
Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

author:Meow Xiaosi's cultural club

The Patronus Charm, one of the most popular spells in the Harry Potter series.

Every Ha fan is keen to test what their patron saint will be on the official website.

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

Everyone should already have a basic understanding of the introduction of this mantra.

Today, let's talk about the relatively unpopular knowledge of the Guardian Spirit Spell.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" >1, multiple patron saints can be summoned at the same time</h1>

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

The Guardian Charm is a relatively difficult spell to learn, and if the summoned Guardian is strong enough, it can disperse hundreds of Dementors at once.

Well, here's the problem. Since one guardian spirit is already so powerful, can a wizard summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time?

The answer is yes.

In the novel Deathly Hallows, when Harry returns to Hogwarts to find Ravenclaw's crown, Professor McGonagall summons three patron saints at the same time, informing the other three deans that Harry has returned.

Considering that successfully summoning one patron saint is already difficult, like Professor McGonagall, summoning three at the same time should only be able to do it with the best wizards.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >2, not in terms of size</h1>

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

Patron saints generally appear in the form of various animals. Also because of the different species, they will be very different in shape.

Some patron saints are the size of giants, such as the invincible Andros who appears on the chocolate frog card, and he is the only wizard who can conjure up such a size of a patron saint.

There are also wizards whose patron saints are discriminated against because they are too small, such as Elieus, whose patron saint is a small mouse. However, when the Army of Dementors attacked his village, it was this little mouse that saved the village.

Therefore, the power of the guardian god is not based on its size, but has a lot to do with the ability of the caster.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" >3. </h1>

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

Tonks falls in love with Lupin the werewolf, whose patron saint has changed from a hare to a wolf. Thus let us know that love changes a person's patron saint.

But this was rare, otherwise why was Hermione's patron saint an otter and not Ron's Jack Russell Hound?

The change of the patron saint requires two necessary conditions. One is eternal love, and the other is a huge blow or emotional upheaval.

Tonks falls in love with Lupin, and Lupin repeatedly refuses and avoids her, causing Tonks to experience a huge emotional blow, which changes her patron saint.

Snape's patron saint may have come from this, and of course, it is possible that his patron saint was the mole from the beginning.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" >4, magical animal form patron saints are extremely rare</h1>

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

When many Ha fans tested the guardian spirit on the official website, the result was magical creatures such as night horses and phoenixes.

However, in the novel, the patron saints of magical biological forms, such as Albus Dumbledore's phoenix, night horse and fire dragon, are very rare.

The guardian deities, rarer than magical beasts, are extinct animals. For example, Hedley Fleetwood is mentioned in The Book of Magic: The Book of Spells, whose patron saint is a mammoth.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >5, the Patronus Spell is not exclusive to righteous wizards</h1>

Harry Potter: Cold knowledge about the Patronus Curse! Under what circumstances will the Patronus change? 1, can summon multiple guardian spirits at the same time 2, do not consider the size of the power 3, love will make the guardian spirit change? 4, magical animal form guardian spirit is extremely rare 5, the guardian god spell is not the exclusive domain of righteous wizards

The Patronus Charm appears to be a very positive spell, and, in the novel, only Severus Snape can summon the Patron saint among the Death Eaters, but that doesn't mean that only righteous wizards can learn the Patronus Spell.

In fact, as long as you are a good wizard, you can learn the Guardian Spirit Spell through hard work, and the same is true for Death Eaters. It's just that the Death Eaters are in the same camp as the Dark Creatures, and they don't need to summon the Guardians to disperse the Dementors, so they didn't learn this spell.

And like Umbridge, whom everyone hates, she can summon the patron saint in the form of a cat. Although she was very annoying, it had to be said that judging from her ability to master the Patronus Charm, she was at least a more capable wizard.

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