
The short video focuses on the city's business The indigenous people of the local life track are trapped in a ten-sided ambush

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Cai Shiqi

On October 28, Ma Hongbin, senior vice president of Kuaishou, proposed in Beijing that Kuaishou is building a new city business ecology, and under the ecology of vitality in the public domain, stickiness in the private domain, and closed loop in the business domain, the brand can realize the four major values of expansion, connection, operation and insight.

This is a clear increase in the offline business scene after Kuaishou proposed to force local life in April this year, and their efforts in commercial marketing and functional services of local life have made it another new competitor of Meituan Dianping, the original largest player in the local life track.

The digital city home has become a commercial business field that cannot be ignored

The short video focuses on the city's business The indigenous people of the local life track are trapped in a ten-sided ambush

Ma Hongbin, senior vice president of Kuaishou

Ma Hongbin said that Kuaishou's discovery page, selection page, concern page and home page correspond to the markets, shopping streets, communities and shops in the traditional market, and the discovery page makes each user's attention more valuable, the selected page makes the business reach more efficient, the attention page becomes the reserve pool of the brand's private domain influence, and the account is the main position of the brand's long-term operation. Under the continuous upgrading and optimization of digital infrastructure, Kuaishou New Market Business presents six characteristics: inclusive, near, dynamic, trusting, sufficient supply and high frequency of transactions.

Xiaogu, senior vice president of Kuaishou and head of Kuaishou e-commerce, believes that Xinshijing Commercial is based on "trust" as the core and "good goods" as nourishment, and the brand's good goods will grow in Kuaishou with certainty. Xiaogu said that under the guidance of the "STEPS" methodology, with the help of the professional services of service providers, brands can quickly grow in Kuaishou and continue to grow and break through with certainty.

This time, Kuaishou has clearly strengthened its attention to the "traditional market", that is, offline business, and used the magnetic engine of commercial tools to attract merchants to improve their business effects through content and e-commerce on their platforms, which also provides a more systematic tool for market merchants who have used the means of "sending friends to enjoy preferential treatment" for a long time in the past.

The local life track is cut from multiple angles The core is still information and display

The hegemon of the local life track of the Internet is Meituan, and the rise of community group buying in 2020 was once regarded by many companies as an opportunity to shake the status of Meituan, but with the cooling of community group buying, Meituan is still sitting firmly in the top position in the business of store and home, but the public comments that were merged by it in the early years are still being challenged by many cross-border products in other fields.

The short video focuses on the city's business The indigenous people of the local life track are trapped in a ten-sided ambush

Dianping is facing cross-border challenges

AutoNavi Map is the most direct product to challenge Dianping, and the basic disk is in the field of maps. In July this year, Yu Yongfu, chairman of AutoNavi, announced the transformation and upgrading of the AutoNavi platform to the "out-of-the-door good life open service platform", which is also the upgrading of Alibaba Group's organizational structure on July 2, connecting AutoNavi, local life and Fliggy to form a life service sector, in which AutoNavi assumes the role of information and connection hub.

The "AutoNavi Guide" launched by AutoNavi first used PGC's "official guide" last year to recommend various offline businesses based on the number of user searches, and this year launched UGC's "User Guide", which has begun to take shape with the basic function of public reviews.

Maps cross-border into local life, short video platforms and life decision-making communities are also encroaching on the information marketing channels of the city's business.

Douyin's heartbeat restaurant, in essence, is to the Meituan Dianping's "black pearl" and "must eat list" benchmark, and many offline merchants will use consumers to shoot experience videos to release Douyin to enjoy preferential promotional activities, regarded as another marketing information position after the WeChat circle of friends, Xiaohongshu is also similarly used by these city merchants, but the platform side has not yet large-scale direct involvement in guiding merchants.

The short video focuses on the city's business The indigenous people of the local life track are trapped in a ten-sided ambush

The magnetic engine aims at offline market business, bringing the experience of Kuaishou content vertical operation to the advertising platform

Kuaishou's magnetic engine and the huge engine of Douyin are already the most important incremental battlefield in the field of Internet advertising, and Kuaishou, which is known for its very fine vertical operation in terms of content, has now brought the content operation mode into commercial tools, whether Douyin follows up, and even how dianping defends against the siege from Kuaishou, Douyin, Gaode and even Xiaohongshu and B station, which will become the next most interesting commercial offensive and defensive battle in the Local Life Track of the Internet.

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