
How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

author:A little bit of history

I don't know when to start, children will develop the habit of carelessness, especially in learning, the most prominent, sometimes just learned words, after a while to forget. This is because children have formed the habit of "sloppiness", and parents should pay attention to "sloppiness".

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

<h1>First, pay attention to the harm of sloppiness</h1>

Although children can't think about problems as well as adults, they should also try to avoid sloppy bad habits.

Whether it is a child, a parent or a teacher, we must fundamentally understand that "sloppy" is not a small problem, and when the child is older, in the middle school entrance examination and the important examination of the college entrance examination, it will cause a point difference because of "sloppiness", so children and parents should attach great importance to it.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

1, usually to give the child a reason, let the child know what harm sloppiness will bring to our lives. Let the child raise the awareness of sloppiness from the heart.

2, in daily life, you can do games with your children, so that you can exercise your child's confidence and change the habit of "sloppiness".

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

3, parents should lead by example, usually also do things carefully, rigorously, so that children can see the role of parents to demonstrate, so as to follow the parents to develop a careful attitude.

4, let the child become a confident person, because self-confidence can not only bring more achievements to the child, but also make the child more confident, so usually also encourage the child.

5, in the "sloppy" aspect, to let the child bear the adverse consequences, if the child can not change, it will be very unfavorable to the future learning life.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

At first, parents will simply blame their child's sloppiness on inattention and blame their children. Later, through observation, I found that in fact, there is another reason for the child's carelessness.

<h1>Second, the causes of carelessness and the solutions</h1>

1. Do not develop the habit of inspecting homework

Whether it is an exam or an ordinary homework, the daughter always finishes it and never checks for errors. In fact, due to the immature mental development of students in the lower grades, their attention is not very concentrated, the accident and arbitrariness of mistakes are very large, and if they can be carefully checked, more than 90% of the mistakes can be eliminated.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions


To this end, I taught my daughter a method, that is, after each problem, quickly check it, confirm that it is correct, and then do the next problem.

In order to let my daughter develop a good habit of checking homework, I also specially developed a measure: as long as she checked a mistake, she would give a red five-star as a reward, and when the red five-star reached a certain number, I would buy her a small gift that she liked.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

2. I often think about cartoons when doing homework

In the past, I made a rule for my children to complete their homework before they could watch TV. And her favorite TV show happens to be broadcast after school, although forced by my authority, the child does not dare to have the slightest objection to this, but the child is unwilling, either absent-minded, or anxious to complete the homework in a short period of time, the result is a series of mistakes.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

To this end, I adjusted my child's schedule to allow her to watch TV first and then do her homework. Unexpectedly, this way of first enjoying and then suffering has greatly improved the child's enthusiasm for learning, and the frequency of her homework errors has been significantly reduced a lot.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

3, almost in a state of fatigue to learn

In the past, I never considered that after a day of studying in school, the child's spirit has been extremely tired, and then let the child do homework, the efficiency will naturally be very low.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

Realizing this, every time my child came home from school, I would let the child rest for a while, relax and relax, and then go to finish the homework.

At the same time, I also made further adjustments in terms of time, so that the child did no more than half an hour of homework at a time. Because children's attention can not be concentrated for a long time, generally only last for one or two minutes, which is why many children like to play while doing homework.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

4, lack of patience in doing things

Usually, the less homework the child completes, the better. As long as the time is a little longer, he will become restless, always trying to complete the task as soon as possible, but the result is not fast, and the mistakes are many.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

So, in my daily life, I deliberately create opportunities to cultivate his patience.

5. Lack of responsibility

All along, the child's sense of ownership is not strong, and he always feels that learning is to make teachers and parents happy.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

Therefore, I decided to start by cultivating children's interest in learning, and let children gain a sense of achievement in the learning process, experience the joy of success, and then enhance their sense of autonomy and responsibility.

6. The basic knowledge is not firmly grasped

Fundamentally, the main reason why children often make mistakes in doing homework is that the foundation is not solid, and it is necessary to completely change the child's carelessness.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

Only by strengthening the basic skills practice and mastering certain learning methods.

After a series of "combination punch" attacks, the child's carelessness has been greatly improved. Today, our family's "little sloppy tiger" is no longer there.

How to do if there is a "little sloppy tiger" at home, teach you a few tricks, let the child change the careless problem one, pay attention to the harm of sloppy two, careless causes and solutions

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