
Movie "I 11": Every child is an angel and should not be prematurely broken wings 0102


Every child is the crystallization of parental love, the sustenance of the rest of life and the hope of the future, and the flesh-and-blood relationship makes them close to each other. Because of this, parents should set a good example and play a normative and exemplary role for their children's future growth.

In Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, there is a sentence that says, "Never be a boring adult." "Children are called children because their hearts are pure and they are not polluted by the outside world. But reality forces children to learn to grow and accept.

The movie "I 11" is about how the little boy Wang Xian grew up quickly at the age of eleven.

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The little boy Wang Xian lived in a relatively wealthy and stable family, his father was an intellectual, and his mother was a factory worker, and his income was relatively stable.

Wang Xian was selected by the teacher as the leader of the exercise because of the standard of the exercise, but he casually mentioned it, hoping that Wang Xian could change a new shirt, so that standing in front of the exercise would also be more beautiful. But Wang Xian went home and mentioned to his mother that he wanted to buy a white shirt, and his mother directly gave him a slap, saying that the white shirt was dispensable, and the family's money was just enough for life, and there was no extra cloth ticket to buy a new shirt for Wang Huan.

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Perhaps also the child's self-esteem, Wang Xian took advantage of his mother's nap and wanted to steal some money to buy his own shirt. But in fact, Wang Xian's heart is still kind, and he who has already taken out the money, in the end, he still does not have the courage to put the money back.

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And when she saw that Wang Xian was still wearing his old shirt on the stage to lead the exercises, her mother could not bear it, bought cloth, and personally made a white shirt for Wang Huan.

Wang Xian was very happy, but what he didn't know was that it was also this shirt that brought great changes to his life later.

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Because he and his friends were playing by the river, Wang Xian's white shirt was lost. In order not to be scolded, Wang Xian could only boldly go up the mountain, trying to find his white shirt. However, he was caught by the murderer Xie Jueqiang, who was surrounded by Wang Xian's white shirt, but the shirt had been stained red with gushing blood. Xie Jueqiang promised Wang Xian that as long as he did not tell others his whereabouts, he would let Wang Xian go and compensate him with a new shirt. Frightened, Wang Xian nodded her head in agreement, and when she returned home, she inevitably had to be scolded by her mother again, but despite this, he did not tell the truth.

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In order to regain the friendship of his friends, Wang Xian had to tell the other three friends about this matter. But unexpectedly, the little mouse who had sworn to wang Xian still told the relevant person in charge of the investigation case the news. Although Xie Jueqiang was not caught, Wang Huan still felt very remorseful in his heart.

Later, Xie Jueqiang was finally caught and wanted to be executed. At this time, Wang Xian also received a package sent from the prison, which contained a brand new white shirt, which was sent by Huang Jueqiang.

On the day that Huang Jueqiang was punished, the four partners planned to go to the scene to see, but the road was far away, they had been running, but they could not catch up with the speed of the broadcast. Watching his friends run farther and farther, Wang Xian suddenly stopped, and he stood there for a long time, unable to return to his senses for a long time. Perhaps this incident will still be imprinted in his memory years later.

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The year of eleven years old was destined to be an extraordinary year for Wang Huan, and in this year, he experienced many firsts.

He learned other skills for the first time; stole money for the first time without success; saw a dead man for the first time; met a murderer for the first time; lied for the first time without success; experienced betrayal by a friend for the first time; and developed feelings of ignorance for the first time.

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After going through so many firsts, he understood things, but in fact, he was just a boy who had not yet graduated from elementary school. His psychology matured rapidly, but only he knew this, and his parents only knew how to care about his food and clothing and study, but no one cared about his psychology.

When she learned that Wang Xian had lost his shirt because he had met a murderer, his mother blamed him for not saying it earlier. But at the end of the day, isn't that the negligence of the parents? If they had not been so harsh on Wang Huan, Wang Huan might have told the truth at that time, so that it would not lead to a series of things that followed.

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But on the contrary, his parents treated him harshly, and his friends did not understand him and betrayed him, so it led to Wang Xian falling into a situation where no one could talk to.

And when he rushed to see Huang Jueqiang's execution, his sense of self-blame was sudden. He felt that if he and his partners had not opened their mouths to talk about this matter first, the little mouse would not have expanded the matter, and Huang Jueqiang might not have fallen into such a serious situation. The white shirt he received, the frustration of losing faith, and the sense of worry about holding human life in his hands made him more and more remorseful, he could not forgive himself, and this "mistake" would also leave a lingering mark on his later life.

All flowers will be pruned and branches will be pruned, and Wang Xian is no exception.

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Some people say that maturity is a good thing, but when maturity is worn away by the edges and corners of the day, that maturity will become meaningless. Maturity and growth are two different things, growth is gradual, and growth is sometimes only overnight, for eleven-year-old Wang Huan, his body and psychology can not accept sudden maturity.

Perhaps his parents gave him the name Wang Xian in the hope that he would be able to be honest with himself, but this experience doomed him not to become an adult who satisfied himself.

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