
Entrepreneurial dreams bloom in the spring

author:Tianjin Net

A corner of Qianhai Youth Dream Factory.

Qianhai Coffee has become a place for entrepreneurs to gather and communicate.

■ Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily reporter Cao Song/Wen He Long/Photo

In the spring of Yang, the Qianhai Youth Dream Factory, which opened three months after the opening of the park, was a lively scene.

Located on the "outlet" of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone, superimposed on the advantages of Qianhai itself, combined with the new wave of mass entrepreneurship today, Qianhai Youth Dream Factory, as the first Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation international youth innovation and entrepreneurship community in the mainland, can be described as winning the attention of all walks of life.

Leaders at all levels, entrepreneurial celebrities, well-known investors will appear in the entrepreneurial park from time to time, different exchange trainings and entrepreneurial competitions are staged every week, and the various novel and interesting ideas and products brought by the team make people truly feel the vitality and atmosphere of this "dream-making" entrepreneurial factory.

Entrepreneurship is unfolding in this less than 60,000-square-meter park.

Entrepreneurial workshops hatch dreams

Without the pressure of high-rise buildings, the Qianhai Dream Factory Park, which is built according to the habits of young people, is spacious and open, with modern design facilities and the smell of coffee making it look relaxed and pleasant.

Sitting in DreamWorks for half a day, you can see a variety of ideas and products, you can hear young people talking about many novel ideas, whether it is drone flight, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, or even custom robots, attracting many people interested in entrepreneurship to watch every day.

The Geek Captain Network team is a very interesting entrepreneurial team focusing on virtual reality, smart health and wearables, EEG control, and more. Bringing their 3D smart glasses, you can instantly "travel" into the virtual world, full of different experiences.

On the last day of March, Ma Xingrui, the new secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, came to Qianhai DreamWorks for the first time after taking office, and also had a pleasant exchange with the geek captain team, which surprised the team that had just been stationed in Qianhai DreamWorks for a long time.

The head of the geek captain team told reporters that after coming to dreamworks, he could already feel the "treatment" that was different from other entrepreneurial parks here, with perfect supporting facilities and high social attention, and he did not expect to be able to communicate with the secretary face-to-face, so that they had greater confidence in starting a business here.

"Dreamer Studio" is the first cultural and creative design company to enter Qianhai Dream Factory. The team's main business is advertising design, but the team has integrated overseas designer resources and developed a project management communication cloud service system for creative workers, saving nearly 50% of the workload of creative workers in traditional advertising agencies. After coming to Qianhai, the team has received angel investment and has been invited by the shareholders of Wellington Investment Management Co., Ltd. to go to the United States roadshow.

FPVstyle is another new star of Qianhai DreamWorks. The team pioneered the innovative Unicorn drone, which features a camera on the head and wireless transmission of the captured footage in real time within the 3D virtual reality glasses worn by the operator, allowing the operator to have immersive flying fun.

After coming to Qianhai Dream Factory, the team gained in addition to a rent-free office, various investor resources and a lot of media attention. Founder Ma Zheng told reporters that "Unicorn" has developed the world's first set of first-view aircraft full program, and he hopes to make his products go to a larger market through Qianhai, a high-profile platform.

The Hong Kong team gathered in Qianhai to start a business

Qianhai Dream Factory has also attracted many Hong Kong youth who have gone north to start their own businesses.

Ho Ying-ching, a native of Hong Kong, joined a group of friends after graduating from university in 2013 called Xuecheng Tourism.

"Student Tourism" focuses on the student group study tour market. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong students travel overseas, and "Student Travel" tailors routes and study tours to students according to the needs of different groups and individuals. At present, many routes have been opened in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and so on.

At the end of 2014, after hearing that Qianhai had set up a park specifically for young people in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to start a business, He Yingjing immediately signed up and has now settled in Qianhai Dream Factory.

He Yingjing told reporters that the mainland-related tourism market has always been the focus of interest of the team, and now they have finally found the right opportunity to enter, which makes them very excited.

"The group of mainland students who come to Hong Kong to study every year is very large, and we hope to serve the people in this segment, guide mainland students to be familiar with Hong Kong, like Hong Kong, and promote mutual exchanges between students." He Yingjing said that from this point of view, Qianhai is the most suitable choice for entrepreneurship.

Yao Zhenbang is the founder of another Hong Kong team that was one of the first to enter the Houde Incubator. Similar to He Yingjing, Yao Zhenbang also founded his own company in Hong Kong, focusing mainly on the field of smart homes, and successfully entered the Hong Kong Cyberport.

Choosing Qianhai as the next starting point for the career, Yao Zhenbang said, first of all, for the field of intelligent hardware, the various originals they need are almost all from Shenzhen, if the product has the demand for small-scale mass production, Shenzhen also has a mature industrial chain that can be docked.

In addition, the geography of Qianhai and the various policies and resources to connect with Hong Kong also made the team feel greatly facilitated. "Although it is an emerging entrepreneurial area, you can see from all the configurations that Qianhai Dream Factory has a good starting point." Yao Zhenbang said that he hopes that DreamWorks can run more quickly and provide more support and services for the team.

A number of incubators have settled in to coach the team to start a business

For start-ups, incubators will go a long way toward helping entrepreneurs avoid detours. They will not only help companies diagnose problems, plan finances, design capital structures and capital paths, but also introduce reliable early-stage investment institutions to enterprises and conduct professional roadshows.

In Qianhai Youth Dream Factory, 16 institutions specializing in entrepreneurial services have settled in DreamWorks to open maker spaces or incubators, and the official admission includes well-known incubation institutions such as Houde, DJI, Telecom, chinese Academy of Sciences, etc., covering a number of popular entrepreneurial fields such as mobile Internet, intelligent hardware, cultural creativity, e-commerce and Internet finance.

Due to the difference in resources and advantages, each incubator can bring to the team with its own characteristics.

The Qianhai Houde Incubator, which was first stationed in DreamWorks, features one-on-one entrepreneurial mentors, large-scale entrepreneurial training, professional investment and financing services and industrial docking. According to Executive Director Xie Yifeng, the first batch of teams stationed in Qianhai Houde Entrepreneurship Incubator has 30 teams, and after more than 3 months of incubation, the development trend is good. Among them, more than a dozen projects have received angel investment.

The core competitiveness of the Qianhai Incubation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is to have strong "national" scientific research resources. The entrepreneurial team incubated here can enjoy professional Chinese Academy of Sciences mentor resources, covering multiple technical fields such as light, machinery, electricity, materials, biology, and energy.

In addition, the entrepreneurial team can also use the Chinese Academy of Sciences' 100 billion supercomputing center, Lauterbull medical imaging laboratory, industrial design and precision machining laboratory, CAE technology center, hybrid vehicle test platform, radio frequency integrated circuit laboratory and other top scientific research resources.

According to Li Jia, assistant director of the Incubation Center of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on the one hand, he hopes to use Qianhai's "window" role to let more international high-tech enterprises, especially the Hong Kong team, enter the incubator of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; on the other hand, it is also hoped that these innovative enterprises will gradually form industrial clusters in Bao'an, Longgang and other places after completing the incubation stage in Qianhai, leading and driving the construction and development of Shenzhen's strategic emerging industries.

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