
Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Xi Qinling Xiao Yang

Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Yanyuan County CPC Committee

On October 28, the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Yanyuan County opened. At the opening ceremony, Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County CPC Committee of Liangshan Prefecture, delivered a report entitled "Courageously Undertaking a New Mission, Striving again, and Striving to Build a New Yanyuan of Socialist Modernization in An All-round Way."

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County CPC Committee, made a report at the party congress

Looking back at the past five years, Yin Jiangtao said that the main economic indicators of Yanyuan have grown steadily for five consecutive years, all of which have reached a record high, and have achieved remarkable brilliant achievements through the unremitting efforts of the people of the county.

Looking forward to the next five years, Yin Jiangtao analyzed the opportunities of the times facing Yanyuan from the perspective of the international and domestic situation and the development opportunities of provinces and states. He particularly emphasized the "two opportunities", namely: the opportunity that Yanyuan is about to enter the "highway era" and the opportunity for Yanyuan to be a key county for rural revitalization. He believed that the giant ship "Runyan" would surely ride the wind and waves and travel steadily and far.

Looking back at the past five years

GDP rose from 5th to 4th in the state, and the people of Yanyuan created the "four bests"

Yin Jiangtao used a set of data to review the achievements of Yanyuan in the past five years. He said: The main economic indicators of Yanyuan have grown steadily for five consecutive years, all of which have reached record highs. Among them, the regional GDP increased from 11.034 billion yuan in 2015 to 13.729 billion yuan in 2020, and the total ranking rose from the 5th place in the state to the 4th place. Yanyuan has built a "3+1+N" agricultural industry system, polished the golden signboard of "Southwest Apple First County", and built the largest pepper planting base in the country and the largest walnut planting base in the province. The brand awareness of the "Runyan Ancient Capital Mosuo Homeland" global tourism has continued to increase, and the e-commerce transaction volume has soared from 0.98 billion yuan in 2015 to 1.8 billion yuan in 2020.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

He also summed up the "four bests" achieved by the unremitting efforts of the people of Yanyuan in the past five years.

Number one: the most exciting thing. Yanyuan took off the hat of a state-designated poverty-stricken county that has lasted for 25 years, and the sons and daughters of Yanyuan have achieved a comprehensive well-off together with the people of the whole country and stepped into a new era with their heads held high.

The second most: the most gratifying thing. Yanyuan has done some good things that have been sustained for a long time and finally blossomed into fruition, some major events that involve the whole body and have a bearing on the overall situation of development, and some difficult things that have broken through the problem and are conducive to the long term.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

The third most: the warmest thing. The past five years in Yanyuan have been the period when the increase in educational and medical resources has been the largest, the mileage of new roads has been the longest, the number of urban and rural housing improvements has been the largest, the appearance of urban and rural areas has changed the most, and the people have received the most benefits, and the people have lived a new life that is getting more and more fire.

The fourth and most important thing is: the most precious thing. In the days when Yanyuan was overcoming difficulties together and forging ahead in unity, party members and cadres gathered their hearts and shouldered their responsibilities, and the masses of all nationalities were stubborn and unyielding, watching out for each other, and with the fearless spirit of daring to struggle and dare to win, they forged a spiritual monument of "not fearing hardships and dangers, persevering, uniting to forge ahead, and daring to fight and dare to win."

Cohesion to overcome shortcomings and deficiencies

The giant ship "Runyan" will eventually ride the wind and waves

In the face of the achievements, Yin Jiangtao also proceeded from the actual situation and summed up the shortcomings and deficiencies of the salt source. He said that the poor economic quality and efficiency, the low industrial level, and the large regional gap are still the biggest reality of the yanyuan; the tight constraints on resources and the environment, the high requirements for ecological protection, and the shortcomings of improving people's livelihood are still the biggest challenges of the yanyuan; the infrastructure is not perfect, the level of basic public services is not high, and the urban temperament needs to be continuously improved, which is still the biggest shortcoming of the yanyuan; the industrial innovation ability is not strong, the reserve of high-quality projects is not much, and the support of cadres and talents is insufficient, which is still the biggest dilemma of the yanyuan; the social governance task is heavy, the pressure of epidemic prevention and control is large, The long flood prevention front is still the biggest risk to the salt source.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

He said that the above-mentioned problems and shortcomings are difficulties that must be fully overcome on the road of yanyuan development.

He stressed: As long as we do not shy away from problems head-on, dare to take on difficult problems, and with the courage to make innovations, the courage to be the first, and the vigor to be vigorous and upward, we must unite our hearts and really do solid work, and the only banner is to seize and strive to be the first, and the giant ship of Yanyuan," the "Runyan", will surely ride the wind and waves and travel steadily and far.

Looking to the future

After entering the "highway era", Yanyuan will advance into the "club" with a GDP of 20 billion

Looking forward to the future, Yin Jiangtao analyzed the opportunities facing Yanyuan from the perspective of the international and domestic situation and the development opportunities of provinces and states. He particularly emphasized the "two opportunities", namely: the opportunity that Yanyuan is about to enter the "highway era" and the opportunity for Yanyuan to be a key county for rural revitalization in the country.

He said that from the perspective of the development trend of the whole county, a large number of major infrastructure projects such as Longtang Reservoir, Xixiang Expressway, and Panyan Expressway have been concentrated, and the location advantage of Yanyuan has become more prominent, and Yanyuan is about to usher in a historic breakthrough window period, a superposition period of strategic opportunities, a period of potential energy release of industrial upgrading, and a period of in-depth expansion of urban-rural integration. He asked everyone to accurately grasp the new historical orientation of the "four-phase superposition" of the salt source, take consolidating the achievements in poverty alleviation and promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside as the main direction of attack, vigorously implement the development strategy of "ecological county, strong industrial county, and cultural rejuvenation county", accelerate the construction of "charming capital and strength salt source", and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization salt source.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

At the same time, he also set the goal for Yanyuan for the next five years.

The comprehensive strength has reached a new level. The total economic volume exceeded 18 billion yuan, and strived to reach 20 billion yuan, the fiscal and tax revenue was significantly improved, the industrial structure was significantly optimized, the economic vitality was significantly enhanced, and the comprehensive strength of the county was steadily improved.

The integration of urban and rural areas shows new charm. Adhere to the planning of large-scale, the construction of high-quality products, to achieve fine management, global integration, beautiful counties, beautiful villages, beautiful forests, beautiful countryside are beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, urban and rural development connotation, quality and appearance significantly improved, more livable and suitable for travel.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

New strides have been made in reform and opening up. The reform of key areas and key links has achieved decisive results, and the industrial division of labor and cooperation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Chengdu-Chongqing Area Twin Cities Economic Circle, the Greater Shangri-La Tourism Circle, and the Panxi Economic Zone has become more prominent in the strategic position of the province and the whole state.

People's livelihood and well-being have reached a new level. Resident income growth is in tandem with economic growth, which is higher than the statewide average.

Ecological civilization has entered a new stage. Air quality and water environment quality remain leading in the country and the province, blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains have become the norm, the urban and rural environment is more beautiful, the governance of the landscape, forest, field, lake and grass system is obvious, and the ecological civilization system system is more sound.

Yin Jiangtao, secretary of the Yanyuan County Party Committee of Liangshan: Entering the era of highways, the "Runyan" giant ship rides the wind and waves

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