
Their love is very simple, but rare sincerity, she and he have been away for more than five years, and finally...

author:Winter little lemon with dreams

To this day, I am still willing to believe in love, in large part because of a story shared by a good friend.

She was a middle school teacher, and he was an office worker with four to five thousand in the field.

Their love is very simple, but rare sincerity, she and he have been away for more than five years, and finally...

Their love is very simple, but rare sincerity, she and he have been away for more than five years, the number of times they see each other in a year is countless, she can only accompany him in winter and summer vacations, and he is still busy more often. Although they spend very little time together, they cherish every time they spend together.

Witnessing their love is ticket after ticket and ticket.

Due to the difference in their working hours, although the daily messages to each other have become a message mode, they are still happy to share each other's trivia.

In the sixth year of the distant place, they finally got married, from the school uniform to the wedding dress, the guests were moved, and they were full of stars, and only each other in their eyes.

Their love is very simple, but rare sincerity, she and he have been away for more than five years, and finally...

In the first year of marriage, he gave up the high-paying job accumulated with the work year for her, returned to the small place to take the exam, and was assigned to work in a small town dozens of kilometers away from the local area, with a low salary, and also tried to integrate into her life circle.

Friends ask him if he is tired? He said that because of love, he was full of happiness.

Now, they have been married for more than 5 years, their eyes are still each other, the habit of sharing each other's trivia has not changed, although it is still a different place, only from a long distance to a short distance, from her eyebrows can feel her happiness.

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