
Cantonese refreshment delicacies, horseshoe cake methods, sweet and soft cool, summer tea must be ordered pastries


Cantonese refreshment delicacies, horseshoe cake recipes, sweet and soft cool, morning tea treasures!

Horseshoe cake, is a dessert snack in guangdong, parts of Fujian, in the morning tea afternoon tea and other occasions is very popular, the shape can be sliced and striped, see how the production master cuts. The main ingredients are horseshoe and horseshoe powder, and brown sugar is steamed with coconut milk.

Cantonese refreshment delicacies, horseshoe cake methods, sweet and soft cool, summer tea must be ordered pastries

I believe that many people have not heard of horseshoe cake, let alone eaten, this snack area characteristics are particularly obvious, to like to eat light sweets where more like this snack, foreigners to Guangdong region, if you do not often drink tea to eat refreshments, it is difficult to contact this cuisine, because basically there is no separate store selling horseshoe cake, even in the supermarket is difficult to find ingredients, such as horseshoe flour, the main ingredients are horseshoe powder, brown sugar, coconut milk and water, when you are in the summer in Lingnan, you will find that it starts to be very hot early in the morning, It's time to get a few pieces of horseshoe cake, this feeling, it's so comfortable!

Cantonese refreshment delicacies, horseshoe cake methods, sweet and soft cool, summer tea must be ordered pastries

Horseshoe cake recipe

First filter (horseshoe) slurry (if you can buy horseshoe powder, you can also use horseshoe powder, the amount of packaging), boiling sugar water, and then boiling sugar water, quickly flushed into the powder pulp stirred into a paste and steamed, it has become a famous pantang

1, with 750ml of water to open 250g of horseshoe powder into a pulp, do not have coarse grains,

2: Add 750ml of water to the brown sugar cubes (the rock sugar effect is different) and the cut horseshoe grains, pour into the pot and cook together.

3, the first step of the horseshoe pulp half poured (leave half for the next step), while pouring in and quickly stirring, forming a cooked powder paste, and then turn off the heat.

Cantonese refreshment delicacies, horseshoe cake methods, sweet and soft cool, summer tea must be ordered pastries

4: Pour the remaining horseshoe pulp into the pulp to form a raw and cooked pulp.

5: Prepare the steaming plate, brush the oil on the plate first to prevent sticking, and pour in the raw and cooked pulp. Steam on high heat for 20 minutes.

6. After steaming, the horseshoe cake should be cooled, and the horseshoe cake should be cut into slices or strips to eat.

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