
"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

author:Liang Liang Gongzi movie review

Author: Hull

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

"The King's Speech" was released in 2011 and won four awards at the Academy Awards that year, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor, which is a rare and excellent film.

The film tells the story of how King George VI of the United Kingdom (the father of the current Queen Elizabeth II) overcame psychological obstacles and overcome self-defects with the help of his personal doctor Lionel during World War II.

Human emotions are seen in small ways

In the eyes of the public, rich people, or people born into the nobility, enjoy glory and wealth all their lives, and they do not need to run for their livelihood, and their lives must be carefree.

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

In "The King's Speech", we can see that even the king of the British Empire, who rules a quarter of the world's population, is also facing troubles that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Due to the shadow of his childhood, Prince Albert, who was born into the British royal family, suffered from severe stuttering, and because he could not speak in public, the prince repeatedly scandalized at large public ceremonies, which made him very distressed.

For ordinary people, perhaps this distress is more personal, but for him who has the status of a prince, this disease will inevitably have a negative impact on the royal family and even the entire country.

As he himself said: "My voice should represent the people, but I cannot speak".

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

Albert was speechless

After the death of his father, George V, he was supposed to be succeeded by his brother Edward VIII, but his brother, who did not love the country but only beautiful people, chose to abdicate in order to marry his mistress, so that Albert had to become George VI.

This sudden change caught him off guard.

When he returned home from the succession ceremony and wanted to reach out and hug his two daughters, what awaited him was "Hello, My Esteemed Majesty" and the daughter's respectful salute; when he sat at his desk and flipped through the official documents he had never touched before and did not know how to start, he collapsed several times, and even wept.

And when World War II is approaching, the people desperately need the king's voice, and an even greater test awaits him...

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

Born as a human being, everyone in this world faces their own pressures and dilemmas, there is no distinction between high and low, they are born with the growth of everyone, and only after experiencing them can they be deeply experienced.

Authentic experience in a bland context

In order to treat their stuttering, Albert and his wife Elizabeth looked around for a famous doctor to treat themselves, but to no avail until their wife found the unknown language therapist Lionel.

At first, Albert still had a royal shelf and was not interested in Lionel's strange treatments, and the first treatment was also unhappy, but then, as the communication between the two deepened, Leonard gradually entered the prince's heart, and made the prince actively cooperate with his treatment.

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

During the treatment, I was most impressed by the fact that Lionel did not treat him specially because of his special status as a customer, but instead made various demands on Albert - no late for treatment, no smoking in the clinic, betting that a penny that had been lost would be returned the next time he came, and the phrase "I'll call you Bodi (Albert's nickname)".

It was this attitude of equal treatment that slowly won Albert's respect. This is true of anyone's communication with each other, and only on the basis of equality can a truly healthy cooperative relationship be formed, and can there be truly effective communication and cooperation.

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

George VI with his wife and Lionel

Rise to the success of the main thrust

At the end of the film, Albert, who became king, successfully completed a speech to the people of the whole country under the command of Lionel, and he walked out of the studio and received recognition and appreciation from everyone.

Sometimes, life is like a catastrophe. Whether it is the workplace or the family, in fact, troubles are everywhere, and tragedies are staged all the time, but our mentality determines the nature of the situation. At the end of the day, it's ourselves that we have to overcome. The outside world gives us no choice, hope is positive, but if it is unfortunate, we can also find the sunny side.

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

At that moment, a smile finally appeared on his face—a smile from the heart.

Everyone has their own role in society, such as the king, such as the king's wife, such as the director, the director's wife, the teacher, the astronaut...

But returning to life, in fact, they are ordinary people with seven passions and six desires, dizziness, and joy and sorrow.

Everyone is reflecting themselves in their own actions at the same time, influencing others. It's just that the impact can also be distinguished into positive and negative.

"The King's Speech": The most precious thing is to overcome the fear of the self

Looking back on this journey, he was never alone, not only with Lionel's support, but also with the intimate care of his wife and the encouragement of friends.

Albert finally defeated himself, completed the transcendence of himself, and reflected the sense of responsibility as a king who cared for the people of the country.

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