tea House

The historical Edward VIII, who loves beauty, does not love the country. When I saw this story when I was young, I felt romantic and affectionate. However, as I grow older, if I think about it now, I only feel that it is irresponsible to abandon the state affairs behind me as a person. So a love story is not so thick.

Compared with Edward VIII, his brother George VI was considered to be in danger. The sixth stuttered, and this weakness was fatal. I want to know that as the king of a country, how can you not open your mouth. So, at the beginning of the movie "The King's Speech", George VI stuttered and finally made a speech that was completely silent, which impressed everyone.

So, did he finally overcome his weaknesses? It should be said that it has not been completely overcome, but there has been great progress. This kind of progress is what inspires the film.

"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, the reason why George VI stuttered</h1>

Before I enter the life of George VI, I would like to tell you about the experience of a friend. This friend was not born with a stutter, and he once told me that when his mother taught him to read as a child, he was very strict. Every time I can't remember, I will be scolded or even beaten. Gradually, he began to fear reading, and his heart was full of fear. "It's the fear that makes me stutter." He said.

Although there are many causes of stuttering, according to the survey, psychological factors are an important cause of stuttering. There are two manifestations:

In the process of children learning and mastering the language, if there are people around to eat, the child will imitate and soon become stuttering.

Second, the reprimand and unkindness of the teacher, parents or those around them will directly stimulate the child's heart, making him anxious and uneasy, and his heart is full of inferiority and timidity, which will lead to stuttering.

Apparently, Bodi (George VI) in the film begins to stutter because of point (2). When Bodi first met Dr. Logue, there was a conversation between the two:

Dr. Logue: When did you start stuttering?

BODI: It's always been that way.

Dr. Logue: I don't think so, stuttering is by no means innate.

BODI: Four or five years old.

It can be seen that George VI's stuttering is not innate, but acquired. To sum up, there are several reasons for this:

(1) The ridicule of my brother and those around me

(2) The father is indifferent when he hears his son being ridiculed

(3) Abuse of the first nursing mother

(4) Death of his brother

(5) The scarcity of the object of talk

Based on these points, Bodi became inferior and sensitive. He was afraid to talk to his brother and afraid to talk to his father, because the former would only taunt and the latter would rarely have patience. In this way, Bodi gradually lost confidence in himself, and as long as he opened his mouth, he would show embarrassment. It can be seen that what he needs most is psychotherapy.

"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, the story of penguins turning into albatrosses</h1>

Despite Bodi's stuttering and clumsy speech, the two daughters still pestered their father to tell stories, and they wanted to hear voices from their father. So George VI told the children a penguin story.

Once upon a time, there were two princesses, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. Their father was a penguin because the evil witch cast a spell on him. This embarrassed him because he liked to embrace the two princesses with his hands, but the penguin could not, because he had bluefish-like wings.

To make matters worse, the witch threw him to the South Pole, a long way back unless he could fly. So he came to the water's edge, quickly dived into the waters, and by noon he had arrived in South Hampton Waters, where he took a two-and-a-half-o'clock boat, and then changed boats at Crabberham to inquire about the way to Buckingham Palace from a passing wild duck.

He swam across the River Thames and came out of the water hole, startling the cook, his mother, and Mrs. Whitaker, and the daughters, hearing the chaos, ran into the kitchen and gave him a thorough bath and gave him a mackerel and a kiss.

When they kissed him, he turned into a short-tailed albatross with a pair of large wings so he could wrap his arms around his two daughters in one go.

At this time, George VI, like this penguin, was enchanted by fate. If he could, he was willing to put in all his efforts to overcome the difficulties and stop stuttering. If that day could come, he wanted to surprise his wife and daughter and make his wife and children proud; if he could not come, he longed for the love and encouragement of his family, and used their kisses and hugs to slightly dissolve the sorrow of the body and mind.

Who among us, like George VI, would rather redouble our efforts to solve a difficult problem and get relief from it, and on the other hand, we need the encouragement of our relatives and friends to see them as strong backing. The reason why we have such a complicated state of mind is to prove ourselves, and the second is not to disappoint our relatives and friends.

Therefore, I think that "stuttering" symbolizes the difficulties in life, "penguin" represents everyone's weaknesses, thorns that need to be cut, and as for albatrosses, it means the transformation after breaking through the self. We will eventually become better selves.

"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, overcoming the long process of stuttering</h1>

In Bodi's overcoming stuttering, his wife and Dr. Logue played a crucial role. Bodi's wife is both gentle and intelligent. She knew the pain in her husband's heart, so she hid it from him and went to Harry Street to find Dr. Logue. She constantly encouraged Bodi, accompanied him to the treatment all the time, and never abandoned.

Although Dr. Logue was only a commoner, he did not specialize in the face of George VI, the most noble and prominent of all status, as he did with every ordinary patient. Because of this, Bodi is willing to open up and treat each other as friends in the future.

George VI's attitude toward Dr. Logue, from distrust to trust, has changed markedly. This means that his treatment has not been smooth. The reason for this change also begins with several important meetings.

For the first time, Logue asked Body to put on headphones and read aloud accompanied by music. The impatient Bodi, on the other hand, gave up only halfway through the book and decided that Dr. Logue was useless.

The second time, Body overheard a recitation from the accompaniment of the music and came to Logue again. Logue developed a detailed treatment plan for him, such as: relaxing his chin, relaxing his shoulders, flicking his lips, expanding his chest, saying tongue twisters, reading words non-stop, shouting through the window, and so on.

The third time, after his father died, Bodi came to Logue and said something heartfelt.

The fourth time, the two talked about the succession to the throne on the road, and Bodi was very angry and directly announced: the treatment is over.

The fifth time, after his brother David abdicated and Bodi succeeded to the throne, he came to Rogue's house to apologize for his reckless remarks.

After these five encounters, Bodi trusted Logue more and more, and in front of Logue, he could swear, sing while talking, and confide in him. His window of mind is opened by Logue, who, as a listener, helps Body regain his confidence.

"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

Logue is undoubtedly a "hero", and in my opinion, opening Bodi's heart is only the first step. The next second step, Bodi's own efforts, is the most important.

Since then, Bodi has continued to practice, and in any case, he has not stopped training himself. The process was boring and tedious, but he didn't give up halfway. Imagine if George VI had relied only on his wife's encouragement and Dr. Logue's training requirements, and had not put into action himself, he would not have gained anything. Therefore, for him, the attitude of others and the efforts of individuals are equally important, and even the latter is more important.

After a period of practice, George VI was not completely fluent in the final speech, but it was much stronger than before. He solemnly thanked Logue, and I think he should be more grateful to himself for practicing day after day. In the process of reversing the dilemma, the initiative always depends on the attitude of the individual.

"The King's Speech": If you have not tasted the bitterness of hard work, you will not understand the sweetness of persistence 01, the reason why George VI stuttered 02, the story of the penguin becoming an albatross 03, the long process of overcoming stuttering Summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary:</h1>

In my opinion, "The King's Speech" wants to convey to the audience that life is never smooth, and if you happen to be at the low point of life, with someone to accompany and someone to help, although it is a kind of luck, it may also end in disappointment.

And if you add your own efforts at this time, then you are bound to usher in a new turnaround. Although the process of hard work is bitter, only in this way can we experience the sweetness after the wind and rain.

This is my feeling, and I want to encourage you.

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