
Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

By big head & cat cat


Flour in two small bowls

1 potato

1 piece of pumpkin

2 sausages

5 coriander

A little onion

Ginger two slices

2 cloves of garlic

1 scoop of light soy sauce

1 scoop of dark soy sauce

Salt to taste

Thirteen spices half a scoop

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

1. Half an hour in advance, live the noodles well and softly.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

2: Dice the pumpkin, dice the potatoes, slice the sausage, chop the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

3: Take out a rolling pin and some dried flour. Take the noodles out and knead them.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

4: Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a circle. Doesn't need to be too thin.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

5: Cut into finger-thick strips.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

6: Cut the strip into small thumb-sized squares.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

7, with a thumb pinch, plucked into the shape of a cat's ear, also looks like a conch,

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

8: Heat the oil in a hot pan and dry the peppercorns.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

9: Add the shallots, ginger and garlic in turn, and stir-fry with sausages.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

10: Pour in diced pumpkin and diced potatoes, pour in soy sauce, dark soy sauce, thirteen spices, salt.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

11, I temporarily added some sea rice, fried until half cooked.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

12: Add water and cover the pot.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

13: Bring to a boil, put in the cat ears and cook.

Suitable for all ages, delicious to burst cat ears

14: Sprinkle coriander out of the pot.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of flour</h2>

Nourish the heart and kidneys, strengthen the spleen and intestines, remove heat and quench thirst. Wheat taste sweet, cool, into the heart, spleen, kidney meridians; nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, in addition to heat, quench thirst; main treatment of dirty mania, heat, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

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