
Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

author:Luliang police

On the morning of October 23, the first exam of the 2021 Yunnan Adult College Unified Admissions Examination, many candidates in luliang test center went to the wrong test center, and the luliang county public security bureau auxiliary police officers on duty outside the test center of Luliang No. 1 Middle School Rongfeng Middle School sent candidates in batches, and they were very busy.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

Xiao Yan, a candidate from Qilin District of Qujing City, did not go to the examination center in Luliang County in advance because he was busy with work. In the early morning of October 23, he drove from Kunming to Luliang County to take the adult college entrance examination, because he was not familiar with Luliang County, he chose to navigate "Luliang No. 1 Middle School". As a result, the navigation took him to Lu Liangyi Middle School Rongfeng Middle School. Only more than 30 minutes from the beginning of the exam, he found that he went to the wrong test center, in a hurry, Xiao Yan found the police on duty outside the test center, after understanding the situation, the police while advising him not to be in a hurry, while using the walkie-talkie to call the mounted police patrol nearby, driving a motorcycle to send it to the Lu Liangyi Middle School examination center 5 kilometers away.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

Like Xiao Yan, there are not a few candidates who have taken the wrong test center, close to the exam, there have been candidates who have taken the wrong test center from Lu Liangyi Middle School Rongfeng Middle School, asking for help from the on-duty civilian auxiliary police, with more and more candidates who take the wrong test center, the on-duty civilian auxiliary police mobilized nearby police cars and police motorcycles on duty to send the test, and the staff of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau on duty outside the test center also drove the duty vehicle to send the test, but still could not meet the needs of the test. Teachers, police officers and staff at the entrance of the test center have driven their own private cars parked outside the test center to join the test delivery ranks.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

Closer and closer to the opening time, in order not to delay the candidate's examination, the police car that sends the test flashes the police lights and whistles all the way to send the candidates to the Luliang No. 1 Middle School test center, and the on-duty traffic police open up a green channel for the private vehicles that send the test, give priority to the passage of the test vehicles, and ensure that the candidates who go to the wrong test center can take the test on time.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

In the car, Xiao Yang, a candidate from Huize County, anxiously said to the police who sent the exam: "Uncle, just panicked, my mobile phone is placed in the item storage, I have not had time to get it, and I have no money on me, how do I go after the exam?" The police comforted while driving: "Don't worry, rest assured of the exam, go to the door to find our colleagues on duty after the exam, they will help you find a way." "Thank you so much!" The stone in the heart of the candidate Xiao Yang fell to the ground.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

After a period of intense and busy test delivery, all the candidates who went to the wrong test center arrived at the Lu Liang No. 1 Middle School test center before the test began and took the test on time.

Qujing, Yunnan: Luliang public security police sent several young sloppy tigers who took the adult college entrance examination to the examination room

It is understood that in 2021, 6193 candidates from Qujing City took the Gaoqiben and Gaoqi special examinations at the four examination centers set up by Luliang No. 1 Middle School, Luliang Lianzhong Middle School, Zhongshu No. 2 Middle School, and Luliang No. 1 Rongfeng Middle School set up by Luliang, because many foreign candidates were not familiar with Luliang and did not recognize the examination room in advance, so that some candidates had the wrong test center.

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