
Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

author:Nine changes in the virtual and the real

#美最高将领: China and the United States are close to sputnik moment #Recently, the United States and its Western allies have been hyping up the so-called Chinese "test firing hypersonic weapons", after the British media published a relevant article to render the atmosphere of terror, the US government immediately came forward to pick up this topic and repeat it, declaring that China's move is "worrying". In fact, they want to deliberately push China to the opposite side of the world and to pin the so-called "threat" theory on China.

Probably in order to continue to add firewood, this time the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Millie also stepped forward. According to the Observer Network, Milley directly compared the so-called Chinese "test firing hypersonic weapons" with the "Sputnik Moment" during the Cold War in an interview on the 27th, and said that China's move was "worrying and disturbing". Perhaps some readers do not understand the "Sputnik moment", here is a brief explanation.

Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

In 1957, the Soviet Union's Sputnik I sputnik was successfully launched, which meant that the United States lost the unique technological advantage they had since World War II, and it also implied that there would be more fierce competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. In addition, some analysts believe that the "Sputnik moment" was the "turning point" of the Cold War, which is a view that is well known to most people.

Now that senior US official Millie has linked this statement to China, it is obviously emphasizing that China's development has "threatened" the status of the United States, and it is also likely to trigger a new round of "Cold War". But it should be noted that China has long corrected the erroneous reports of the United States and the British media, and the so-called "hypersonic weapons" that China tested in August this year were actually just a routine spacecraft test, not the "missiles" they hyped.

Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

The test is a technology used to verify whether the spacecraft can be reused, in short, it does not have the "threat" hype of the United States and the United Kingdom. But at present, Millikin is still clinging to this matter, and it is clear that he wants to make a big fuss about this matter. The purpose of their actions is not difficult to guess, either to take the opportunity to pressure China to stop or slow down the development of military weapons, or to use this as an excuse to increase the country's efforts to develop hypersonic weapons and find excuses for their own armament expansion.

Sure enough, Milley went on to claim that the biggest challenge facing the United States in the next 10, 20, and 25 years would be China, and he hyped up the strength of the Chinese military in an attempt to put the U.S. military in a slightly lower position. However, as we all know, the military strength of the United States has always been one of the best in the world, so if we really want to discuss the topic of "security threats", I am afraid that the United States is not qualified to speak at all, only to stand and criticize.

Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

It is also worth mentioning that this is not the first time they have used the term "Sputnik moment" in Sino-US relations. As early as last October, robert Manning, a senior U.S. official, published an article under the title of the term. In the article, Manning defined the "Huawei incident" as a "Sputnik moment" between China and the United States, because they were "uneasy" by the rise of Chinese companies in the field of technology.

According to this hegemonic statement of the United States, is it true that as long as China develops and progresses, it is "threatening" their security and undermining the relations between the two countries? Wouldn't all countries, including China, simply not want to develop and directly let the United States dominate? How is this possible, where in the world is there such a good thing? And whether it is development or backwardness, whether it is a strong rise or a downward trend, this should find reasons in yourself.

Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

Others have improved, that is, others are working hard, and if you are stagnant yourself, you have to admit that you can't do it, and there are not so many excuses. But the United States clearly does not understand or they are unwilling to admit this fact, in their view, China's rise is touching their "cheese". Take the nuclear arms control that everyone knows as an example, which is also a nuclear power, but the number of nuclear weapons in the hands of the United States and Russia far exceeds that of China.

Therefore, at present, the only two countries that need to join the nuclear arms control negotiating table are the United States and Russia, and it is reasonable to say that China does not need to join this matter at all. However, the US Government does not intend to let China go, and they constantly hype up the news of the so-called "China's nuclear expansion" and spread the "threat theory" everywhere to create a terrorist atmosphere, in order to pull China into the water and thus achieve the purpose of restricting China's development of nuclear weapons.

Recreating the U.S.-Soviet standoff? Senior US officials hyped up a new round of cold war, saying that Sino-US relations had tended to the level at that time

Coincidentally, the so-called "test firing hypersonic missiles" are of the same nature, they want to guide external public opinion by "wearing a top hat" for China, and then cause international pressure on China in this way, thus helping China's development hands and feet. As for the so-called "turning point of the Cold War", it is probably also deliberately exaggerated by the Biden administration in order to force China to make compromises.

But the United States seems to have made a mistake, and it is not China but themselves who need to compromise and make concessions now, and they are also asking for help. If they really want to cooperate with China, they should show full sincerity, otherwise everything will be off the table, and they have made enough carrot and stick tricks like this, and China will not eat this set at any time.

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