
Former U.S. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York state has been charged with alleged sex crimes

Source: CCTV news client

Lucian Charfin, a spokesman for the New York State Court, said in a statement on October 28 local time that a misdemeanor charge against former New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo suspected of sexual offences has been filed in Albany City Court.

New York State Attorney General Letia James filed a report on Aug. 3 detailing Cuomo's alleged sexual harassment of at least 11 women. A week after the report became public, Cuomo announced his resignation and insisted on denying the report's allegations of his sexual harassment. Cuomo admits he made a mistake, but he always insists that he has never crossed the "line" with anyone.

In the United States, forcibly touching a woman is a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, Cuomo will be sentenced to up to one year in prison or up to three years of probation.

According to sources, the Albany County Sheriff's Department or the Albany County District Attorney's Office has yet to make a final decision on whether to formally file charges. (CCTV reporter Yin Yue)

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