
"Protecting seedlings" police lu qing: guarding "young you" with heart

author:Tianshan Net

Reporter Guo Ling

  Students are addicted to online games, conflicts arise... In Korla City, there is a "Luqing Campus Police Office", where the "post-95" police Lu Qing, who works here, runs around the campus, students' homes, milk tea shops and other places where students appear every day, dealing with various problems, and is affectionately known as "campus safety guardian" by teachers, students and parents.

"Protecting seedlings" police lu qing: guarding "young you" with heart

In the police office, Lu Qing introduced campus safety knowledge and anti-fraud propaganda cases. Photo by reporter Guo Ling

  Lu Qing, 26, is a police officer at the Xincheng Police Station of the Korla City Public Security Bureau. When he first joined the work in 2017, he experienced a period of "confusion": there was no imaginary case solving, catching bad people, more streets and alleys, parents short. "We must treat the residents as friends and take their difficulties as our own..." The old policeman carefully helped him to give him a new understanding of this profession.

  Due to her long-term campus work, Lu Qing has been recognized by teachers, students and parents. In 2020, the local public security bureau set up the "Luqing Campus Police Office" named after him at the Korla City Experimental Middle School.

  These days, Lu Qing is helping a high school student, Xiaohong (pseudonym), transfer schools. In 2019, when he visited the campus, he found that Xiaohong, who was in the third year of junior high school, often took leave because of immune diseases. After understanding the situation, Lu Qing often came to the door to make up lessons for Xiaohong, patiently enlightened, and helped her successfully enter high school. "The high school she was admitted to was far from home, and her parents couldn't take care of her, so they had to help her transfer to the high school at her doorstep." Lu Qing said that at present, the school leaders of the two schools are very supportive, and the relevant procedures are being handled.

  There are many such small stories. Some time ago, a student with a serious decline in grades, a short temper, often shut himself in the house, played games addictively, and recharged more than 5,000 yuan. "I went to his house several times, used a lot of methods, and finally improved, and the students admitted their mistakes to their parents. We helped them get back the game recharge fee by contacting the online game customer service and submitting relevant information. Lu Qing said that in the later stage, he will continue to pay attention to this student.

  Recently, Lu Qing found that two classmates had a conflict after the "fight", so he created a "milk tea shop encounter", invited the two to drink milk tea, chatted and told stories, listened to the story, the two were silent for a moment, and then looked at each other and smiled, and the contradiction was resolved.

  Once, a student's subject notebook was lost, and Lu Qing tracked down a small area after retrieving and monitoring, and entered the two buildings and 4 units. It turned out that the notebook had been picked up by two old men to sell the waste, and he turned the notebook out of a pile of waste in the basement. Lu Qing said that no matter how big or small things are, as long as they can be solved, they make him feel very accomplished.

"Protecting seedlings" police lu qing: guarding "young you" with heart

Luqing Campus Police Office received a pennant. Photo by reporter Guo Ling

  Lu Qing also encountered a lot of warm things in his work, "During the Dragon Boat Festival, I was very touched to see the students' grandmothers sending their own rice dumplings, and the notes for the students to let me pay attention to rest. He said.

  In less than two years, Lu Qing led 3 auxiliary police officers to jointly build a "safety experience room" with the school, carried out more than ten demonstrations and explanations on fire fighting, earthquake emergency escape drills, traffic safety, etc., and educated more than 8,000 teachers and students. According to the current psychology of teenagers, he also established a "you come and go" mailbox and WeChat contact group to relieve students' worries, and through online live broadcasting to solve questions and answers for students and parents, gaining a lot of "small fans".

  In 2020, Lu Qing was awarded the "Advanced Individual in Convenient Service in the Autonomous Region".

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