
Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

author:Full raiders into Tibet

Some time ago, a "netizen" asked me about the itinerary of Daocheng Aden, always worried that the scenery was not good in mid-to-late October, he wanted that colorful autumn color, if you chew the text, "colorful" may indeed not be able to do it, but the autumn scenery of Daocheng Aden is indeed beautiful in the heart, and the rice city in October is still the beautiful rice city.

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

Initially was to consult with me about the itinerary of the Qinghai-Tibet Line, which made me quite surprised, because most people will choose the Sichuan-Tibet Line, the Sichuan-Tibet Line road is better, the scenery is good, it is already a very mature tourist route, many people will choose this route whether it is with the group, customization, self-driving, Sichuan into The Green Out is the choice of more people, I also told this netizen about this situation, the Qinghai-Tibet Line scenery is single, if you want to travel you can consider Sichuan-Tibet or West Sichuan, chat to end, I have long been accustomed to the "Jianghu people" to come and go without a trace.

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

After a few days, this netizen appeared again, he said that he wanted to participate in the Sichuan-Tibet line, the problem was still those few, "autumn scenery is not good", "if you participate in the 10.22nd period of the Daocheng scenery is OK", "Tibet at the end of October is still good", one by one answer, very understanding that now every urban holiday is not easy to come by, so it is very pushy to tell this netizen: "Daocheng Aden in mid-to-late October is OK, but november there is no colorful you want ...", although we still have two group periods in November, But in front of this big brother who is obsessed with autumn colors, I don't want to fool him and go to the November regiment, after all, every friend who comes to me, I hope he can get his own satisfactory travel experience in Tibetan areas. When I finished, the eldest brother said to me, "Got it," and then disappeared again.

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

Later, the eldest brother came to me again and said, "It's too late on the 22nd, there is no time to go, maybe you have to change the time", maybe you want to bring some important friends and family to go with you, his consultation has become more cautious, and many familiar questions have once again appeared in front of me, such as "Is xxx place still good at the end of October", "Is there no autumn color in November", "xxx, xxx at the beginning of November", "xxx at the beginning of November" Are these places still worth visiting", "Do you have any photos of xx places in November, you send me"... I told the eldest brother that "the Tibetan area in November is more suitable for seeing the snow mountain glacier soaking in the hot springs, and the Daocheng Aden is definitely not as beautiful as the previous scenery", and later learned that the eldest brother had gone to Daocheng Aden in the summer before, and I did not recommend him to go again in November, but the eldest brother still wanted to see the photos of Daocheng Aden in November, I looked for it, and sent several photos of Daocheng Aden in November 2020 to the eldest brother, and also sent several other photos of the attractions he mentioned before, the photos were indeed monotonous, and some places were snowy, The eldest brother received the photo and quickly replied to me: "Are you sure this is Daocheng Aden?" It's not the same as what I went in the summer", before I could reply, the eldest brother asked, "Is this November?" What is the day of November? Is this Daocheng Aden? ”

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

I don't know if the eldest brother will eventually go to the Qinghai-Tibet Line, Chuanxi or Sichuan-Tibet Line, but to be honest, if you like the colorful autumn scenery and miss October, it is really too late. Tourism is a very wonderful thing, pay attention to time, pay attention to fate, such as missing the autumn there is no need to go to the red grass beach again, such as the heavenly Ali, into the winter many routes are not suitable for walking, such as Sanjiangyuan, this year is not suitable for going again.

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

Winter in western Sichuan and Tibet came earlier than in the interior, and on October 1, the team we set off for Sanjiangyuan saw most of them snowy along the way. This season to go hiking in Kuragangri, to see the glacier, or to go to the conch ditch, you can see the glacier can soak in the hot springs, if you have travel plans, you can consider more such destinations. So if you want to go to Tibet, it is recommended to hike or go to Sapp on Kula Gangri, and this season, 317 is more suitable than the 318 attractions.

Traveling, timing is just as important as choosing a destination

Maggie Ami Tibet travel, focusing on niche travel routes, more Tibetan area travel niche routes, no man's land crossing, Tibetan area travel information Welcome to pay attention to the WeChat public number: Sichuan-Tibet Line (on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, plus yellow V certification, the same as the head of this subscription number), we set off together to see the beauty of western China that others can't see.

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