
What is the Wilderness Chaos Douluola Big Move Wild Wild Fighting New Hero Lola Gameplay Guide

author:Game lovers

How strong is the new hero Lola in the wilderness The big move of the wild brawl new hero Lola is the new hero Lola gameplay guide. In the latest Wilderness Brawl October sneak peek content, the official revealed the new streamer hero Lola, of which Lola is the hero of the next gold coupon, buy the gold coupon can be obtained, the big move is to copy yourself, copy half of their own health, will make the same action with themselves, interested in the small partner to take a look at it!

1, Rolla (full level): health 5600, attack power: 392 * 6, a block of ammo is 2352;

2, hero general attack effect: hit a more scattered bullet, the effect of the bullet is more similar to the griff;

What is the Wilderness Chaos Douluola Big Move Wild Wild Fighting New Hero Lola Gameplay Guide

3, hero details: As can be seen from the official video, Lola's last general attack damage is as high as 509, all hits are 3054 damage, visual inspection should be the new glow effect (the last ammunition damage increased by 30%);

What is the Wilderness Chaos Douluola Big Move Wild Wild Fighting New Hero Lola Gameplay Guide

4, Lola Big Move: Lola Big Move will summon should be himself, this summon has half of its own health, of which the damage is the same as our own, will imitate the action of our body (attack and movement will be imitated).

What is the Wilderness Chaos Douluola Big Move Wild Wild Fighting New Hero Lola Gameplay Guide

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